View Full Version : Center Feed Mag Barrels?

04-15-2002, 08:11 PM
Does anyone know the companies out there that make Center Feed Mag barrels because i'm thinking about buying an eMag and i want to know which barrels i can get for it..thanx.

04-15-2002, 09:25 PM
Custom Products, Smart Parts, J&J all make centerfeed mag barrels. I myself like the CP ones becuase they're cheap and shoot great. Just look around, call stores to see if they carry centerfeed barrels, I bet some of them do...I hope

04-15-2002, 09:36 PM
Smart Parts >only makes it for the freak kit

Custom Products >do not make any yet

J&J >makes all of their barrels in vert feed

I know this because I have called all three. However it was a couple of months ago for CP.

I have also heard that BOA makes vert barrels but I have never contacted them to find out.

04-16-2002, 12:14 AM
I just emailed CP to confirm or deny whether or not they offer center feed mag barrels..and i also asked them if they plan to do so in the future and if they do not plan on it what would it take for them to change their mind...i mean..they make their mag barrels with a "T" slot..so all they have to do is put another indention in the middle of the top part of the T and everyone is happy...

BTW..i also love CP barrels..shoot like darts and look good too...

04-16-2002, 05:35 AM
Well, that info is not ENTIRELY correct.

Smart Parts makes all of their barrels in Vert feed. I used a friends All-American.

Also, DYE makes vert barrels.

Actually all companies can make vert barrels, and most do offer it directly from the company. The downfall is that you will pay $175-180 for a boomstick. They are expensive. And I thought CP already makes vertical.

Dirtybunny, why dont you just buy a powerfeed, or warpbody emag? You can do a search for opinions of the vertical feed mags.

04-16-2002, 09:14 AM
I tried the warp thing..just didn't like it...i may go hopper left..but i don't know yet...my taxes are going towards an eMag...

04-16-2002, 10:38 PM
Well..I'm just waiting back from Dye and CP to confirm that they do offer center feed barrels..oh well..

04-18-2002, 07:34 PM
Nice to hear companies are making a verticle feed barrel for the Mag. I initially brought a verticle feed RT PRO last year and was so disgusted because NO ONE made a barrel for it at that time. I had e-mailed Dye, JJ, etc.

I had to trade in my verticle feed body for a power feed. I've gotten to love my power feed these days. My new E-mag is also powerfeed, hopper right. I can live with an elbow!

04-18-2002, 11:36 PM
Just got an email from CP..here's what she said:

We do not, at this time, make barrels for the center feed Automag. There has been talk about it, but there has been no decision to actually begin production. We would need to be sure that there is a definite and large demand for this product to begin producing them. Hopefully this is something we can look at in the near future.
