View Full Version : Halo Jam clearing sequence?

04-19-2002, 09:56 PM
Hey everybody... I'm a proud new owner of a HALO. I haven't got to play with it yet, but I was wondering about the "Jam clearing sequence" that is advertised on the instruction card.

Auto off
Loader Power Status
Computer controlled
Low battery indicator
Jam Indicator
Jam clearing sequence
Tactile feedback power button
Ball detent

So if any of you out there have any insider info on what the "jam clearing sequence" is... it would be greatly appreciated.


04-19-2002, 10:15 PM
That something it tries to do on its own, its part of teh software.

If that wont work the LED flashes Red/Green You need to power off, open the lid and try to move the paddle backwards a tad and then turn it back on. That all I have ever had to do with mine when I have had jams.


04-19-2002, 10:23 PM
Cool, thats all i needed to know.

Thanks a lot!:D