View Full Version : nitro

04-18-2002, 09:00 PM
what does it mean to hydro a nitro tank???

why do you have too?

how do you know when you have too?

04-18-2002, 09:12 PM
Hydro = Hydro Testing

Tests performed on All high pressure tanks (CO2 and N2/HPA) ro verify that they are safe for use. If a tank passes its hydro, then its safe to use until the next time it needs to be re-tested.

Without hydrotesting, there's really no way to tell if a tank is safe or not, to tell whether it can hold that 3000 or 4500psi of air. Its essential to the safety of tanks. I don't know how many people think about it becuase of the popularity of HPA tanks now a days, but 3000psi is a LOT of pressure, more than enough to kill you if a tank did indeed fail. Not to worry however, as long as a tank has passed its hydro, its nice and safe, + there are other features in place (burst discs, operating pressure capacity, all tanks are tested at least 4x there operating pressure).

Steel and Luxfer tanks need to be re-hydro'ed every 5 years, a benefit becuause hyrdo testing is expensive ($45 or so). Aluminum, Kevlar, Carbon Fiber tanks need to be tested every 3 years.

[edit] oh yeah, all tanks have a date stamped on them somewhere. They'll say "aluminum, luxfer, carbon fiber, kevlar, etc" on the label and 3-5 years (depending on the material) from the date on the tank, they need to be re-tested

04-18-2002, 09:26 PM
now everything is starting to make some sense but i still have a couple of questions.

what is the diff. between N2/hpa??

i have a vertical adapter on my mag, co2 is the only thing that has ran through it. what parts do i need (if any) to convert to nitrogen???

what is a gas through?

what are regulators?

04-20-2002, 10:58 PM
"what is the diff. between N2/hpa??"

hpa= High Pressure Air.
ex. Nitro & Compressed air(the same stuff you breath, just compressed).

"i have a vertical adapter on my mag, co2 is the only thing that has ran through it. what parts do i need (if any) to convert to nitrogen???"

Shouldn't need to get anything, although most would reccommend setting your gun up for bottom-line.

"what is a gas through?"

Gas-through foregrip. A front grip which whatever gas you're using, travels through.

"what are regulators?"

Regulates the pressure of the gas going into the gun(on tank), or the AIR valve.