View Full Version : most painfulll spots to be hit

04-16-2002, 10:37 PM
here is my list of the most paintful spots to be hit. feel free to do ur own.

1. Throat-i got hit in the throat and passed out cause i couldnt breathe

2. Genitals-if ur a guy u know

3. Tailbone-if it nails yah from a close spot and bruises, u wont be able to sit down for a while

04-16-2002, 10:39 PM
inner thigh
my pinky

04-16-2002, 10:46 PM
collar bone -knocked me on the floor

04-16-2002, 10:48 PM
i was shot by a hot GZ timmy in my neck this weekend, sat actually. its been that scab for 4 days.

04-16-2002, 11:26 PM
cap i have been shot 8 times in the pinky and it doesn't hurt at all. maybe it did the first time and then the nerves got damaged and thats why.

most paintfull is the spine where there is little between ur skin and bone if at all.

also any place that it is anapropriate to grab either on males or females.

04-16-2002, 11:29 PM

anywhere on the neck, which is why i use a neck protector now...

Nipples... they hurt a ton, and I'm a guy, and it hurts A LOT!

I've never taken a shot to the family jewels.. that's why i wear baggy pants...

anything from within 6 feet hurts too...

04-16-2002, 11:41 PM
I've never been hit in the genitals but on Sunday i was hit on the inner thigh of both legs, inches from my manhood.
Makes me think twice about not wearing anything under my pants.

And to me, the inner thigh probably hurts the most.
Hands are evil too.

I've been hit in almost every place (shows how good at the sport i am) and i loathe getting it in the thigh.

And getting hit on the nipple doesn't hurt that much anymore, not since i got them pierced. Now that's pain!

04-16-2002, 11:42 PM
... tagged in the throat, and in my left ear (the ear shot was from 10 ft away, with a hot gun). Those are the 2 most painful hits I ever had. Although head shots hurt alot too.

04-16-2002, 11:52 PM
cap i have been shot 8 times in the pinky and it doesn't hurt at all.

it hurts me every time

04-17-2002, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by Snooky
cap i have been shot 8 times in the pinky and it doesn't hurt at all.

Psshhh... It hurts for me but I have girly fingers... Girly fingers are more sensitive...

04-17-2002, 12:07 AM
when i got shot in the neck, it was about 20 feet away, we were both at the fifty, and didnt see eachother for a few mins, when i heard someone yelling at me, i turned around and about 10-15 in the throat...none of broke, they were all from a timmy.

when i got shot in the genitals, i was flanking, and i was approaching a dog house when a guy popped out, i tried to stop, and i wasnt wearing cleats so i flipped backwards, and in the meantime i was shot in the genitals. these werent brush hits..they were straight on point blank..but i shot him too.

04-17-2002, 12:32 AM
I absolutely hate neck hits... Especially ones like right under your ear where it's kinda soft... Those are loud and hurt like a biznatch! lol...

04-17-2002, 12:32 AM
I say the neck & throat. :D

04-17-2002, 12:52 AM
on saterday i came around a huge lay down see a guys back point blank go to pull trigger and the safty was on! well i pulled back and took it off and SPLAT SPLAT got shot pointblank in the top back of the head by the guy when we jumped over the top of the lay down......got a painfull blood blister....

04-17-2002, 01:27 AM
Definately in the throat. Got shot theire on the very first day I played. Still played the next game though, and still playing 7 years later.

04-17-2002, 05:35 AM
On the head of "Mr. Wiggley" Dropped me like a ton of briks into the fetal position.

04-17-2002, 05:50 AM
well im lucky enough to have never experienced being shot down there or in the neck probably because theese two reasons:
1)im a backplayer and i hide behind barracades dumping paint moving maybe 3 times a game
and 2)we have a guy on our team why wears a chest protector nech protector and shinpads going to the knees and we sort of use him as a shield:D

04-17-2002, 05:50 AM
Throat. Got shot there last August, the guy shot me 8 times and 2 hit my neck. They got caught cheating that game, while it was 5 on 1 (me being the one):rolleyes: . This is a picture after I went home and took a shower, I still got a scar too and everywhere I go thats one of the first questions people ask me.

