View Full Version : E-Mag trigger problem .... maybe?

04-17-2002, 04:48 PM
I'm occasiionally having a wierd problem with my E-Mag trigger. My problem is I'll gas up the marker, pull the saftey tab and pull the trigger (set to Electro) and it doesn't move or fire the marker (and yes the safety is off). I then flip the gun to manual and the trigger fires normally, switch back to electro and it works OK for a few shots and then it stops working again. I've experience this intermittently both in my backyard and on the field. Is this just a weak battery or is it something else?

04-17-2002, 04:51 PM
Open up the grip fram and check for broken wires and or bad connections. It sounds like the Hall Effect sensor isnt working properly or has a bad connection to the solenoid.

04-17-2002, 04:53 PM
have you adjusted your magnet? I mean from the front of the trigger. This could be out or in just a bit and be causing all sorts of wierd problems


04-17-2002, 09:11 PM
I have had this same problem repeatedly and could never figure out what was causing the problem and then about the tenth time I played with the gun it just stopped and I havent had problems since.

Have you had it long and what version software does it have.

04-17-2002, 10:55 PM
you have to adjust that center magnet in the middle of the trigger.

04-18-2002, 06:47 AM
I have had the marker since January and I'm running version 2.1 of the software. I have not adjusted the magnets in the trigger frame since I've owned it.

I'll check some things out this evening. Thanks for the help. Feel free to post if you have anything else to add.

04-18-2002, 07:02 AM
Does sound like HES magnet adjustment problem to me.

Version 2.1? Tell me more about this!

04-18-2002, 07:07 AM
I had this same problem for a bit as well. My center magnet was fine (about 1.5mm pull, plenty of room), it turned out to be a mix of a slightly weakened battery (recharge and it was fine) and the fact that my selector switch was getting tapped just far enough out of E to stop the trigger before a full pull could be made.

04-18-2002, 09:51 AM

This is a Shocktech SFL so when I power up that's the version number that appears in the display. It may not be the actual firmware revison or it's unique to Shocktech and the SFL. I have no idea.

04-18-2002, 10:30 AM
Must be...Does it provide any other options that are not on the vs 1.37 that you know of?

04-18-2002, 10:55 AM
I'm not sure if it does. To be honest I don't play with the settings all that much I just turn it on it shot it. I haven't even tried any of the burst modes yet. I'll take a peak and let you know.

04-18-2002, 11:03 AM
Would love to know what you find out. Thanks in advance.

We vs 1.37 have 1 shot along 3 shot and 6 shot burst only. And as well there is the BPS variation and the timers and counters stuff. Heck... you might find you got some sort of Vaporize Em mode! ;)

04-18-2002, 12:34 PM
Oh! Oh! I know! Check the magnet in the top of the trigger that's used to return the trigger back to the forward position. Watch it when you're pulling the trigger. It should stay flush with the top of the trigger. AGD has had a problem with the E-Mag trigger magnet coming out because the glue was poor. I had this happen on my E-Mag and it would fire in E-Mode sometimes, but other times it wouldn't. Turned out my magnet was coming out of the top of the trigger just a hair and so and this would not let the trigger go all the way forward and reset the HES. Putting it in manual mode, pulling the trigger and letting it come back to the forward position from the long pull was enough force to hit the magnet and push it back into the top of the trigger. In E-Mode the pull is so short that it would start wiggling its way out of the top of the trigger and change the position of the trigger when it was all the way forward. This was just enough to make it stop shooting sometimes in E-Mode.

Try pulling the trigger a bunch of times in E-Mode and then put your finger behind the trigger to push it forward. If you feel it go forward just a little bit more, your magnet is coming unglued and that will fix all your problems.

04-18-2002, 12:36 PM
Ok! you win Black! :D

04-18-2002, 06:37 PM

I check the functions on the SFL, it has the standard functions, BPS (adjustable up to 24), Game timer, total shots etc. There is one function at the end ACS which can be set to 00 or 01. I have no idea what that is. Other than that it looks like the standard E-Mag

04-19-2002, 07:02 AM
OK Maybe the addtional one is Anti-Chop Sensor? To be ready for it later?

04-19-2002, 09:57 AM
It seems like everytime I touch this thing something else happens. As suggested, I check the magnet at the top which pulls the trigger forward. It does not appear lose or to move when pulling the trigger. I then pulled out my E-Mag video and watched how to adjust the center magnet and verify the HES sensor is working. I put the battery pack on, let the firmware boot, and waited for the battery indicator light to come on and off a few times to verify the battery is OK. Pulled the trigger back to see if the display would flash (as per the video) and nothing happens. After pulling the trigger, the battery indicator light would not blink again.

Assuming this to be because of a low battery charge I recharged the battery overnight using a Radio Shack 12V 1500mh wall charger. Set everything up again and same thing. Pressed the switches on the back of the trigger to cycle through the different settings and I get garbage on the display. Anyone got any ideas? Is this a bad electronics board?

If I put the battery saver plug back in the battery, pull it and let the firmware boot the battery indicator will blink but as soon as I pull the trigger it stops blinking and won't come back on. For whatever reason I can't do this test. If you've got any ideas let me know. I'm trying to get this thing setup for a tourney this weekend.

04-19-2002, 12:54 PM
The video is wrong on the trigger pull-light thing. It was like that on the first version of software but it does not light up on the later version 1.37 with each trigger pull and I bet on your version either. It all changed after the video was made. Found that out the hard way too. Don't be fooled by all the facts! ;)

04-19-2002, 02:20 PM

Thanks for the headsup on that. It makes me feel a little better. I'll be putting air in the tank tomorrow and taking my SFL out for a backyard spin to make sure it's working. I think it's time for some updated videos.