View Full Version : New mag owner, just about ready to give them up! PROBLEMS!!!

04-19-2002, 11:21 PM
Okay, My used Mini mag arrived today, came with a 68/3k Nitro tank, and that's about it. Well, I coulden't get the Nitro tank filled right away, so I got some of my Anti-Syphon CO2 tanks filled and used them to take it for a test drive. Well, every 5th shot or so, it would "sputter" make a weird noise like it's shootdown. And, when I tried to rapid fire, it would sputter 3 out of 4 shots, at BEST. About 100 shots later, the gun froze completely (despite the Anti-Syphon tank). About that point, I just left it there thinking CO2 was the problem. After getting my Nitro tank filled, I tried it again, to no avail. Problem is still there. When I shot some paintballs, the gun was suffering from HORRIBLE shoot down. Coulden't shoot more than 4bps at BEST. About that time, I posted a post in the tech forum addressing my problem, and trying to figure it out. I figured out how to take the gun apart, and I oiled it (one in each little hole on the valve, and 3-4 in the ASA) and replaced every o-ring I saw (it came with a parts kit). Still, doesn't work. Then, I think I may have figured it out. The trigger. I don't know how, but perhaps I'm not pulling the trigger correctly. I tried to get it to "sputter" and have "shoot down" on the second shot. I tried, and succeeded. Perhaps that is my problem, but I really don't know. How in the world can somebody shoot an Automag with such a picky trigger? Even when I take my finger COMPLETELY off the trigger when rapid firing, and even when I'm pulling it COMPLETELY back, it STILL "sputters"
Frankly, I'm just about ready to give up on Mags altogether. Sell it, and buy a 'cocker. But geez... so many of you are happy, why in the world am I having this problem? This is my first day with a mag, and I'm NOT impressed. Maybe I need to get a ReTro Valve to get it to work, but that's $300!! It SHOULD work out of the box! The guy I bought it from said it worked just fine, and he just used it in a game (and I trust him). Now, I'm out of Nitro, and have a Minimag that doesn't work. I've got a game tomorrow, and I'd like to figure this out before then. Maybe my Tippmann is better than a mag after all.... I just don't know... PLEASE HELP!!! :(

04-19-2002, 11:48 PM
Check the length of your trigger rod. When the gun is gassed up the rod should almost touch the trigger but you should be able to fit a piece of paper between them. A lot of people screw the rod out too far thinking it will shorten the trigger pull, but all it does is force you to short stroke.
If that isn't the problem it could be you, no offense. Many people need to get used to the trigger before they can fire fast with it. Particularly if you have a double trigger. Try it for a day, and maybe you can find someone at the field who can help you figure out if it is the gun or if you just need a little time with it.

04-19-2002, 11:49 PM
Probably a leak or something. Was the tank screwed all the way in? What paint were you using? How cold was it outside? Also were you running the tank right into the gun, or was it on a expansion chamber?

04-20-2002, 12:16 AM
I would look through your parts for non AGD parts especially in the on off area. Change the reg seal and make sure yor bolt is not sticking. It also could be an old spring. This is the problem with used mags. People mess them up give up and sell them. Then the new buyer thinks they stink. It can be worked out I promise mine used to do this also.

04-20-2002, 03:41 AM
was the anti- syphon oriented correctly. If it was upside down the anti-syphon tube will actually suck in liquid.

04-20-2002, 03:46 AM
Mags are supposed to work phenominally out of the box. The stock AIR valve has been shown to fire over 16 bps without visible shootdown.

Obviously your mag has problems. And i can tell you its probably NOT the trigger.

Make sure all the parts are installed correctly and there are NO aftermarket parts on it. The valve diagram is laser engraved on the valve body. Make sure the on/off pin isnt installed backwards.

Also how old is your mag. If it is pretty old make sure you don't have your on off top installed backwards.

04-20-2002, 04:10 AM
you should be able to figure it out, but if anything, before giving up on it at least try and get someone who REALLY does know about mags(hopefully someone at your local store or field) to look at it and see if they can mess with it.

04-20-2002, 04:51 AM
You send me that mag, and I will personally fix it and send it back for no charge. Please do not give up so easy. Not to sound mean or anything, but if you cant fix a mag, you will never be able to fix a Cocker. Send it here....

04-20-2002, 04:56 AM
good man tunaman! don't worry, tunaman is cool, I'm sure plenty of ppl here will tell you the same thing, you can trust him on his word and I'm sure he can fix it.(if not send it to me and I'll fix it,lol)

04-20-2002, 05:36 AM
ya tunas cool...Butterfingers was right about the how the siphon tank was on... unles its one of those smart parts on/off ones each tank must be custom fit to your gun...

