View Full Version : trigger disassembly

04-10-2002, 08:11 PM
How do I remove the trigger and the safety from a z-grip frame? I haven't done this before and I just want to do this right without damaging any of the parts.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. :D

04-10-2002, 10:38 PM

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? :D

04-11-2002, 07:29 AM
ok, lemme see if i can remember...

perform this operation over a towel, so that if parts fall out, they wont roll off the table.

1. remove z grip from rail/body
2. look down on the top of the zgrip, there is an ITTY BITTY hole on the left side of the frame. use the smallest hex wrench you have, and loosen that all the way out...make sure your z grip is standing up, as parts will fall out if it isnt.
3. hold your hand over the hole, and turn the z upside down...things should come out (things = small (REAL SMALL) ball bearing, and a spring)...if they dont come out, fish for them with a small pick (you can find a pick set at autozone/checker auto/etc, for about $5)
4. once the spring/ball bearing is out, the safety will just push out either side of the frame.
5. locate the trigger pin on the side of the frame. use a small punch (ideally, one that is the EXACT size of the pin, and punch out the trigger pin, right to left...(i think its right to left..i really should know this...maybe someone can correct/confirm me)
6. youre done...go grab a cold one


1. trigger is in first, pin goes in left to right (the opposite of the way you punched it out...
2. safety goes in...you will have to rotate the safety a bit (just play with it until you can put the marker on safe, and off safe (it has a little notch in it that has to line up with the trigger).
3. drop the ball bearing in the hole
4. then the spring
5. crank down the little nut you took out in step one.

you do not have to remove the safety in order to remove the trigger.

pm me if you need more help.


04-11-2002, 01:29 PM

Thanks Alf! :D

04-11-2002, 07:32 PM

my pleasure...

lemme know if you need more help
