View Full Version : Buying my first hopper, which one? 12v or 9v?

04-10-2002, 02:08 PM
Hey guys, I have my mag setup now, but I need a hopper, I just can't decide which one. I currently have a PF mag w/stock valve and a DYE 2x frame. I might, however, be getting a retro in about a week or so. So here is my question--should I get a 9v revvy or 12v revvy?

Incase it matters, I'm a newb. I've played about 5 times, so I'm not very quick on the trigger. I'm more concerned with not short-stroking. I've found 9v for $20-25 and 12v for around $35. So which should it be? Also, is the x-board a must-have feature? Let me know your opinions guys, thanks!

04-10-2002, 02:11 PM
just buy the 12v x-board and be done with it. i guarentee down the road you'll want a 12v if u buy a 9v and when u get the 12v you'll want an x-board.

X-board takes out time delay and makes the loader faster.

04-10-2002, 02:31 PM
I say get a HALO. They are the fastest ones out and it looks like they will be for a while too.

04-10-2002, 02:54 PM
^^^^ definately, but if you can't afford it Xboard. The 9v shouldn't even be an option.

04-10-2002, 03:12 PM
if your getting a retro soon, dont get a 9V. also, i prefer the Ricochet over a revi

04-10-2002, 03:27 PM
12v revvy with X board and it works perfect.

04-10-2002, 04:18 PM
Get neither... get a richochet AK or 2K ... they own and are faster than 12v Revvys with X-board not to mention that they come in neat colors and you dont have to pay extra for it. They are well worth it.

And if not that go for a Halo

and if not that go for a JmJ Impellared Revvy with X-Board which is found here: Click here (http://www.jmjconcepts.com/Detail.bok?searchpath=d17ea4fbed2204f028dc&category=JMJ+Vortex+Impellers&start=1&total=2&no=33)

04-10-2002, 04:28 PM
Don't even bother with a 9v!!! Go straight for an X-board revvy, a Ricochet, or the Halo!!

04-10-2002, 05:05 PM
yea skip the slow junk and get the faster hopper.. it will be worth it in the long run :D

04-10-2002, 05:21 PM
Get your self a 9v revvy for 25$ Then get yourself a TurboRev plus upgrade from Wicked Air Sports for $45 shipped. It comes with a new board that is faster then the X-board, and a 6 Blade vortex imeller. It is insanely fast.

04-10-2002, 06:22 PM
Just go with the 12v revvy w/x-board. It goes plenty fast. You wont outshoot it. Besides, sooner or later you will buy an intelliframe, like the rest of us. Then, you wont need to worry about it!

04-10-2002, 07:14 PM
i wouldnt waste my money on a 9v, they just dont feed fast enough, just get yourself a 12v and dont worry about it


if you dont wanna spend alot of money, buy a used one on line

04-10-2002, 10:55 PM
Don't skimp on the hopper, get the best you can. Get the 12vt revvy with x-board. You'll need at least that if you get a retrovalve. I'd suggest a intelli-frame to go with it after that. That would make a very reliable feeding system for your mag.

04-11-2002, 06:04 PM
Hey Spliff, do you have one of those Turborev boards??? My buddy got 2 of them, they lasted a half a day each!!! Wanted to know if anyone else has had any experience with one!!!

RT pRo AuToMaG
04-11-2002, 08:21 PM
i'll sell you my clear 12v for $40.

Kaiser Bob
04-16-2002, 01:52 AM
Get a 9v, its not hard to convert it to a 12v. Also, you can get a used 9v for like 20 bucks, and an x-board for like 12 and a vortex impeller for 7, so for around 40 bucks and some tinkering, youll have a 12v x-board revvy with vortex impeller. ya cant beat that!

04-16-2002, 05:16 AM
you guys did you notice that he said he is a newbie, so he wont need the freakin HALO

but yeah go for a 9v then if you can out-shoot it convert it to an 18v for like $10 there is a site online that tells ya how, then you will be feeding fast

04-16-2002, 05:11 PM
get the 12v rev. i have one and it works really good. i haven't had a ball chop since i got one.