04-20-2002, 06:59 AM
lol striker its me fastshot from the tippmann forum

you sound kinda weird when your your like this. any im under the assumption that the mag trigger is similar to a cocker trigger in the fact that you have to pull it back all the way fast and let it go all the way foreward fast. my cocker problem wasnt the fact i was shooting too fast it was the fact i was shooting too slow(im used to pulling the trigger back slowly when i want to only take a few shots)

04-20-2002, 07:15 AM
yep,i would definitly send it to Tunaman,he definitly knows his stuff,OR,if you have stars on your valve,send it in to AGD...they will definitly fix it for you....

04-20-2002, 08:24 AM
no no no, don't send it to agd, I'm not sure but they might take off a star and they have their hands full already. Send it to Tuna or Me(me me me).

04-20-2002, 09:06 AM
Better yet, is there someone on the forum that lives near striker that is competent enough to walk him through this?

04-20-2002, 09:26 AM
Okay, well, somebody said that the bolt might be sticking, so I replaced the blue bumper thing, becuase I think it might have been sticking. I also replaced the bolt spring, becuase it was brass and older-lookig. I've looked all over the valve and I can't find any stars, so the valve is obviously pretty old. It's serial # MM 10138. I think yesterday, while I was changing o-rings, I saw a thing that said "stars 5" but I can't find it now.... :(
I just slaped on my 20oz anti syphon (yes, it's aligned correctly), and the problem is STILL there. I've ot a game today, and I don't know what to do. I can only fire 3 bps at the best... :(
Well, it's obviously an older valve. I don't know if that has anything to do with the problem, but it still doesn't work. :(

04-20-2002, 09:44 AM
do u possibly have an aftermarket valve on there?
that could be your prob

i had that exact prob with my mag, cause i had an aftermarket valve, turbovalve (came with it)

just get another valve
or send it to tuma/havoc

they will fix it

04-20-2002, 10:04 AM
Wow- this post is pointless.

First off, why do you believe this guy the gun works? It obviously DOESN'T, nor does the tank.

No, you dont need to spend the $300 on a Retro Valve, buy the gun new next time than it WILL work. If you buy used, be prepared for a broken gun.

You have no clue whats going on with a 'Mags so your going to buy a 'Cocker? You have to be kidding me..

BTW- Check the regseat, you put it on wrong I bet.

04-20-2002, 10:06 AM
hey man if you got the video

simply take your mag to pieces
then put it back together while watching the video and do what tom says

04-20-2002, 10:07 AM
Reg seat? Sorry, I'm new to mags and their isn't a manual or video....

Tank works fine....

04-20-2002, 10:20 AM
obviously your having alot of problems
and u dont know the mag that well

e-mail agd at [email protected]

and they can send you a vdeio
just give them your serial number

04-20-2002, 10:31 AM
why hasn't anyone stated the obvious...use one of your stars and send it in to AGD and have them fix it..that's what your star is for...and if you're going to go buy a cocker you're very misinformed as to their maintenance...

04-20-2002, 10:31 AM
try calling AGD, or send it to tuna or havoc

04-20-2002, 11:21 AM
Tunaman is a good man and he will honor his word. Send it to him!!! Save a star!!!

04-20-2002, 11:41 AM
sorry i'm just curious as to what the stars you all seem to be talking about are for?

04-20-2002, 01:04 PM
The stars represent how many times AGD will fix the marker for free when you send it in to them.


04-20-2002, 02:39 PM
You can get the manual on-line from AGD's site (airgun.com). It will explain all about how the mag works and the has got a good diagram in the back with all the parts labeled.
Here's the link: Automag Manual (http://www.airgun.com/Images/automan.pdf)

04-20-2002, 02:47 PM

Pull out the valve and on the bottom side of the valve is the on/off assembly that has the pin in it. Pull that out and there should a brass thing that comes out with it or it's still in the bottom of the hole. Turn that thing upside down and try shooting it again.

If that doesn't work, I'll personally look over you gun if you send it to me. I'm in Klamath Falls, OR, so it won't be too far to send it. PM me if you want me to do this and I'll give you my shipping address.

04-20-2002, 04:28 PM
Thanks a ton Black!!! It WAS The on/off pin! YAY! MAGS RULE!!!

lol, yes I do know about cockers, as somebody said I was mis-informed. My friends works fine, and so do a bunch of other peoples... But I originally decided to buy a Mag becuase, if something DID happen to the 'cocker, I woulden't know how to fix it. But now, my MAG ROCKS, and I woulden't trade it for the world! :)

04-20-2002, 04:43 PM
lol striker, anyway thats why im getting a mag(to backup my cocker and becuase they are cool) and half the tippmann forum spazed on me and thought my cocker was broken i was laughing hard at all of them

04-20-2002, 04:44 PM
Good call Black. new guys new to the marker put things in backwards! Perfect. Alls well that ends well.

Kid...get the Video! CAll AGD and they will send you one. Free!