View Full Version : Retro Valve question

04-12-2002, 01:32 PM
Yesterday when I take my gun apart, this is my first time I take the retro valve out. Guess what happen the "thing" I dont know the name of it which is on the bottom on the valve shoot out, and almost got my eye. I just upgraded from my automag 68 to the retro valve I don't know there is air inside the vale. anyway here is my question:

1. What is the safest way to take the gun apart, I shot all the air out already but there is still air in the valve.

2. Now my gun is shooting out air like carzy, what is worng??? I put the ping and the small circle thing back in the valve. My friend told me I am missing a O ring is this ture, I am going to pick up a RT parts kit today will this fix my problem?

3. I just got a super bolt, yesterday I notice that it is broke already the plastic on the bolt is broke. I didn't even shoot a single paint on it yet all I do is shoot some air... i mean what the fxxk. I don't know the bolt is this suck, can I still use it?

Tomorrow is my first game for this year, I waited so long for it. Now my gun is not working "SUPER BOLT" is not that super.......dammmmmmmm:confused: :(

04-12-2002, 03:23 PM
I don't know much about the RT or retro valve... but sometimes...I've had the same thing happen where it shoots the on/off pin out of the on/off valve... I've found that disconnecting the air source and lightly squeezing the trigger while removing the internals will keep this from happening. If it happens everytime you take it out...there could be a bigger problem. About the gun leaking ... yes you are probly missing an o-ring somewhere (out of the on/off valve) If its not missing it could be damaged. The rebuild kit will hopefully clean things up for ya.

04-12-2002, 09:13 PM
yah agd recommends holding down the trigger when u pull out ur valve

04-12-2002, 10:09 PM
anyone any ideas???

I replaced the missing o ring and the gun is still leaking out air......!!!!

04-13-2002, 01:03 AM
Ylun - A few things. Take a look at the diagram in the pdf thats on the airgun.com site.

My best guess is your still missing some parts. You can also look at the color drawing I did of the valve, that might help you a bit more.


Did you shoot your super Bolt with no barrel ? That is more likely to cause the bolt to break.


04-13-2002, 09:39 AM
So Rob with Superbolts you shouldn't shoot it with no barrel? Is that because it's not lined up with the powertube or something simalar to that?

04-13-2002, 10:46 AM
if you have a superbolt and can't shoot it w/o the barrel, what is the recommended way to oil the marker? With barrel on and then clean barrel???


04-13-2002, 12:01 PM
You say the gun is leaking out air.
Is the air coming out the trigger frame?
If so hold the trigger down and see if the air still leaks.
If the leaking stops take your gun apart and take the on/off assy. out of the gun. You might have put it in upside down or maybe put it in wrong or something.Try and follow the toubleshooting steps in your manual. They Help!!

04-13-2002, 12:17 PM
:confused: :confused: :confused:

Seriously, you have to keep the barrel on? God, that would SUCK. I hate cleaning my barrel enough from 3 or 4 breaks out of 2000, I dont want to have to clean it before I even hit the field. :mad:

04-13-2002, 05:54 PM
I took my gun to my local paintball store, and they don't know what happen to it either. So I had to leave my gun at the store.........so my first game of this year I am using a rental...boy that guns sucksss......

This is what I didnt yesteray, I put my friends E-mag's o ring and and the pin thing into my retro valve and the same problem....

what I put on the tragger it is fine, but if the tragger is release the air will leak out..

about the super bolt can i sent it back to AGD, I think I shoot the gun without the barrel on it so this is why and how it broke, if that is true it is really suck than.....