04-17-2002, 06:25 AM
some of you might not agree with me, but:
the sternum is the worst, especially if you're running towards the guy at full speed. damn near killed me. he was probably running hot because after i was shot i had a hard time breathing for a little while

04-17-2002, 06:30 AM
Most painful shot I've ever taken was to the nipple. It was a dead on shot from close range on a cold day. Hurt like hell...

Only paintball scar I have so far is on my left upper arm. That one bled, and the area around it was numb for like a day. I think JT (SprayingMango/UDTSEAL) gave that one to me :)

04-17-2002, 06:40 AM
the two most painfull i took was in the side of the leg from 2 feet away wearing shorts, and one on my twig and berries from about 20 feet but i was crouching down so the pants were really tight

04-17-2002, 07:28 AM
I've been playing steady since about 94'...and have never been tagged in the throat or the twig and berries, but i'm thinkin of gettin a neck protector after those pics!...
Since i wear baggy paints, i'll take my chances cause i tried playng wearing a cup and it was just to damm umcomfortable...Makes sense doesn't it...:-)

Other bad places:

Inner thighs...
Ur behind...
Top of the hands...
Ears...(if u don't have a full mask)
and of course...
Getting hit anywhere really by someone shooting a hot gun plus, if it's within 20 feet, i flinch anyway...

P.s. if i have someone dead to rights within that distance, i'll try to aim for somewhere where i know i'm gonna get a good break and not cause them to much pain...IE: Gun, harness, mask, arms or lower legs...

Hamster Huey
04-17-2002, 07:36 AM
Yowza - just reading about these hits make me flinch in pain.

Any area with bone directly beneath it (fingers, tailbone, sternum, collarbones, shins) is going to hurt like the dickens (and extra sympathy to whoever got hit on the spine - uggghhh). One of the more memorable shots I took was on the side of my back, about halfway up my back. I was getting flanked and a shot bounced off one of my ribs. Luckily my team came around and won quickly, because I was having a hard time breathing. Didn't hurt for about 5 seconds, but once it started I was basically worthless - couldn't even sit up straight. Hurt to breathe for a good 10 min.

Creative Mayhem
04-17-2002, 08:08 AM
For me it was the Adam's apple, mine is rather pronounced, so a direct hit from close quarters is just wrong!!!!
tied for first place is in the "funny bone" or under the arm next to the elbow. That has to one the worst hits I've taken, I lost all feeling in my arm, dropped my gun and broke the barrel. I couldn't use my arm for 2hrs afterwards. OKAY it is the worst hit I've taken. Just brutal.

Creative Mayhem

04-17-2002, 08:28 AM
Three hits from less than two feet, right on my belly-button. I bled like a stuck pig, and still have the scar, from 4 years ago.

04-17-2002, 08:32 AM
i say the head, i was playing at an indoor field with rich little white kids, and some of them had frozen their paint, and i got hit right in the head, it hurt for weeks

those bastards, i wish i would have had the sence to report it, but i was like 15 at the time, and didnt know what was going on


04-17-2002, 09:06 AM
first game ever. (bizillion years ago) first 15 seconds. 30 feet away. side of the adams apple. couldn't breath.
havn't gone without a neck guard of some sort since. I can feel it now.

next year. 10 feet away. I'm in a crouched position.
bounces off my inner thigh and into the cup.
I love my cup!!!!! the hit in the thigh had a "suck factor" of about a 9 on a 10 scale.

Recently, taken to getting hit on the top of the head. (don't know how) I would call that a "suck factor" 6-7.
skin is thin up there, it takes a while to heal.

04-17-2002, 09:12 AM
Quick story....crouched down to take a shot...got tagged in the CUP! (the word there is cup, as in plastic piece that protects the manhood) Told the guy "good job" and that I was thankful I was wearing a cup, that was followed by many people asking me "You wear a cup?" "why do you wear a cup?". Well....thats the reason why. Testicles are very fragile...a direct shot to one can perminately damage it.

