View Full Version : question about the history of air systems

Wc Keep
04-12-2002, 02:38 PM
i was wondering who made the first compressed air system? i couldve sworn that it was agd? if it was does anyone know why werent put onto the market?
i know i didnt use proper punctuation marks.

04-12-2002, 02:52 PM
AGD was the first comapny to produce Compressed Air for paintball purposes, but I think it was the NPPL or something of the like that told AGD that putting a 3000 PSI tank on a gun that people are going to be running around with, didnt seem safe and whatnot, so AGD decided to put off the whole compressed air idea.

Then a company that decided to as much as ignore the concerns, and marked HPA systems anyway, which brings us where we are today.

Anyone who knows more details, please add, or correct me. :)

04-12-2002, 03:12 PM
The first air system made was an automag regulator screwed into a bottle. I have seen this at AGD so I know Tom still has it. It was created to rid the automag of the freezing problems with CO2. During this time a member of Airgun Design left the company and went to air america and began producing air systems. I assume Tom did not care who made them just get them on the market and make his guns better..