View Full Version : SFL owners check it out!!!!

04-20-2002, 05:31 PM
I was messing around with my sfl the other day in my room and I noticed something really kewl. I have to admit I don't like the fact that I have to use a vertical elbow to attatch my hopper. Well not any more. I was holding my revy on top to see how it would look with out it and guess what I slid over the neck. I was like :eek: so I ran out to the garage and got a hose clamp and threw it on and it held nice and tight. I got to play with it today and it worked flawlessly. Except for 2 chops which was probably cause the ball got hung up on the vert neck inside the revy neck. I'm going to sand down the inside of the neck to make it more angles so balls woun't get hung up. The only time I think they got hung up on me was when I was ripping a string of paint. But other then that I had no problems with it feeding all day. Only 2 chops:) Here a pic so you can see what I mean.

Load SM5
04-20-2002, 06:09 PM
Now everyone notice I did'nt start the "Hey SFL owners!" thread.....this time.;)

I think Kila was running his SFL that way. I planned on doing it, too, after I got the ACE installed. But the warp feed screwed that up for me.

By the way 3/4 of a case of Stars again today with no breaks or chops. I never used my squeegie all day.

04-20-2002, 06:13 PM
Nice Spiff. :D hmmmmm, so I take it your one of the few SFL owners that are satisfied with their SFLs? The only other's would be Load and Kila.

04-20-2002, 06:35 PM
I don't think saying that only 3-4 SFL owners are satisfied is fair or realistic. We're going to hear about the bad ones because those are the people who are going to make noise and ask us to help them fix it. The SFL's are basically beta stage right now anyway, so some problems are expected - their being found lets them be dealt with. I have shot an SFL and liked it, but I'm waiting on level 10 and all the upgrades to get one.

04-20-2002, 07:00 PM
If Chevrolet sold me a car and then said "oh, it's a beta stage car" after my fuel pump went out, I'd kick their butts.

Personal opinion has never been a science, and since all we have to base it on is people's complaints, what else do you want us to do, track every single owner down and take a random sample?

04-20-2002, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by thei3ug
If Chevrolet sold me a car and then said "oh, it's a beta stage car" after my fuel pump went out, I'd kick their butts.

Bad example, a great company like Chevy would never do that...

04-20-2002, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by thei3ug
If Chevrolet sold me a car and then said "oh, it's a beta stage car" after my fuel pump went out, I'd kick their butts.

Very bad Example. However, a more distant example would be like buying the first year of any new body style of a car. More often than not there are going to be problems with a first year car, same goes for anything on the market, to include paintguns.
- Seabaas

04-21-2002, 12:16 AM
Your right Ryno. People are more vocal when they are displeased with a product rather when they are statisfied. There could be more people out there who are satisfied with their SFLs. But, until more people come forward with postive things to say about the SFL they own I believe the disatisfied owners outnumber the satisfied ones.

04-21-2002, 12:15 PM
Hey Load nice to see fellow sfl'rs post about neat stuff huh...:D :p Hey do you know it Kila filed down the top inside part of the breech. I want to do it so the balls have a less chance to get hung up on the lip.
Well as for being satisfied with my sfl right now, I'm doin the Happy dance:D. But I did have a few things to complain about in the beginning. But thanks to a couple of people here on AO(they know who they are:) )it is shooting alot better now. All I'm waiting for is the ACE and then I'll be set.

04-21-2002, 03:51 PM
Yeah Very Bad Example, If you said Toyota, Then it would have been better.

04-21-2002, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by Rynoboy06
The SFL's are basically beta stage right now anyway, so some problems are expected - their being found lets them be dealt with.

Ok and the consumer should suffer why?

If AGD is not ready to put out a product and/or there products do not work correctly then they should not be charging if it is in a "Beta" stage. I have heard a lot of problems with them on these boards and off them and until AGD shows some true improvement, do expect me or many others to buy one.

Johnny Bravo
04-21-2002, 04:08 PM
Hey, the SFL is not a bad gun at all. Mine only breaks paint when I am:
A: Shooting really brittle tournament paint w/o a foamie.
B: Playing is sub zero conditions.

Other than that I have hardly any problems with mine.

04-21-2002, 04:17 PM
I personally wouldn't buy an SFL right now. AGD has been telling everybody all along that the next generation is coming. I don't think they should be selling the SFL's without a warning, because some people don't know that they ARE pretty much beta right now, and are correspondingly very unhappy with having a $1450 gun that can have issues. My message is that it is beta, and did you expect the beta to be as good as the final product? 'Cause that's not right. All these people making car comparisions - NO cars would ever be released as beta's, all of them are finals, and many finals of cars have issues anyway. I say, I feel bad for you that your $1450 beta has a high risk of problems, but you did buy it, and if it wasn't an informed descion my pity is limited. The choice, and risk, was yours. You can get the gun early but you take a chance with it. AO and AGD have been and will continue to give unhappy SFL owners their utmost in support, but please, take some responsibility and don't blanket-label a type of paintgun as bad when it's really not yet ready to be judged.

04-21-2002, 08:56 PM
oh and about releasing things to early the KING of releasing things to early is Microsoft:D

04-21-2002, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by Johnny Bravo
Hey, the SFL is not a bad gun at all. Mine only breaks paint when I am:
A: Shooting really brittle tournament paint w/o a foamie.
B: Playing is sub zero conditions.

Other than that I have hardly any problems with mine.

Another happy SFL owner! :D