View Full Version : Anyone Play At Challenge Park?

04-12-2002, 07:19 PM
ok i have been to the website but i cant find the darn address, i need it so that i can tell my old team how to get there

anyways, i need the address

anyone know it?


04-12-2002, 07:24 PM
Map to the field.


04-12-2002, 07:25 PM
thanks, but i also need the address

i might just need to call


thanks for that map, ill see what i can do with it

do you play there??

how is it?
ive never been
but im thinkin about it


04-12-2002, 07:28 PM
I've never been but it looks like a cool place. Will have to get there one of these days. ;)

04-12-2002, 07:33 PM
hmm thats only an hour and a half from me, shoot, i know ill be goin there, it does look cool


04-13-2002, 11:21 AM
Challenge Park Rocks. It's an amazing place, I'm going to be there tomorrow trying out my new Shocker, can't wait.

04-13-2002, 11:22 AM
when did you get a shocker?

post a pic


04-13-2002, 06:01 PM
I got it yesterday. It's a 2002 Yellow Vertical Feed, I'll post pics soon.

04-14-2002, 07:41 AM
Hey Cliff, I think I found the address. I just printed their field waiver offline and I think it's on their.
2903 Scweitzer Rd., Joliet, IL. 60436.

04-14-2002, 08:48 AM
Its pretty easy to get to once you see the race track in joliet there are signs telling you where to go.

I go there alot its pretty nice.. they dont let you play on the hyperball / sup air a lot thou.

Im going with a group of friends this sat you should go to...

04-14-2002, 01:27 PM
Xen, you are completly right. They do hyperball/speedball about once a day, even though they have nice fields for it.

04-14-2002, 01:56 PM
well that sucks, i just wanna go someplace where i can play speedball all day

any place like that around here/there?

mostly hyperball/aitball??

anyone know?


04-14-2002, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by AllAmericanMag
I got it yesterday. It's a 2002 Yellow Vertical Feed, I'll post pics soon.

After you do give me your digital camera I need take pic too...

BUT about challenge park, it's a great place, but they have terrible paint, and not so great management, one time we got our *behinds kicked* and the ref gave two of our guys to the other team so it was 10 electros vs. 6 rentals and our team (Impulse, my rertomag, mag). After the game we's like, "Yo ref what goin on wit those teams?" and then he replies, "Oh when you switched sides the other team had to come up an incline." then we says, "WHAT INCLINE!? the place is called WASTELAND! HOLD ME BACK! HOLD ME BACK!" and so on and so forth. Just a heads up.

04-14-2002, 02:07 PM
what whas the point of that l;ast post?

i found it very confusing

please clarify


04-14-2002, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by Cliffio
what whas the point of that l;ast post?

i found it very confusing

please clarify


:D Well before it all went to hell, I was trying to say that their paint and refs aren't the best.

04-14-2002, 03:50 PM
I just got back from Challenge Park, had a great day, I love my Shocker :D

04-14-2002, 05:26 PM
i still wanna see these pics of the pee pee yellow shocker

04-14-2002, 05:36 PM
Hey Cliffio, do you Live by Glenwood IL? If so, theres a great indoor field called country club paintball. For outdoors, you can go to either Blast Camp in Hobart IN, which is about 30 minutes away from country club, or you could go to Badlands, which is my favorite place to play. If you dont know about it, its mostly a place for teams to practice, so I would only go with your team if you have one. Im not exactly sure where Badlands is, but its somewhere near country club in IL. Hope this helps some people out.

04-14-2002, 05:40 PM
i live in bloomington/normal

but i will drive just about anywhere (im hardcore):)

anyways, i just wanna go someplace with good fields and minimal newbies:)

haha, not really im just looking for a good place to play with nice speedball fields and maybe an airball field


04-14-2002, 05:44 PM
Gunga likes Badlandz, i have never been there but the site is buyshocktech.com

sounds decent and is byop

04-14-2002, 05:47 PM
Well Cliffio, sounds like country club and badlands are right up your alley. Country club will be turning into a sup air field within the month I believe, and like I said with Badlands, its pretty much all teams practicing, so you will be playing with other teams. I went there today and I saw (and I kid you not) Shocktech and Aftershock playing each other. It was amazing to see players like that so close. I practiced with my friends team, but my new team that I am starting will probably go there next week. Hope this helps you out.

04-14-2002, 05:49 PM
and where is country club?

do they have a website?


04-14-2002, 06:01 PM
Go to www.ccpaintball.com . Its in Glenwood IL. Right by Ford Hights.

