View Full Version : It's rock & roll time already..

04-12-2002, 11:38 AM
Heading to the field next week
I just got word today, that I'll be in the field from 19 April to at least 3 May.

No SAT-COM feed as I'll be with the Artillery this time, which means I won't have a base to work out of, always moving around.

Should be fun though, word is that there will be a lot of direct fire. Direct fire is when you set your 155mm gun, up at the mortar range on the hill, depress the gun to below horizontal, look down the barrel to find a target, and load with max charges! Wanna say muzzle blast? There are grandstands set up so VIPs can watch the show, but most of us looky-loos fill them. We sit only about 100' to the side of the guns, so the blast whacks into us like a big hot pillow! The shell has to travel so close to the ground on it's horizontal flight, that the pressure wave is pushing the dirt and grass like a boat wake, basically you can watch the round zip across the two miles and explode on the old vehicle targets, throwing huge slabs of steel around like so many playing cards. wOOt!

04-12-2002, 11:41 AM
Have fun blowing stuff up!

04-12-2002, 12:25 PM
You wouldn't happen to have a digital video camer would you. I'm sure I'm no the only one that would like to see pics of that.

I need a job where I get to blow things up.

04-12-2002, 01:03 PM
Sounds like great fun.. but kinda makes me feel like my .50BMG experiences have been shooting a bb gun :o

04-12-2002, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Army
The shell has to travel so close to the ground on it's horizontal flight, that the pressure wave is pushing the dirt and grass like a boat wake

Now THAT would be something to see. Don't imagine you could post an MPEG of that? ;)

04-12-2002, 04:07 PM
Have lots of fun army. Blow lots of stuff up for AO.

04-12-2002, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by Quiet

I need a job where I get to blow things up.

Imagine being on a building demo crew,,,that would be coo

04-12-2002, 04:50 PM
hehehe...blowing stuff up is so much fun! I must say though that being on the recieving end isnt...did a CALFX one time at Ft Lewis and they prepped the impact area w/arty. Well, I was in a TOW unit, mounted on HMMWV's We were hulldown, but I was out of the hatch. Every time a round hit, it rained buckets of dirt! Scared the hell out of me at first...