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View Full Version : Warp and Revvie connect?

04-11-2002, 05:19 PM
Is it possible to make the Warp feed run off a Revvie's batteries (12v Revvie)? If so, how?

04-11-2002, 09:32 PM
Anything is possible.... but I dont think it would be such a good Idea... That would put too much of a strain on the batteries. It probably wouldnt work. If you are looking to get the warp spinning faster, check out the Pro-team 12v adapter. It converts the warp to 12v.

04-12-2002, 01:18 AM
I plan to do this as soon as I bother to buy a revvy. I also intend to move the eye from the revvy to the power feed and make it trigger the warp as well. I will post pics once I get off my butt and order a revvy.

04-12-2002, 01:49 AM
Hmmm... I think a better mod would be to make the revy and warp run off an emag battery if you have an emag.

If you don't have an emag then give the warp the 12 vlt mod and run the revvy off the warp batteries, I think it would work better that way.

04-12-2002, 07:44 AM
I've got a Retro Minimag. It can shoot 18bps from some mods :D! Where can I get the 12v Warp mod? Do you know how I could run the Revvie off the Warp batteries?

Shinyguy - tell me everything when you do that! Order a Revvie! Thats one of the coolest mods I've heard. I'd definately like all your input and pics when you get it done. PM me, and we can talk about it.