View Full Version : Trouble on Tank selection

04-18-2002, 02:50 PM
1.i've got a 2001 68Automag and a 2002 Vert Autococker, i need a N2 tank for the both of them. I know the mag needs a 800psi input, what about the cocker? if i get a 800 input and the cocker needs a lower one, it won't over pressure it right?

2.Should i go for the 4500psi 68ci which is more or the 3000psi 68ci?

04-18-2002, 02:57 PM
If your field fills 4500, DEFINATLY go 4500

Nobody up here fills 4500 so I use 3000.

04-18-2002, 03:41 PM
if you can get 4.5k fills then go for the 4.5k... even if you cant normaly get 4.5k fills but do a bit of travelin every now and then to other fields and they do, go for it...

as for using it on either marker... i will assume you have an inline reg on the cocker... most of them out there can handle 800-900 input with out problems....

as for doing it... either go the preset screwin route.... or if your going for a high end tank/reg combo then look into ones that use a rail mount... they are usally eaiser to move from one marker to another.... though screw in is the easiest...

04-18-2002, 07:53 PM
how bout going for the flatline
will work good on both
and it only takes afew seconds to adjust the pressure if you are that concerned