Morale of the story is, wear a cup! hehe

04-17-2002, 09:15 AM
Finger hits can hurt like hell.

Genitals... we won't go there suffice to say I once carried a friend nearly a mile after he was shot in the nads and no longer able to walk. I wear a box now (cup to you guys).

Neck is never nice...

My Worst hits... the temple from less than 2" with a hot gun... I saw stars.

And the nerve behind the ear from a few feet, back before we had such good goggles... it almost knocked me out cold.


04-17-2002, 09:22 AM
the worst two

1)The lower lip

2)On top of the tounge

1) back in early 98 i was playing in a night league and got shot in the LIP by a team mate who was covering while we retreated into the woods. i was running in front of him when he started shooting at someone, i was only 3 feet in fron of him. this was when i was only wearing goggles and no face protector.

2) about a year ago i was practicing and Timmy63 shot me on top of the tounge, i was wearing a flex 7 folded up, i hear him slide into the fifty yard line and turned to yell to my team mates only to feel a ball hit me right on top of the tounge, i imediatly dropped my gun and rolled out under the netting where i proceded to PUKE my brains out, i had a fat swollen tounge the rest of the night.


04-17-2002, 09:23 AM
and why do parents not want their kids playing paintball?

04-17-2002, 09:25 AM
you know, ive never been shot in the "boys" or in the neck, ive never had a hit that bleeds

think im lucky? am i past all the "hot" guns and bogus people that shoot you at point blank?

i dunno, but ive never worn a neck protector or a cup, i wonder if im just askin for it?


04-17-2002, 09:28 AM
youre insanly lucky... somebody shoot him!

04-17-2002, 09:36 AM
Ive never been hit in the "family jewls" or the neck...i guess i'm lucky..but i'd say that the lower back and inner thighs hurts...getting shot in the knuckles hurts pretty good...thats why I bought some full finger gloves.

04-17-2002, 09:52 AM
forgot another one.
took a hit through my spectra mask and on my lip. The hit still somehow broke the skin on my lip. (make me think I need a flex) suck factor 5. didn't clean it immediately.
it got infected and was very nasty looking for about 2 weeks.
moral: clean everything!

To those of you that don't wear a cup (box). I hope you continue to be lucky. Because nothing makes a man cry more than getting hit in the berries.
Did I mention I love my cup!

04-17-2002, 09:53 AM
your lip = herpes simplex 8A

04-17-2002, 10:07 AM
The most painful hit I've taken was the inner thigh. I was shot in the groin once. Me and the other guy both came around the same side of the bunker and he dropped to his knees. I hit him once in the shoulder and once in the mask, he hit me in the crotch. We were about six feet apart so I'm quite glad I always wear a cup.
I know a guy who actually spent a week in the hospital after taking a shot in the junk. I never took a look at it but I'm told it turned black and swollen. Like D.F.A. once said, "I think I'd rather loose an eye!"

04-17-2002, 10:27 AM
*EDIT* I have no idea why you posted that, but it was not needed, nor funny. Army

Jason Reed
04-17-2002, 10:28 AM
When I first started playing, I got bunkered by 3 people and they painted my back with about 21 shoots from only about 3 feet away. Let me tell you something sleeping on your stomach for a month is not fun at all.

04-17-2002, 10:36 AM
skirts, i recommend wearing a complete mask system :)

here's mine:

1) adams apple twice, couldn't swallow for a while

2) right in the back of the head where theres a little bone lump right in the center. I got hit there with a polar ice paintball and it didnt' feel too good.

04-17-2002, 10:45 AM
I forgot about the first time I ever played!

In 1985 we were playing in the local woods area, Splatmasters, rock hard Nelsons with red fill, and shop goggles. Took my one and only hit that day right behind my left ear.

After picking myself off the ground and waiting for the stars to slow down, I handed all the gear to the fellow who owned it and went home. I didn't play again until '97!

04-17-2002, 10:59 AM
Taking a bounce off the Love Handles is pretty painful, and rarely leaves a mark.

