View Full Version : What was the reason you bought your Mag?

04-10-2002, 08:20 PM
Just wondering? What was the reason that you bought your first Mag?

I bought mine because I wanted to play paintball with my son he has a 98c and loves it. I thought about getting a Tippmann as well, but decided I want something different. I just got on Ebay and looked at what paintball auctions were just about to end and bid/bought my used Mag in three minutes. It was only after I had completed the transaction that I realized I had no idea what capabilites of the Mag were. Luckily for me it worked great, had all stock parts, and matching serial numbers. While I was waiting for my Mag to arrive I finally looked up some reviews and stumbled across this forum. I love my Mag and really appreciate everybodies friendliness and helpfulness on the site.

As a side note, my son wants to upgrade from his Tippy. He wants a Cocker. I'll have to ask my wife if he is really my son.

04-10-2002, 08:29 PM
I bought my Mag because of it's simplicity, AGD service, and most of all the ease of maintenance. :D

04-10-2002, 08:33 PM
Simple, effective, awesome customer service. What more can you ask for?? :D

04-10-2002, 08:33 PM
I actaully got mine becase XspyX and -Son- had a mag for about 1 month or so and just shooting theirs in my backyard and seeing how easy it is to maintain and then going inside and looking at my Spyder TL Plus...I knew it was time to get a mag...It was fairly cheap too so I went for it and i've been upgrading it slowly ever since...I dont plan on selling it anytime soon either.

04-10-2002, 08:46 PM
I love my Mini. I sleep with my Mini sometimes. Its a little cold, but what the hell. I bought it because I was getting back into paintball and needed a new gun. My VM-68 wasn't cutting it anymore. I am really suprised that I bought a Minimag as opposed to a Cocker. I usually go with what seem the most popular. I went to my favorite paintball store and saw the rows of cockers and upgraded cockers on the wall. Despite that I was leaning toward a Mag. Down at the far end of the wall was the AGD stuff. Saw a Minimag there and picked it up. Held it and really liked it. The weight, the feel, the size it was what I wanted. All the other things like reliablility, AGD service and ease of maintenance I found out later. Love my Mini!!!!!:D :D

04-10-2002, 10:05 PM
well i was gonna get a tippy or spyder but then my best friend let me borrow his minimag. i really liked the way it felt and the performance i got even as a first timer. so i researched a little bit. found out that it's easy to maintain and reliable. perfect for me since i didn't really want to have to mess around with it. so i spent the extra money. :rolleyes: ok a lot of extra money. and i got a used retro off the forums. now i'm broke but i can't stop playing and i'm so glad the semester is almost over so i can go get a job to feed my habit. ;)

04-10-2002, 10:24 PM
the reason i bought mine was because I saw it in APG and thought of how cool they looked and decided that i had to have such a wicked gun. so over that summer i got a job and made enough money to buy one off of paintballgear. After finding AGD's store, then this forum is when I realized what a jewl of a gun that I had found. I have been completely happy ever since and don't have one regret with this gun!

04-10-2002, 11:29 PM
I was new to paintball and new absolutely nothing. I bought an RT because I thought it looked cool.

04-10-2002, 11:42 PM
Because Quality Always Shoots Straight


04-11-2002, 12:23 AM
K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Stupid....That's a big reason. Customer Service is outstanding, and you really don't HAVE TO buy a lot of other things to have a good running marker. For a stock Mag with Nitro, you only NEED a good barrel.

04-11-2002, 02:04 AM
I baught my RT second hand. Because of our exchange rate even the most basic guns is more than what most people (who don't play) are willing to pay. After seeing a Retro mini in action, I knew I had to get a RT, only problem was they are pretty scarce here. Then one day found a posting for a 2nd hand RT at our local paintball site www.sapaintball.co.za (shameless advertising plug :D ) wich cost less than what a new mag or normal cocker would cost me. Can't say I regretted buying it once, it is awesome, reliable and the fact that I don't need to upgrade anything is great, since our currency sucks.