04-14-2002, 06:22 PM
You can find directions to Badlandz at http://www.buyshocktech.com/pages/badlandz/badlandz.html

Teams usually practice on Sundays, if that's what you're interested in. As for newbies, it of course gets them, but there are plenty of regulars who are very good players. :)

04-14-2002, 08:34 PM
Just a word of warning: I've heard that the mapquest generated directions using CPX's address don't work out to well. It's really pretty easy to find if you use the CPX map, there's signs at each turn from 53.

- Chris

04-14-2002, 09:23 PM
Hey Cliffo if you are interested in playing at Badlandz which I highly higly suggest over CPP, you have to register to play in the team practices on sundays. There will be competition there either day saturday or sunday. Sundays are more team oriented, we play every other weekend there. I see Aftershock about 1 out of 3 times I am there.

IMO CCP fields suck, they don't clean the carpet very often which means you fall and slip alot, the snake in the middle ruins all the cross angles that you would have.

04-15-2002, 04:01 AM
Cliffio, is there anyplace good in Bloomington to play? I live in the Peoria area and our three places are getting old.


04-15-2002, 07:58 AM
nubben- i dunno i just moved here this semester and havent played yet, i have only heard that sudden impact is "ok", its like 10 miles south of bloomington i believe

i really dont want to play back yard paintball, which is what sudden impact may be unfortunatly, but then again i really dont know, i was kinda of hopeing that someplace north of me would be good, so far ive got badlandz, CPX and CCP

what kind of ball is there in peoria? are there any decent store? where i can get a good 45 fill?
there isnt in bloomington/normal and its pissin me off, i need a bunch of stuff and i gotta get it off the net cause stores here only carry Co2 and maybe a spyder, anyways



04-15-2002, 08:23 AM
Sudden Impact is very cool. Lotsa wooded land, plus two speedball fields. And I'm almost certain they do 4500 fills. I've certainly never had anything short of a good time when I've been out there, and theUofI club takes groups out there at least once a semester.

- Chris

04-15-2002, 08:28 AM
Originally posted by raehl
Sudden Impact is very cool. Lotsa wooded land, plus two speedball fields. And I'm almost certain they do 4500 fills. I've certainly never had anything short of a good time when I've been out there, and theUofI club takes groups out there at least once a semester.

- Chris

then ill have to go and check it out

thanks, im not a fan of woodsball but ill give it a shot


i thought u or i went to badlandz for some reason?

i dunno

edit, what is u of i's home site? (paintball that is)

04-15-2002, 08:38 AM
Cliff, SI is kinda a mix between speedball and woods. It reminds me of the older NPPL tourneys. This weekend we were playing air ball, but that will only be this weekend and next weekend (CPSA). We are looking to put ina hyper field soon. Jon (the owner) is always looking to make the field better.

btw, I think the fills are 3k only. Shoot me an email, we can discuss the peoria area scene.

04-15-2002, 08:41 AM
ill shoot ya a pm later on, i got class now:(




04-15-2002, 09:30 AM
Brings rec groups to pretty much any field that is within 1.5 hours of Champaign, so Sudden Impact, Challenge Park, and Badlandz, mainly. Used to go to Timber Games in Decatur a lot, but I think that field shut down due to zoning or insurance or taxes or something. The team's home field is Sniper Jack's in Villa Grove, IL (about 20 minutes south of Urbana), which is 100% speedball and also has an indoor field, but no woods. Anyway, the club has good relations with all the fields in the area that have been cultivated over the years, which is pretty easy to do when you can bring out large groups of players who pretty much ref themselves.

- Chris

04-15-2002, 09:31 AM
Where are you going to school? Both Illinois State and Illinois Weslyan in Bloomington/Normal have clubs now.

- Chris

04-15-2002, 09:35 AM
Take I-55, get off on Arsenal rd (east), go over railroad tracks, then take a left at Stepan chemical, take a right on the the next road before going into the chemical plant, go up a small hill and turn left, follow the the road and turn left on Schwizter rd (wrong spellig), and you're there. There are small CPX signs at the intersections once you get off 55.

04-15-2002, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by raehl
Where are you going to school? Both Illinois State and Illinois Weslyan in Bloomington/Normal have clubs now.

- Chris

i didnt think that isu had a club??

wonder why i havent heard anything about it???

thats weird!!


04-15-2002, 11:18 AM
Well if CPX has the same type of management that CPLubbock has i'm worried.

The one here has good enough feilds and the refs are ok, but I can't stand their paint rules. FPO, and you can't buy paint at their store and bring it on to their field. :mad:

I guess I'll find out how CPX is at Shatnerball

04-15-2002, 11:44 AM
Illinois State's club just started up this semester I think.

As for CPX in Joliet, it's FPO, $20/500 (or $80/case for the math declined.) Not a spectacular paint price, but when you consider the field is in an urban area and the facilities it has (shop on site, running water, flushing toilets, paved parking, lotsa cool concept fields, great staging area, good reffing) I think it's well worth it. If you wern't paying the markup on paint you'd just be paying higher admission fees - which is the same deal with any FPO field.

