View Full Version : ???? about Z's being made for other markers

04-18-2002, 06:47 PM
ok i saw this in another post

Originally posted by AGD
Funny how the Z-Grip idea just keeps coming up! I saw the first proto of the Bushmaster Z today and it looks great. This is the Martinez one.


now... i take it these are going to be upto AGD standereds.... but is the gaurd area going to be a little smaller, so that one could use a forgrip w/o an extender or in manike's case reposition the reg on a b2k.....

and of course this is a great thing for me.... i've been getting the itch to get another marker.... and i already have 2 mags, a over-glorified-autopumper, and a stacked tube blowback.... so i only had 2 choices... a pump of somesort.... or an elec... and seeing how i cant have a Z on a E... yet... i've been lookin at b2ks'.... and seeing TK post about proto Z's forit he made my desision for me....

also is there a projected time frame for when we might be seeing these...(4-6mo, 6m-1y, etc) and how easy will they be to put on.... preset area for wires, switches and stuff....

04-19-2002, 07:29 PM
anyone got any info?????????

04-19-2002, 08:19 PM
talk to MANIKE,he has a Z on his bushy....here come the pics,i actually want to see it again,for the 60th time...but i am sure he can maybe help you out with it....talk to him...

04-19-2002, 09:07 PM
make em for a spyder!!!!!!!!

04-19-2002, 11:54 PM
even better, make 'em for a Raptor! (BE)