Jason Reed
04-11-2002, 10:53 AM
My girlfriend got me into paintball. She said she wanted to take me some were one day and that I had to be blind folded. When we got there I felt her put something over my head(mask)and she told me to get out of the car. She walked me down a path and told me to sit right her and placed a gun in my hand(my very first Automag}. I heard a whistle blow and she took the blind fold off and I was in the middle of a paintball game. It was really exciting and I have been hooked ever sense. I thought she was awesome for doing this for me, it was a really good idea, i have the best girlfiend in the world. I know this probably doesn't count because my girlfriend bought me my first mag but I thought it was a cool story.

Mav D MagMan
04-11-2002, 11:01 AM
I was brainwashed by this forum...

No seriously I'd owned a Tigershark as my first gun. Simple, fun, and (as hard as it is to believe)reliable. Then I researched some more and saw F4's. Solid, reliable, and fun. So for two years I played with that creature and got it lookin good...

When I decided the time had come to move up it was either a cocker or a Mag. Then I found this forum and whoohee Mags were looking good. My bud's got a cocker, it's a neat gun, really is... but ya know what's sittin on a throne in my room? A brand new Minimag :) Gotta love 'em. Especially with a company like AGD backing them.

Oh btw notice a train of thought in my marker selection? Tough, reliable, easy to maintain... I'm a rough and tumble guy, my marker's gotta be as well.

04-11-2002, 11:22 AM
I was shooting a Spyder TL, my buddy Brian had a mag. We were at Wasaga Beach and he saw a guy with a Defiant, asked him about it, and the guy let him play with it, so I asked if I could borrow the Mag for a game. Halfway through the game I askked Brian how much he wanted for the Mag, as it was pretty obvious he was going to buy a Defiant (He ended up with a Bushy instead). Loved the trigger, bought that mag, still own it.

Thanks to Chris from the Beach Boys, who was the guy who so nicely loaned Brian his Defiant.

The funny thing is I later tried Brian's Bushmaster, loved it, and eventually ended up with a Defiant.

04-11-2002, 11:44 AM
The first marker I ever shot was a Mag.
The first marker I ever used in a game (Code Name Kourbash: Wayne Dollack 24 hour scenario in 99) was a MAG!

I love them, I'm planning on getting one soon to go along with the pump kit I just got... :)

04-11-2002, 12:22 PM
I bought mine because i heard that they were "good" guns. Not much to go on i know but i knew it was a much better gun than the Spyder i originally owned.

All the guys i played with when i first started used Cockers and i noticed they were always tinkering with them, or sitting out trying to get em running properly. I wasn't in the mood to tinker with my gun all the time.
I heard Mag's were very simple and reliable. I must agree with the people i heard that from.

I found a cheap used one so i jumped at the chance to own a kickass gun. I have never been let down yet.

04-11-2002, 03:32 PM
Rate of Fire

Mags started the race. I jumped on the bandwagon. I got to England in 1995 with my brand new F-2 Illustrator. I was playing with some guys who played tourney ball (I had only done rec-ball at that point) After working on the illustrator for a while I finally got to the point where I realized that there was no keeping up with the mags or cockers. I had previously used a rental cocker at SC Village before I had come to England and realized that I was one of those people who just couldn't shoot a cocker. So in the fall 1995 I bought my minimag used from good ole' Fat Brad and thus began my history with mags. I still use that mag on occasion, but alas, it appears to be going on the wayside now that I have a Micro Emag.


Wc Keep
04-11-2002, 04:52 PM
i got my mag because it has the ability to haul a** while still looking sexy as anything.

04-11-2002, 05:44 PM
My brother got me hooked on it.

04-11-2002, 06:40 PM
at the time.... .and with the time that i did have... and the fact that i am generally very lazy when it comes to upkeep of anything more then a couple of drops of oil here and there....

that and i wanted to be different at the field i used to goto... for the most part i was the only mag there

04-11-2002, 08:48 PM
Long answer:

Well I bought mine in Sacramento which at that time, was a heavy AGD area. (Got my minimag at Preditor Paintball- from OH PAWLOK AND ROBERT MOON!) I got it because several of my friends and I were going to buy markers at the same time. The guys at Preditor gave us a deal for buying so many at one time (like 8 or 9 at one time with Cash!) Everybody else seemed to like the minimag so I got one to. NEVER REGRETTED BUY IT! Thanks to AGD for making such an awesome marker!

The short answer to why I bought a mag:

Cause everybody else had them!