CPX is *VERY* FPO though - they'll often check people's hoppers going on the field, and if they catch you with non-field paint, they'll ban you from the field for a year (and yes, they do keep track). It's not just a money thing; with all the concept fields they have and the catering they do to rec players, they want to make sure the paint you're using isn't going to stain other players clothing or their buildings. I know one of the field owner's pet peeves is the white residue some paint leaves on his hyperball fields. Anyway, you couldn't keep a lot of the fields looking as good as they do if you had people bringing on paint with the fills some of them have, and there's really no way to regulate that short of being FPO.

- Chris

04-15-2002, 11:47 AM
that sounds cool, im gonna have to try that

do you know any info on the isu team? i tried to look through the isu website but couildntfind any paintball things


04-15-2002, 12:16 PM
The last place you should look for accurate information on any club at any university is the university web page. By the time most universities get information up there it's already at least a year out of date.

As for information on the ISU club, www.collegelist.college-paintball.com. They should be listed there. If not, www.register.college-paintball.com and grab the info from their tournament registrations.

- Chris

04-16-2002, 07:04 AM
Filling up here would not be a problem. We got chilli paintpits, paint n place in peoria, pekin paintball in pekin. Demon extreme in chillicothe. Your best bet would be paint n place.

04-16-2002, 07:30 AM
Yes Nubben, But you forgot Area 52 (my fav of the peoria places), and none of these places fill to 4.5k to my knowledge.

Where you live in P-town? I'm right across the river and have prolly seen you at PnP.

shoot me an email, lets chat, maybe we can get the "Central Illinois" guys together for some games.

Oh, and its only a matter of time before I get my fill stations and do 4.5k fills. I already do enough gun repair, and a friend does plenty of milling. I just have to get off my butt and quit buying expensive guns.

06-18-2002, 09:59 AM
Hi, my name is matt, i play at cpx quite a bit and to what ive noticed some of their refs are great, yet some arnt to good. it just depends. The paint seems to shoot fine out of my rt but i here alot of people complaining about it not all being the same size. The prices are 20 and 25 dollars a bag of 500 balls. Some of their feilds are awsome id have to say as well. Wastelands is one of the funnest feilds to play but the problem is i cant afford to play it often, i shoot to much paint. HEHE... well belam (the town) is fun to but im geting kinda sick of it, ive played it ever time i go out for the last 2 years and it just got kinda boring. Armaggedon is one of the funnest feilds. Its got four towers and alot of cover so you can move around and get the best poissision and snapshoot people out of the towers. If you have any questions about CPX just email me at [email protected], or if you have aim or aol just im me.
have fun

06-18-2002, 03:28 PM
*note all times to get there are listed with Ohare airport as starting point*

Well im from IL as well so i figured I would jump in on this one...

Challenge park extreme... 40-60min, havent played there YET

Country club.... about 40 minutes by IL/ IN border.. nice field but I would only go during winter since its the only indoor field i know of..

Badlandz....about 15 miles farther than CC... Played my very first time there about 4 yrs ago.. great fields... hyperball is AWSOME (their BEST speedball course, altho i hear they added 2 more of em for the chicago open?)

Sudden impact... closest field to ISU(10 miles) but ironically not ISU's home field(which is cpxtreme)..havent played yet

Operation paintball... Nice overall field.. Is where i play(while at home) about 30 mins out of airport. good reffing and i like their speedball and their mini speedball is fun too

Friendly fire...... another 30 min drive from airport... i didnt much like their fields.... the reffing was kinda lacking as they didnt call the game before a 1st timer(last player left) got badly bunkered (he panicked as opposed to surrendering) by about 8 ppl (4-5 of which were a local tourney team).. felt bad for the kid but otherwise decent field...

Fox RIVER GAMES..... despite being on the Fox river this field seems like its WAY OUT THERE took 2 hours to get there(i think we might have gotten lost on the way .... *i was asleep in car)BEST WOODS GAMES IN IL THAT IVE PLAYED ON.... THE FIELDS ARE MASSIVE... fair share of "interesting memories" there... (see the post on funniest paintball moments)

06-18-2002, 03:39 PM
They are rather difficult to get ahold of considering of the 3 names they list on their site (err the NCPA site cuz isu most definatly doesnt have a site of their own) one is a hotmail, another is a school email, and the last has no email..

I know all this because Im going to ISU this fall and was going to start a team if there wasnt already one....:D as for the other individual whos going to ISU.. Im not on the team yet(since theyre such a pain to get in touch with) but I WILL be playing for them this spring/fall. Ill pm you