View Full Version : A few questions

04-16-2002, 05:39 PM
i am hopefully getting a minimag by the end of this month but i had a few questions i wanted to get cleared up first

- bout how many shots do you all get out of a 48/3k tank with a stock mag? (are mags really that much of a gas hog as people say they are?)

- i heard co2 and mags don't mix that well, but i live in georgia and right now it's about 80-90 degrees and i have a x-chamber, would i be ok using co2 on my mag till i can get a nitro tank

- what nitro tanks do you prefer?

- whats the cheapest you've seen a new minimag (i seem at actionvillage for 280 but i have bad experiences in the past with them)

thanks for all of your help

04-16-2002, 06:15 PM
about 480... maybe less at first wheni got mine a 24oz co2 tank would be gone in about 900 shots in 70-75° weather.... but after playing a few times that got up to well over a case....

with that setup you will be fine.... if you are going to have the tank on the gun look into an anti-sphyon kit for it, if you can.... if running remote dont get one.....

also if runnin on gun try not to point the marker twoards the ground...

so far the ones i have used (see my sig on the bottom) i havn't had any complaints with....

that would be the place for the cheapest.... for me ordering from them... they haven't screwed up anything yet... but i have heard both the good and bad...

04-16-2002, 06:49 PM
Well make sure you have access to high pressure fills. As the pressure in the larger scuba tank gets lower you don't get as many shots out of your tank, leading to less shots. If you have CO2, an angled bottom line would work the best. NEVER tip your gun into the ground, liquid CO2 will work it's way into the valve.

Remotes do a great job of keeping liquid out, especially coiled ones.

04-16-2002, 07:59 PM
yeah my field has co2 and hp fills (they are free :p )

it's a pain to get your tank filled though because you might miss a game, so i kinda wanna get a 68 or 88/4500 somethin that could shoot about a whole case, but for now i will have to stick with good ol co2

as far as my setup i have a couple 12 and 20 oz tanks all but one with antisiphon, angled bottom line, and some cheap x chamber, i have a remote but i don't like it