View Full Version : New Superbolt material?

04-14-2002, 09:23 PM
I posted this in Deep Blue, but I don't think many people actually browse that forum. So i figured I'd put it up here to see if I can get any feedback.

I wanted to ask Tom about this when I was at Ultimate Madness, but he was busy. I had the chance to hand him his barrel bag though.

What about Ertalyte? Bonebrake and DEZign use this material for their bolts and it is very strong. It also does not react adversely to paint oils, humidity, heat, or moisture. The material is stronger, and thus harder to machine that Delrin.

I have DEZign bolts in my angels made of this material, and they still look great after alot of use. I'm sure it could hold up better than the delrin on the superbolts.

I believe the problem with the superbolts is the fact that the delin, if not cleaned right after a day of play, will absorb the paint and oils. That would cause it to swell, and in turn cause it to wear against the spring faster. I'm about 100% sure thats most of the probems. I'm sure there are people who clean their mags after every day, but I bet even more don't.

Most people follow, "If it isn't broke, don't fix it." Just something to ponder.

04-15-2002, 05:40 AM
well here is a man with a good ideas..i wonder if tom(or A.G.D) has tryed any other plastics/polimers for the super bolt??

04-15-2002, 07:15 AM
I talked to the guys down at Madness and they said they have tried nylon as well. Nylon will absorb stuff just like Delrin, although maybe not as fast. It gave basically the same results as the delrin from what they told me. I don't know if they have tried anything else.