View Full Version : New pix of my GZ intimidator

04-12-2002, 06:37 PM
Heres some new pix of my ground zero intimidator, since we all love having pics on the boards.

04-12-2002, 06:38 PM
and door number 2 :cool:

04-12-2002, 06:39 PM
and what do we have behind glorious door number 3 vana?

04-12-2002, 06:39 PM
oh fiddlesticks, its a...

04-12-2002, 06:47 PM
Cool, how does it shoot? It's got an SOB board right?

04-12-2002, 06:49 PM
i dont like it, i dunno why, just looks too much like a impulse now

im sure it shoots fine tho



04-12-2002, 06:49 PM
Looks good (a little too much like a spyder, but good nonetheless)

How does it compare to the original timmys?

04-12-2002, 07:12 PM
shoots amazing. Ive shot lots of emags, and all the nicest angels like adrenalin feather adrenalin, cobra, and a dynasty team mamba angel, and this is definatly my preference. It shoots the same as any timmy with every upgrade avalible. SOB, newest delrin bolt, low pressure mod... one of the few thats not on an ironmen team gun, trigger job, ect. I LOVE this gun. You guys have prolly noticed that i dont care much about looks, just how it shoots, which isnt like an impulse. My buds got an eclipse impulse and i perfer this... cus its shorter and longer as well as doestn have the first shot low problem, can see black paint, is as low pressure (which i like) faster bolt strip, and i think its got a better trigger. So yea i love it u guys should look into them rather than waiting for extremes. I mean its 900 bucks unlike the extremes that will be over 1k. Not that extremes wont be sick :D If you wana trade me one for this ill take u up on it ::D

04-12-2002, 08:50 PM
a guy i know on the kapp team has a totally customized one of those....it fires really nicely...but when i hold it i think i am gonna break it cause it looks like a playmobile toy or something.

04-13-2002, 07:01 AM
what kind of tank is that?

04-13-2002, 07:24 AM
Nice Timmy, I've seen these in action (GZ@Skyball) and they rip.

Slateman, the reason they look like spyders is the basic design is a modified Bushmaster 2K(Bob was involved with that design) installed in a heavily modified Millenium Body, which is a spyder replacement body. Both the body and the design have been heavily modified, and even the original Timmy's rock.

Wonder if the SOB board will work in a Defiant...

04-13-2002, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by mykroft

Wonder if the SOB board will work in a Defiant...

good question i would like to know that answer to this too!

I still like the looks of the old timmy's myself. but it still looks pretty coo

04-13-2002, 09:18 AM
Is it just me or does it look plastic like? I liked the finish on the other Timmy's. But, it's how the marker works and shoots which is more important than how it looks.

04-13-2002, 09:41 AM
May I be the first to call the majority of you guys a$$s, He just bought a 900 dolar gun and I am sure he doesnt want to know how plastic or ugly it looks. I personally love it and I am sure it shoots great because I shot a timmy and loved it. GOOD LUCK.

04-13-2002, 10:04 AM
HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.... ...I have the same sticker on my truck!!!!!!! The best part is its true.

04-13-2002, 10:19 AM
Does the LP mod matter that much, and where do you buy the stuff for it? My GZ timmy shoots fine, but if the LP mod helps a lot, im all for it :D

04-13-2002, 11:04 AM
that is one of the more sleek and streamlined markers I have ever seen. Few lines, that seem to be well machined, and really comfy looking grips.

04-13-2002, 08:16 PM
that gz timmy is a nice gun, i saw it in action today.

04-13-2002, 08:30 PM
pix dont do it justice. Its much better in person. It shoots amazing, and the LP helps noticibly, but not THAT much. Its FAST as hell and has ZERO blowback. Very little kick, and extremely simple looking, which i like in a gun, it looks refined. I dont mind hearing peoples opinions about it either, i mean i spent 900 bucks on it cus I liked it. Not cus anyone else liked it, and peoples opinions dont change that. Yea the stickers are great :D . Thanks for yer posts guys.