View Full Version : Tom what do you thank about Don's new E-Magnum board for the E-Mag

Jason Reed
04-10-2002, 01:27 PM
Not to cause any trouble, i was wondering what Tom, AGD, AOers, and anyone else thanks about Don from modified paintball products new E-mag board. I think i will buy one when i get an e-mag, they sound very cool. I just wanted to know everyone thoughts, ideas, etc.

The board includes:
Burst: 2-200 rds user programable
Full auto
Semi auto
Auto-response: 1 shot on pull one shot on release.
ROF user programable from 0-100 cps
Solnoid dwell user programable from 10 to infinity miliseconds.
Tourney lockable via dip switches.
The only thing it is missing is a display.
Here's the link


04-10-2002, 01:36 PM
It includes a Turbo easter egg too :)

You figure out how to unlock it :) or if you are really nice we will just tell you :)

Adds to the fun of owning your mag :)

The board maximum circut load is rated at 4.5 amperes at 138 watts at 30 volts. Its pretty heavy duty.

Jason Reed
04-10-2002, 02:16 PM
What it the turbo easter egg, oh tell me please, hehe. Thanks for the update butter.

04-10-2002, 05:05 PM
The modes are changed by trigger combinations when you put the board into program mode.

Turbo is just another one of these trigger combinations. Which probably won't be in the instruction manual, but if you insist you can ask us. If there is enough demand we will just put it in the manual. But there is no fun in that :)

Turbo mode will fire the gun 1.5 shots per pull when you pull the trigger more than 5 times per second.

04-10-2002, 05:53 PM
If you use aftermarket boards in your emag you blow the warrantee. That means we send it back to you even if its not a board problem. We have the same policy with the Hyper and Booya frames. Play at your own risk!


04-10-2002, 06:04 PM
I think itīs great!!!
But: please add a display with a game timer and where the modis are shown (this really couldnīt be the problem). Then it will be perfect!