View Full Version : New RT body?

04-15-2002, 07:07 PM
I have an RT Pro(vert feed) and i was wondering: is it really worth spending over $300 to get a power feed body to go with the warp feed i am getting (new body:$230 + freak back:$70 + tax)? if the only advantage is less hose, i'd rather have the $300 in my pocket. i have also seen that it is better to have less 90* turns in the line, but they both have one by my count, only one is further from the body. it just makes me a little nervous that AGD says they can't guarantee the warp's performance with vert feed...

thanks for any help

04-17-2002, 05:53 AM
here let me ask it this way then, if i were to get a new power feed body, would anyone be interested in buying an rt pro vertical feed BODY with matching freak BACK. the rt i have had for about 2 months and the freak back i have had for about 2 weeks.


04-18-2002, 05:16 PM
What side do u want your warp on? I've got an extra RT PRO h/l chrome body I'll swap ya.

04-19-2002, 04:31 PM
well i'm right handed, so i was planning on mounting the warp on the left. thanks for the offer though


04-19-2002, 05:38 PM
90º ººº lots of fun º¿º the degree sign is alt+16? << i cant tell last number...you figure out..Hehe:D