View Full Version : Barrel for an RT

04-15-2002, 08:48 PM
I searched and didn't really find anything conclusive to my needs exactly, but feel free to shoot me if this thread annoys you :)

I want to get a new barrel for my RT. I want to avoid the muzzle breaks I sometimes get. I really don't see it as necisary to spend more than 100 dollars, correct me if I'm wrong.

So what, in your opinion, is the best sub-100-dollar barrel for an RT mag, and why?

Thanks much in advance.

04-15-2002, 09:20 PM
Powerfeed or vertical feed? I've always been quite partial to Lapco barrels and Custom Products 1 piece barrels.

I like the Lapco's because they're cheap, accurate, and with relatively little porting, efficient. The CP barrels are nice too, I like the 10" ones for speedball, and they're accurate too. With more porting than the Lapco's, they're also a bit quieter.

I like the Lapco's more, they seem to be a hair more accurate, with the correct paint/barrel match but are louder than most. Eh, it doesn't matter.

04-15-2002, 09:21 PM
Power feed.

04-15-2002, 09:31 PM
I dont really think there is a "best" barrel, it mainly depends what size paint your shooting and whatever barrel would match that size best. Although i had a J&J ceramic and i thought it was pretty good but you need to use small paint like blaze, hellfire, etc.... if that helps any