View Full Version : VERY important warrantee question!

04-20-2002, 02:41 PM
Alright guys here is my dileama:

Today my freind had a paintball birthday party and everything was going great until one of my friends asked to use my mag.I said o.k and he was having a fun time with it until a freak accident occured.He was moving up to a bunker until out of the blue a tree limb dropped right in front of him and he tripped over and broke his finger and also fainted.Then I looked at my mag.It didn't shoot and the grip was falling out.The store owner's advice was for me to send my gun to Airgun.The probem is this is a TKO mag and I didn't know if AGD would still honor the warrante.Could someone help me with this?:confused:

P.S. Yes my friend is doing alright.;)

04-20-2002, 03:14 PM
A TKO is mearly a pakage deal... its just a 68 classic with vert adapter, forgrip, barrel and macro line.... AGD will repair it at the cost of a star...

and may i ask who is Danny Love and why are you in his closet?

for those of you thinking im on drugs this is what im refering to

I am an Olsen twin

Registered: Mar 2002
Location: In Danny Love's closet <------------
Posts: 390

04-20-2002, 05:25 PM
Thanx for the answer.Danny Love owns Shocktech and is one of the best players on my favorite team Aftershock.He is my favorite player,so one time I saw him at World Cup,and I hid in his car and he drove home unknowingly that I was in his trunk.I have been living in his closet ever since.One more question.The actual 90 day warrante has not expired yet so would this be covered in the REAL warrante?

04-20-2002, 05:35 PM
Ahh see you learn somthing new every day....

if the 90 day thing has not expired i will assume it is still covered.... let me look into it..

04-20-2002, 05:39 PM
THANK YOU VERY MUCH HOPPYSMAG!:D :D Man did I want to know that.SO if the 90 day warrante hasn't expired yet I could send it in for a whole new gun?Please post when you find out.Thanx again!

Hoppysmag rocks!

04-20-2002, 05:40 PM
no sorry the 90 day warrenty does not cover this and i quote... directly from airgun.com

.................................................. ..........
We are now offering a 90 day limited warranty from the date of original retail purchase. This limited warranty covers some parts, labor, manufacturing defects, and malfunctions. It does not cover abuse such as wrapping the marker around a tree when you lose a game, nor does it cover damage that occurs as part of an accident such as a house fire........

but hey thats what the stars are there for.... if you find out what happend and you only need a new grip.... buy one at the AGD store ( cast alluminum and carbon fiber avalable) , or an aftermarket grip frame.

Now i feel like a jerk for geting you all hyped up and now bringing you crashing down in a pile of flaming wreckage......

04-20-2002, 05:45 PM
Will they charge shipping.How long will it take to get it back|get it sent?

04-20-2002, 05:47 PM
Mods this would be helpful if it was a stickey.We have some many TKO shooters here that they could use this for future refrences.

04-20-2002, 05:53 PM
they pay return shipping you pay shipping there.. it says additional parts charges for larg objects, (bolts, sears,... ect)


We require that you call and get a return authorization number before you send in your marker. This is for your safety and insures a speedy repair. With an RA number we know your name and address, the problem, and the date promised as soon as the marker arrives at our premises.

try giving them a call

9:00 am to 11:30 am,
1:00 pm - 4:30 pm (Central Time)
Monday through Friday

Tech Support Tel: (847) 520-7225

how hard did the gun get thrown.... somebody on this forum got there mag thrown 10 feet down onto pavement, and it still worked. il try and get one of the mag techies in here... you might also want to make a post in TECH about what happend and what your mag is currently like. mabey they can help without you having to use your free repair..

04-20-2002, 06:00 PM
I don't know too much about a mag but an expericed airsmith said that it would be pretty expensive to fix.NO damages to the body but it was dropped from five feet onto a rock on the grip is very lose and I can't get it to shoot.

04-20-2002, 06:58 PM
does it cock when you gas it up??? ( PLEASE!! if you think there is any danger in gassing it up, dont!) and is the trigger pushed forward by the sear. have you tried taking the grip off?? is there any vissible damage to the vaulve?? i cant be sure but it sounds like a messed upgrip frame/sear asembly. as for exspensive a sear assemby is 15$ and a grip is 20.

04-20-2002, 07:03 PM
It makes a pop sound when it shoots but not the regular sound.I do not know how to take off the grip and the airsmith advised me not to.So if I have it fixed for free by AGD will they charge me for the seal.By grip do you mean the grip frame or forgrip?

04-20-2002, 07:18 PM
well the grip is the thing thats damaged right?? cause i have a tko and the forgrips a pretty sturdy item..

04-20-2002, 07:40 PM
Yes the grip is loose and it makes a wierd sound when it shoots.Since you have a TKO could you tell me the name of their website do they have one!

04-20-2002, 08:19 PM
Well TKO makes the vert bottle adapter, the gas through for grip, ASA adapter (bottem line part on bottem of your grip frame, and the macro line. The gun its self is agd. ( im not sure what you mean so i will explain it like your new)

A TKO is a rugular mag perchased by paintball gear.com. then they put on a vertical bottle adapter, a forgrip, and a bottem line with marco line. so its still a AGD gun and is only called a TKO mag becuase it hase TKO after market parts installed...

its this http://us.st8.yimg.com/store6.yimg.com/I/actionvillage_1680_37702914
with this http://us.st8.yimg.com/store6.yimg.com/I/actionvillage_1681_28980084 and this attached to it. http://us.st8.yimg.com/store6.yimg.com/I/actionvillage_1682_23067891 o and one of these http://us.st8.yimg.com/store6.yimg.com/I/actionvillage_1682_70019616

If i missunderstood your question please correct me. im very tired so i would not take any offense if you tell me im way off.

04-20-2002, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by boss_automager
I don't know too much about a mag but an expericed airsmith said that it would be pretty expensive to fix.NO damages to the body but it was dropped from five feet onto a rock on the grip is very lose and I can't get it to shoot.

LOL, Have you tried screwing in the grip frame screw :rolleyes:

RT pRo AuToMaG
04-20-2002, 10:11 PM
the airsmith doesn't know what he's talking about. it's ok to unscrew a grip frame.

04-21-2002, 08:40 AM
Not the grip frame the foregrip.I can unscrew the grip frame but to tighten the grip you have to take this connection thing out.Hoppysmag I know what a TKO mag is but I was trying to ask you if I had to remove all the parts that TKO put on before I send the gun in.Does TKO have a website?

04-21-2002, 09:44 AM
tko if im not mistaken is just a name that action village makes up for its packages

04-21-2002, 10:18 AM
First of all virtually ALL warrantees cover factory defects they do not cover owner abuse. Your car warrantee does not get it fixed for free when your friend drives it into a tree.

Sorry about the accident and I hope your friend is ok. We will fix the marker for our ususual 45 dollar fee pluss parts. I would find someone who knows something about mags because I doubt there is something major wrong with it if nothing is broken off. If it needs a grip frame you can get a replacement from the store and save yourself the repair fee.