04-17-2002, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Army
I forgot about the first time I ever played!

In 1985 we were playing in the local woods area, Splatmasters, rock hard Nelsons with red fill, and shop goggles. Took my one and only hit that day right behind my left ear.

After picking myself off the ground and waiting for the stars to slow down, I handed all the gear to the fellow who owned it and went home. I didn't play again until '97!

thats great. i cant stop laughing

04-17-2002, 11:28 AM
painfull.. hmm.. Well, when you get shot in your back, any where is usually painful. Fingers dont hurt any more, and I have gloves. I got hit in the chin, and it split open, due to my flex 7 face guard NOT stopping the ball, that hurt..... Forehead shots make you think twice about wearing that visor on a dim day. Toes, and ankles hurt. Neck.. thats another one of them spots that hurt. There is a cure to all of this pain. Shooting them first in the next game.

04-17-2002, 12:26 PM
well for me the wost place to be hit is on uhh... well none of my hits ever really hurt that bad, except once on the neck, and once on the thigh... my friend got shot in the forehead, bareskin from 5 feet away or less. Almost got him in the eye... One of my other friend got it downstairs and he almost threw up...

-† î [\/]

04-17-2002, 12:59 PM
I got hit on the thigh and that hurt the worse. I got hit on the head a few times, but they don't hurt to bad. Never go hit in the neck without a neck protector, so I am not sure who bad that is.

04-17-2002, 01:45 PM
i got hit in the ankle from under five feet away before we even started. THe hotshot was showing off his black dragun and forgot to put the safety back on. I started hopping up and down screaming and he asks what happened. I yelled u hit me u idiot. it swelled up after i stopped moving on it and hurts like heck.

04-17-2002, 01:57 PM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the cheeks :D

I'm talking about the rectum, I slid into a bunker (and since I DON'T have buns of steel) I got hit there and it stung like a biatch. I suppose guys/girls who have solid bums wouldn't hurt so much.

I'll also say it would also hurt on any other fatty parts of the body (inner thighs, just under the ribs).

04-17-2002, 02:26 PM
The worst place to be shot is in the back of the ear, close to the temple. I was walking to the dead box, and my team mate thought it would be funny to shoot me, the paintball got inside my mask, and hit me in the back of the ear. I was dizzy and not able to breath (off and on) for about 4 hours. And I felt weird for about a week.

04-17-2002, 02:32 PM
my friend got shot in the 'nads. its worse than getting show anywhere else cuz at least if u get shot in the neck no one thinks its funny. i still have to laugh at him even though it probably sucked soooooooo bad, cuz hey, lol he got shot in the 'nads.

04-17-2002, 03:01 PM
That's an "OLD" local joke.
Sorry if I offend. I did think it was this side of acceptable though.
Again, sorry.

04-17-2002, 03:10 PM
everyone always tells me how bad getting hit in the hand hurts, maybe theres something wrong with my hand cause it never hurts. Like the time i got shot in the finger and it went numb, and turned red, and started bleeding, but i could barely feel it. It should have hurt but it didn't

04-17-2002, 03:30 PM
I seem to always get shot in the head.Seriously I got shot there 5 times in the two times I was there.I have never been shot in the neck before so I do not know what it fells like,but I'm sure I will be hit there sooner or later.Have any of you guys ever taken a shot in the teeth before?

04-17-2002, 04:10 PM
i have never been shot in the 'nads,or the neck,and im getting cup soon now.....a fellow ref was standing right by me,and got hit in the 'nads,and i fell down.....laughing.

***knock on wood!!!***

04-17-2002, 04:32 PM
My worst was wearing leader goggles with no mask and getting shot in the cheek. The part that sucked was that I was in the final night of a play I was in. I had to pack the brand new cut open ring in my face with scar wax and cover it with makeup.

The second worst was one that grazed the bottom of the junk drawer on a warm day.

I have seen a friend of mine get the lights turned out with a shot right behind the ear. Same guy also took 4 close range shots to the James.

