View Full Version : Centerfire Mag w/Longnose or Tko Mag

04-14-2002, 08:17 PM
I am favoring the centerfire mag but am worried about blowback. Will blowback be a problem with the longnose bolt. And with the longnose bolt will it still have a lot more blowback then powerfeed or will it be relatively close to the amount with powderfeed

04-14-2002, 08:55 PM
It will be fine with the extended bolt. Get the extended foamie if you can. It can really help reduce breakage. Just remember that it is hard to find barrels for centerfeed mags.

04-15-2002, 10:14 AM
I have had a Centerfeed E-mag body on my Retro for about a month now. I have a Super-bolt and I-Frame. I have had zero breaks in about 2 cases of paint. No chops, no barrel breaks. And most of the paint was old. Some from the Fall big game at Sams, some from the IAO in August, and some from the Nov CPSA. I have a Turbo Rev on my gun and use a J&J 2 piece barrel. But I will be the first to you that I don't really shot very fast.

04-15-2002, 01:07 PM
Thanks Guys

04-15-2002, 10:14 PM
gotta disagree on this one from personal experience. vert fed mags have a helluva lot of blowback. unless you dont shoot real fast, you are going to chop paint.

if you want a little more info go here


04-18-2002, 12:33 AM
I guess it all depends on how fast "fast" is to you. I just got my vert feed emag about 2weeks ago, and it had a stock short foamie in it. The previous owner warned me of the blowback and he had been feeding it with a warp to overcome it. I didn't care for the weight of the warp and decided I could run my 12v revy if I installed my longnose bolt in it. I tested the blow back by placing 2 balls in the feed and fired it.

Boom, the first ball sailed toward it's target, and the second ball flew straight up and I had time to catch it in my left hand. This was bad and I'm still wondering if the problem is blowback or bolt deflection. I replaced the foamie with my long nose and repeated the test.

Boom, I didn't even watch the first ball leave in anticipation of the second one jumping up. To my surprise, it fell staight down into the breech. I had to try it once more to make sure my results were true. Second time same thing. This past weekend, I ran my SPS at 12 all day long with only one ball chopped. This happened to be the last ball in the hopper when I let a friend of mine shoot it. He was rippin with it and ran it dry. My friend owns and Angel and is used to shooting at 13 bps with and occasional skipped shot and my trigger finger is used to mag and rt triggers, so I know we both hit 12 bps easy. I think this is fast enough.

I love my new centerfeed emag, the only thing is the barrel selection for centerfeed mags. I too shoot a J&J 2piece and really like it. I know personally I would now take a centerfeed with longnose bolt over a powerfeed mag any day. Powerfeed may be technically faster, but 12 sps is way fast enough to keep any one's head down.