View Full Version : Need comp help.

04-13-2002, 08:48 AM
Im pissed. Randomally, this pops up. I dunno what it is, and no, Im not visiting pron sites. Im thinking its a trojan thingy. Im not even in internet explorer, and this window pops up. How do I stop it? I have tried looking in the program manager, but all I see is system files running.. help..

04-13-2002, 08:55 AM
omg, now THIS is happening. plz help.

04-13-2002, 09:37 AM
hahahahahahahahhahahaha. That's funny.

coulda been hacked?

04-13-2002, 09:37 AM
You've probably got something in the RUN statement in your registry. Easy to fix. Download AdAware (http://www.lavasoftusa.com) and install it. Let it run its scan, then follow the on-screen instructions. That should kill whatever it is that is spawning those windows.


04-13-2002, 12:02 PM
I downloaded that software, and deleated the 99 things that popped up. Its still doing it though! Any other clues how I can get rid of this?

04-13-2002, 01:31 PM
First thing I would try is go to http://www.webattack.com/fwtop100-2.shtml and download a free trojan detector/cleaner (they have lots). Install, follow directions and see if that fixes it. If not...

*CAUTIONARY DISCLAIMER* Mucking around in your registry is VERY dangerous. You should only do this when you either know exactly what you're doing, or exactly what you are looking for (preferrably both). I invoke the "Good Samaritan Rule", meaning if you're machine goes caca because you did something in the registry, it's not my fault.

That said,

1) Start->Run. Type "regedit" (without the quotes) in the OPEN box
3) Expand Software
4) Expand Microsoft
5) Expand Windows
6) Expand CurrentVersion
7) Select Run
8) You should only see programs you recognize here (msmsgs.exe for MSN Messenger, ICQ.exe, that sort of thing). If you see something you do not recognize, right click on it and select Delete.
9) Contract all the folders until you are back to about 6 folders with plus signs next to them.
11) Repeat steps 3-8.
12) Close out of regedit and reboot your machine.

Hope that helps.


04-13-2002, 01:50 PM
cry about it some more and maybe it will go away, jp i dunno how to fix it

04-13-2002, 07:11 PM
Just another suggestion... if your active desktop is in, try turning it off. I'd definitely run AdAware though, to clean out your system a bit.

04-14-2002, 04:28 PM
Right now Im doing a total system cleanup. Im Virus/Trojan/Ad scanning my computer, and running thru the Registry, just like Chupr said.

These pop ups are STILL coming up. Im seeing if this fixes it. plz post any other ideas..

How do you turn Active Desktop off with XP?

04-14-2002, 04:50 PM
Are you connected to the internet while this is happening? It could be just that. If not you can always try a popup killer.

04-14-2002, 04:53 PM
Yea, Im connected to the internet 24/7.. Connected to DSL thru networking.
Whats a popup killer, and how do I get one?

04-14-2002, 04:57 PM
Can you disconnect from the internet? If you can, try that first and see if it works. If you can't or if it doesn't work, you can download a free pop up killer here http://www.panicware.com/product_dpps.html To answer your question, a pop-up killer does exactly what it sounds like, kills the little pop ups that annoy people so much so that you never see the pop up. See if any of these things work.

04-14-2002, 05:00 PM
I cant disconnect without disconnecting from the network. My dad runs a busness in my basement, so if I shut off the internet, he would be mad.. Thanks though, I'll try the pop up killer too..

04-14-2002, 11:30 PM
none of ur proba compare to the one i had. i got some virus/trojan put on my comp, so that when i would buy stuff online, it would save my credit card # and whenever one of those pron things popped up, it would automatically sign me up.... i had about $400 in web pron on my card.

04-15-2002, 08:57 AM
Damn, thats gotta suck..
NE way, I think the total comp scan/popup stopper is working. Im not 100% its stopped though, cuz it doesnt pop up every couple mins or anything, its just compleately random... and I dont want my little bro to be playing THPS 3 and have some german porn pop up.. you know?

04-15-2002, 06:18 PM
I havent had a wierd pop up all day. The pop up stopper is working perfectally, except I have to open and close the stopper when I open a new window in IE. :p I'll get over it though.

Thanks everyone for your help!!!!!!

04-15-2002, 10:16 PM
Glad to hear the popup stopper worked for you.