View Full Version : Is this a good deal?

04-16-2002, 04:11 PM
Hey everyone. I need your help. I was offered a 2001 standard feed Autococker w/ DYE Hinge trigger frame and stickies and a Lapco Bigshot barrel for $220. Is this a good deal? If so, where can I get some basic tech info on cockers (how to tune, what needs maintenance, etc.)? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Oh, and I'm definatly still gonna keep my mag (just so you know, I'm not completely going to the dark side.;) )

Load SM5
04-16-2002, 04:15 PM
Sounds like a good deal to me if it works.

04-16-2002, 06:14 PM
try www.cockerownersgroup.com i believe is the page, maybe search for it but it has plenty of info, like timing, product reveiws, how to install products and other things you'll need to know. thats a super deal and even though i dont particeruly care for cockers i'd jump at the deal cause even if you don't like it, it should have a much higher resale.

04-16-2002, 06:49 PM
Better yet, visit Ravi's Paintball Place (http://www.paintballravi.com) and the infamous "Autococker InfoSheet" for all the info you'd ever want to know about cockers. It gives detailed instructions (with pics) on how ot properly time a 'Cocker, maintain it, fix leaks and whatnot.

04-16-2002, 08:35 PM
That sounds like he is trying to rip you off...where did you say I could get in touch with this guy?

Seriously, that sounds like a good deal to me!

04-16-2002, 08:54 PM
doesnt sound too legit. If someone just bougth a brand new hinge for 125, there not gonna sell you that gun for 225. Is this local or online. Even if it doesnt wokr but has stated parts its worth it :) If its online get him to send 1st or use 3rd party.

04-17-2002, 07:35 PM
Thanks for all the info guys. I really appreciate it.
Revalation999-- I'm not sure if I like cockers too much either, but for that price I'm willing to try one.
Mossman-- I go to school with the guy so I can check it out before I buy it. And, I just found out today that it's not a DYE hinge, just a DYE 45 frame. Oh well.

Anyway, things changed a little bit too. He now offered me the cocker and a 68 flatline for $250! For everything! The problem is that he said the flatline reg is kinda messed up so I was wondering how much it would cost to like completely rebuild it, guages and all. Any idea?