04-12-2002, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by Jason Reed
My girlfriend got me into paintball. She said she wanted to take me some were one day and that I had to be blind folded.

Hopefully she's your wife by now for that...

As for how I got my Mag, I was at Lone Wolf Painball in Utica MI (shameless plug here too, but hey ya gotta know about Sam) WWW.LONEWOLFPAINTBALL.COM. Anywho, I was in there looking for a litle bit of stuff for my now backup marker c98, and her was like hey I gotta sweet deal for ya if you're intrested. So being the loyal guy I was to him UI asked what it was, he told me that he had a mag for sale with a J&J barrel that he was going to sell to a guy for 190, but if I was intrested he would let it go for 150. I said sure, he threw in a barrel condom, and elbow for the gun, and 500 rounds so I could play later that day at his indoor field because I spent my cash that I had planned for paint on the gun and I informed him of that, and the rest is history.

04-12-2002, 04:58 PM
My vm68 finally died. I was gunna get a M98. i would have gotten a mag but i thought they were too much money. but then saw the TKO at paintballgera.com and was decided.

04-12-2002, 05:37 PM
well. i wanted to make the smallest electro possile, so i got a 51 ci stubby crossfire tank, put it on a kapp stubby drop zone, got a vert feed body minimag and cut off that grill thingy on the front cus its unessiary. Then i put a black gadget grip on there, a home made 6 inch barrel which was AWESOME only cand 2 inches outa the gun or so. And i had a TINY electro. Yet alas, the mag design with all of its blowback (yes i had a longnose) led to slow feeding, about 9 bps and i chopped like mad with it. So i gave it to my freind who lost the on off valve and to this day hasnt gotten it working. my buddy is getting a warp fed emag tho, just cus hes already lazy and doesnt move, so with the warp fed emag, he REALLY doesnt have to move. can sit there and not get hit in the hopper :-D Sorry jeremy ;)

04-12-2002, 06:24 PM
8 Years ago the markers to have were the Mag and the Cocker. But they were quite expensive at the time and just starting out in paintball could not justify the cost. So, Bought a Tipmann Prolite for the son and a Sheridan VM 68 Magnum for myself. After about a year of playing I finally tried out a Mag on remote in a game.
After carrying that VM for a year the Mag felt as light as a feather. The owner tore the gun down for me to show how ingeniously simple it was to maintain. Oil and O-rings!!! Cool!! And on top of that it shot like a dream!!
That day after play ended, made a call and had 2 MiniMags , 2 antisiphon 20oz tanks, remotes and fanny packs sent overnite!! I could not wait to play with this great marker!!
Of course after a few years a cocker became my marker of choice. Went through 4 of those and still have one. Have since Resurrected one of the Minimags. It now sports a Retro Valve, Hyperframe, Superbolt, and Warp and Halo and HPA. And you no what? It shoots better now than it ever has!! No chops!! No barrel breaks with the current setup!! Consistent!! Reliable!!
Silly Easy to shoot streams of paint!! Now, I am in a 4 foot hover waiting for the Extreme to be released!!

04-12-2002, 06:26 PM
Reliability, customer service, and the reputation around here is amazing. Everyone knows that mags are awesome and will never break on you. I don't know how everyone can like cockers in other places...oh I know why, because pros use them.

Then again, the right marker in the right hands can do amazing things.

04-12-2002, 10:27 PM
Why I brought a mag.

1) I couldn't afford an E-Mag at the time.
2) I like "real steel".
3) My RT-PRO reminded me of the AUG I once had.
4) Reliable information from my the shop I frequent that Mag's are "idiot proof" and reliable.

**5) My brother has a STO cocker and I didn't want to be a copy cat.

After owning my RT PRO for over a year, I'm VERY happy with it and thinking of getting an E-mag anyway!

BTW. Why doesn't the E-mag come with an air hose and ASA adaptor??????

Wc Keep
04-13-2002, 05:40 PM
because most times on a gun like the emag you will put an adjustable tank. the adjustable tank doesnt need an asa and the air hose would probable be the wrong length.

04-13-2002, 05:55 PM
I bought mine becsause 888paintball had themn on sale, and was willing to give it to me as a trade(they lost two of my guns when I sent them in to be fixed, I had an 888 house warrenty). So I got like a $60 extra value :D, mags rock! :D!