View Full Version : E-Mag operating pressure

04-16-2002, 08:00 PM
What is the operating pressure of a E-Mag? I heard the output pressure is around 400PSI. Is this true with the RT-Pro also?

04-16-2002, 08:59 PM
Around 800psi in, then it is supposed to be regulated (in valve, you dont have to worry about it) down to 400 or so, then theres somewhere from 60-100psi behind the ball. I think since it uses a retro valve 800 is great, but dont believe me cuz I dont actually have one.

04-17-2002, 06:36 AM
Yes thats right. The emag input pressure is in the same range as all the Mag family. I run mine at about 700psi. A lot use 800 or so. A few even as little as 650. Even fewer still have gone higherthen 800-850. 400 is around what the "operating pressure" is not the "input pressure".

04-17-2002, 02:36 PM
Is it bad for mag owners to set their input pressure to 600psi?.. thats what my flatline is set to.. should I set it higher?

Evil Bob
04-17-2002, 02:56 PM
Not necessarily, recommended input pressure is laser etched right on the mag body, 600-800psi. The higher the pressure, the faster the regulator will recharge.

With the RT, RT Pro, Retro, and E-Mag (on manual), you can play with the input pressure to change the reactive trigger response. The higher the input pressure, the better the reactive response. Conversely, the higher the input pressure, the larger the FPS variance over a chrono. So ideally, you wanted a happy medium, good reactive response vs consistancy over the chrono. Some guys really liked the response and just dialed their FPS lower to take poorer consistancy into account, others didn't care for the reactive trigger at all and wanted super consistancy over the chrono, it's all dependant upon the individual taste.

You'll find that at 600psi, your mag should be really consistant over the chrono.

-Evil Bob

04-17-2002, 07:32 PM
Thanks. I guess the RT-PRO and E-Mag are actually "mid pressure markers".

04-17-2002, 10:51 PM
I run my e-mag at 600-650 with no problems at all.