View Full Version : Wich N2 System??

04-10-2002, 09:11 PM
Hey watsup everyone... I have 1 more question about nirto... wich one of the tanks is better:

Crossfire 47ci 3000psi Fixed Nitrogen System


PMI Pure Energy 48ci 3000psi Fixed Nitrogen System

Thanx for any of the help... I want nitro for my mag but dont have much money, and these are the cheapest tanks I could find... Thanx ffor your help :)

-† î [\/]

04-10-2002, 10:10 PM
I'd say the crossfire is the better tank.I went to a tournament where the crossfire booth was displaying recarge rates of there tanks and other brands and there tanks have the fastest recharge time and little or no drop off at 11+ bps. I had a 88ci 3000psi pmi tank and sold it and got a 68ci 4500psi crossfire and i like the crossfire better.

04-10-2002, 11:46 PM
Ok cool, that one for Crossfire
Also, why the hell do nitro tanks cost so much more, whats the difference between a nitro tank and a CO2, and does that little regulator thing cost that much??

-† î [\/]

04-10-2002, 11:58 PM
They cost more because they have to be built to hold from 3000psi to 4500psi. They also have to have a regulator on them to take the high pressure from the tank to a usable pressure for the gun. Plus carbon fiber is much more expensive than steel or aluminum.

04-11-2002, 12:41 AM
co2 only has pressures of maybe 900 psi I think... Well, n2 bottles need to be made much stronger than co2 and the n2 would require a reg. You wouldn't want the bottle to explode and kill someone and you won't want 3000 to 4500 psi going into your gun...

04-11-2002, 11:09 PM
Don't get a 48ci, get at least a 68ci. 48ci's are made of aluminum, pretty heavy when you set it up as on gun. It is heavier than a 20oz CO and pretty much the same amount of shots. Get the 68ci carbon fiber, lighter and more shots. Save up and get at least a 68ci.

Check out Paintballgear.com, cheaper and more selection than actionvillage.com. Or eBay.com should cost no more than $140 - 68ci 3000 new, lots of bargains.

04-12-2002, 04:43 PM
A 47ci 3000psi will get about 450-500. A 68ci 3000 will get 700-750. A 88ci 3000psi will get 1200-1300. A 68 4500 will get 1200-1300. I have onwed all these sizes. These arn't exact shot count but pretty close.

The Mag Man
04-12-2002, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by romoh:

Check out Paintballgear.com, cheaper and more selection than actionvillage.com.


Those two are the exact same company you fool. :rolleyes:

04-12-2002, 08:41 PM
My mistake, forgot they change the name. Haven't order from them since they were paintballgear. Good job The Mag Man, nice of you to go around pick at people's little mistakes. Nice contribution.

04-13-2002, 10:14 AM
Yeah tell me about it, drives me nuts when people do that.

Well the thing is any tank will be able to keep up with your firing rates, so you can scratch that one out.

My Pure Energy 47/3K can easily do 20. We did a test here and it kept up with EASE.

There not that heavy, jeez I am a little midget, 5 foot, like 95 pounds and I don't find my mag that heavy with my tank, barrel, iframe, DF, foregrip, hopper and paint.

Everyone's a baby these days :).

Another thing, nitro tanks are required by standards to hold up to, I think, like 5-6 times their operating pressure. So...

CO2 tanks can vary in pressure. Anywhere from 450-1250 depending on air temperature outside.

04-15-2002, 12:39 PM
www.888paintball.com has the steel 68 crossfire stubby for about $114 but they may not be in stock right now

04-16-2002, 04:25 PM
well here is a small question for yall, how many shots do you usally get from a 48/3k on a stock mag

06-17-2002, 08:36 AM
with a good barrel and on a day that's not cold (50 degrees +) you can get up to 800 shots.

06-18-2002, 04:38 PM
My Advice: get it on the forums

I got me a nice used CF 114/4500 fiber wrapped for $145. Now, my tank's big as a muther, but can fire about a case per fill! Fun fun ;)

-Mike, of the minimag

06-18-2002, 05:26 PM
Well I was just looking at my post, that was a long time ago! Still though they are a good bit heavier, if you want it to be light get the carbon fiber, you'll appreciate spending the couple extra bucks.

06-21-2002, 11:52 AM
Don't get a pmi get a melee. I like melee better than PMI. Melee look cool, the reg isn't quite as long a a pmi and they have a life time warranty. my friend told me his pmi doesn't have a life time warranty. Actually, to hell with what every one says, get what you can afford and know is trust worthy.

06-21-2002, 09:50 PM
I have a 47 3k and 68 3k PMI tanks, my bro has a 68 45 Crossfire, and my friend has a 88 45 nitro duck. It doesn't really matter, we don't have shoot down, and we can all hammer the trigger. Also, 800 shots with a 47, no, sorry, not to dis, but no. 68 45 on cocker =1400 shots. 88 45 mag = 2000 shots, both mine = 1200 maybe. But definitely get at LEAST a 68 3k. My opinion is that the 68 45 or 88 45 are your best bet. These will get you a fair amount of shots. a 114 3k or 45 will be fine, but might be a little too big for some people's liking. And about steel tanks, look, there's no discussion, a 68 45 CF will weight half what a 47 3k steel does. THAT'S IT. Not discussion, weigh them if you don't believe me, but all I know is the 68 45 on my bros gun feels like nothin. Nice balance, good feel, but when I put a 47 or 68 steel on there, watch out, heavy. No I'm not weak, no I'm not a wuss, but for balance, go CF.

06-22-2002, 05:42 PM
The Reg on the crossfire is marginally better than the PMI. The Price difference is 2-fold: CO2 tanks (except fibre 32oz tanks) are only rated to 1800psi, HPA tanks are rated to at least 3000, and the regs do cost a lot more than pin-valves, more parts=more $$.

MikeCouves: You can easily outshoot the regs on some of the cheaper tanks, the 32Degrees presets start having trouble keeping up around 5bps on a mag.

I'd go PMI, the difference in reg capability is not so much as to negate the price difference.

450-600 shots is what you will see on a mag with a 47/3k system, maybe 750 on a well tuned cocker or Excalibur(which are incredibly efficient when tuned).

06-22-2002, 07:21 PM
First of all they are really the same. It doesnt make a real difference. Really.

And about this,
Also, 800 shots with a 47, no, sorry, not to dis, but no

Well all setups vary slightly, and weather plays a KEY role in how many shots you get. Also does your paint match? On a consistently 60 degree day I got 750-800 shots on my crossfire 47ci 3k. This is a fact man, I wasnt sure at first but thats how many shots I got.