View Full Version : How can you tell your trigger speed?

04-18-2002, 09:12 AM
I want to know how fast I can shoot my Micromag RT. How do I go about doing this?? Is there any kind of chronograph you can use. What is a normal person's finger speed. I like to think of myself as being able to shoot pretty quick, but I don't want to make an estimate and have me proven wrong by statistics.:D

04-18-2002, 10:00 AM
on some chronos they have a bps meter.

04-18-2002, 10:05 AM
either you can go out and buy that 200 chrono
or find a field that has one

or load your hopper full of balls COUNT the EXACT amount they say they can hold 200 but most cant, so put in like 120 or something, then get a buddy to time 4-5 seconds, fire off as fast as you can, then when your buddy tells you to stop you stop firing

count how many you have left on your hopper and subtract from the initial amount (ex. 150-100 = 50)

then divide that by the amount of seconds that you shot for adn you should have an APPORX amount (ex. 50/5=10 there fore you shot 10bps ~)

this isnt a definate cause your rof isnt consistant so its not really all that good, but it give you an idea

04-18-2002, 10:51 AM
Well I have a Ricochet so I can tell how many balls I've shot. I think I'll try the chrono.