Pulling in third is another friend of mine. We were playing with pumps, 2 on 2 in a 50X75 foot fenced in speedball area. I bunkered him twice and shot him in the pinky both times. I offered him my gloves for the rest of the day.


04-17-2002, 06:14 PM
One time I was coming off the field and I had a friend trailing behind me with a hot spyder and I dropped my mask so I bend down to pick it up and my friend wasnt looking and ran into me with his gun pressed against my spine and it went off.i hit the ground like a ton of bricks. That hurt like hell.Were not the closest of friends anymore.(i shot him in the arse three times right after i got up off the ground)

04-17-2002, 07:40 PM
eesh..i got some advice for ppl who get hit in the hands. go to any sports shop, and get a pair of nike linebacker gloves. i use my pair from football, and cant feel a thing.

ok, so my team and i r practicing positions for our upcoming match, and my friend decides he is gonna shoot me from 5 feet away repeatedly w/ his cocker. having front player instincts, i dropped, firing nonstop from his chest to his 'nads. it was a white line. he was in pain, and my shoulder was bleeding cuz i was wearing a cutoff.

04-17-2002, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by than205
That's an "OLD" local joke.
Sorry if I offend. I did think it was this side of acceptable though.
Again, sorry.

and how do you know the jokes not originaly about him?

04-17-2002, 08:18 PM
err... uhhh....
can I say I'm a postpig?

Micromag man!
04-17-2002, 08:34 PM
most paintfull ive had was my 1st hit.... lol standing out in the open 1st game ever and i was at pb world in orlando playing attack and defend and WHACK right above my nipple .... hurt pretty bad, but mainly cause i didnt know what to explect, but l8er that day i got 3 ppl out in 1 game of hyperball using a rental gun 1st day of pball.... shows im a natural:p

04-17-2002, 08:48 PM
i wanna hear this joke...pm me w/ it

04-17-2002, 08:55 PM
angel boy should get a purple heart for that hicky! genitals, fingers, lip (for us old schoolers). i saw a guy get shot in the temple (1993 bay city open, vellajo cal.)and it knocked him out

04-17-2002, 09:44 PM
I just completly avoid being hit at all :D . Acttually the last to times i never got hit and one rnd got out almost entire team. Most of them were n00bs but it was still fun. Cups suck and they hard to move in. I bet hand hits hurt too.

04-17-2002, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by FooTemps

Psshhh... It hurts for me but I have girly fingers... Girly fingers are more sensitive...

that explains it. but seriously i have been shot in the pinky more than anywhere. the same one on my right hand and it never really hurts. its just like damn im out why cant i tuck that hand in? well i wear full finger jt gloves but i just think that my nerves are damaged there or something now.

Anyone else have a spot that they can poke at and doesnt hurt cause the nerves are damaged from a paintball being so close?

04-17-2002, 11:08 PM
Nice shot at point blank range from an angel. Got one on my shoulder too but can't get a good shot of it. Gonna have a scar from this one.

Jason Reed
04-17-2002, 11:28 PM
Another bad place to get hit is the nipple, i mean it hurts to wear a shirt after thatn for a few days. being a guy it's not that bad i guess but for girls it's got to kill.

04-17-2002, 11:49 PM
All of you who don't wear cups might want to read the following article I came across the other day while browsing paintballnw.com All I can say is that I don't think I will ever chance it without a cup again.

Be warned... the article includes a picture of the damage, so don't look if you are squeamish!


Temo Vryce
04-18-2002, 06:34 AM
14 Guage Nipple Rings. Now that hurts.

04-18-2002, 08:18 AM
err the link doesnt work, u might wanna try it again

04-18-2002, 09:04 AM
hmmm, not sure why it isn't working, try going to paintballnw.com, go to their articles section and you'll see the link.

[Edit: link fixed, I think]

04-18-2002, 09:15 AM
my worst was the knucle of my middle finger(i was already out they kept shooting so i gave them the finger and they hit me right on it)

and the best place to ask this question is the tippmann forum(ask about cups or genital shots) and they will link you to one ofthe nastiest sites i everr seen(ill put it up if i find it)