View Full Version : As promised---my thoughts on the mag after first time use...

04-20-2002, 08:26 PM
Well, I bought my mag setup a few weeks ago, and after buying/trading some parts online, I currently have this setup:
PF mag, DYE 2x frame w/stickies, CP .689 14" black barrel, PMI Drop, SP foregrip, Nitro Duck 47/3000 tank.

Today was the first day I was able to use it after all those weeks (and my 4th time every playing) I was so psyched, that I arrived at the field far before anyone else. I wanted to make sure everyone worked fine, and lo and behold, it didn't. With some help from the field owner, we fixed it (tank was not hitting pin in ASA). I was ready to rock, but had to wait about 45 more mins to play my first game. In the meantime, I took a few practice shots. WOW! The mag is simply a beautiful machine. With the DYE 2x frame, the pull was very short + crisp. I was ready for my first match.....

First game starts up (each team starts at their own barrel and has to grab a flag at the opponent's barrel and return it). I'm a little nervous, but rip shots nonetheless. Man, those balls went god knows where around 75 feet. I thought it was a good paint-barrel match too... Oh well. Anyway, later in the game the mag is put to the test. I get in a firefight behind brush with a Automag RT-totin' player (earlier we talked briefly, and he said how it's just his "backup" and he just wanted to test it out). Lets just say, I reigned supreme :) In the 2nd game, again, we had a little confrontation. I think you know who came out on top again :)

The games continued, and my mag performed just beautifully. No problems short-stroking (except in final speedball match when I tried to shoot too fast, boy what a mess). Overall, it was such a blast. I consider it my first REAL time playing because the other 3 times I've played I had very limited paint and rental gear. I ended up with about 4 eliminations and 3 kills, not many of either, both good + bad. I saw 2 micromags and an Automag RT, which is an extremely high percentage considering only about 10 people had their own markers. (Boy those angels are sweet) After looking back on the day, here are my pros and cons about my mag:

-Compact (I could have just a small fraction of me showing and still rip off shots)
-Trigger (I know the DYE 2x has a lot to do with it, but it just was very smooth, crisp, and short)
-Looks (I love the looks, may not be as flashy as some of the angels I saw, but I think it's beautiful)
-Durability (Worked flawlessly all day even after being sprayed with paint game after game)

-Consistency (At the chrono, I was ranging from 260's to 280's, and it was not rapid fire) What could be the cause of this? The nitro tanks were only being filled to about 1800PSI, could that be it? What could help get me more consistent shots?

The other con I had was accuracy, but that is not due to the marker. I was disappointed because I thought Team Colors in a .689 barrel would be just perfect, but paint was curving unbelievably)

All I have to do now is wait till next Saturday!

Load SM5
04-20-2002, 08:44 PM
Glad you had a pretty good day with your mag.

How old was the paint you were using? Could it have been warped? That could explain your velocity problems and your accuracy.

04-20-2002, 08:44 PM
when u adjust ur velocity it takes a minute for it to kick in, in a mag. cp barrel r ok, but the perfect barrel for a mag that i have used is a boomstick. i havent tried a freak though. also, y is ur tank only being filled to 1800? that is weird, get them to fill it to 2500.

anywayz i remember the first time i played w/ my mag.....it goes a lil something like this:

i arrive at the field w/ my friend at 8:30 expecting it to be packed already, turns out most ppl forgot to turn their clocks foward for daylights saving.

we get out there, and first game i got 3 ppl, and it went on that way for most of the day, and i didnt get out much. when i did get out, it was always from a timmy/cocker/angel so i would get hit a bunch of times. one round on air ball, i flanked the right side and got 3ppl out at the beginning, and then i noticed a father and his two sons, one at a snake, and the sons in the corner. i ran around the snake and nailed the dad about 20x in the back, and then proceeded to neel and unload on the unsuspecting children.....it was fun. later one of my fittings began to leak and i would have to refill my nitro after each round almost.

04-20-2002, 08:54 PM
1800 or so was all the fill station was able to do at the field. They're getting a new one shortly, so it won't be a problem anymore...

04-20-2002, 09:12 PM
Glad you are pleased with your new mag. Now all you gotta do is slap a warp feed on that beast and you will be set to go for the rest of your life.

04-20-2002, 09:21 PM
I'm not a real fan of warps, but maybe once I shot one it would be different. As far as upgrade path, it's more barrels-retro-better/bigger tank :)

04-20-2002, 09:25 PM
I must disagree with you. I would rather get the warp then the retro valve. All the retro valve does it let you recycle faster. The warp helps you performance and makes you a smaller target. Also the warp lets you paintballs feed alot faster. So you can shoot alot faster.

But the best thing you can do is have this setup.

Warp feed
Retro valve
Freak system

Then you can really take your gun over the limit.

04-20-2002, 09:29 PM
For now, I'm just gonna play. I am not very good, and need all the help I can get. 2x a week I hope to do this summer if I can work a lot :)

04-20-2002, 11:44 PM

Is there a regulator on that HPA tanl? I ask because some people just use a co2 tank with 1800 going straight into the gun and this is a bad idea.


04-21-2002, 12:21 AM
Yes thats a very BAD idea.

04-21-2002, 06:03 AM
Umm, i'm assuming there is some kind of reg? It's a nitro duck 47/3000 black aluminum tank. I bought it used. It has a hydro date of 7/00. Anyone of knowing if it's regulating it or not?

04-21-2002, 06:48 AM
Originally posted by ScoobYSnax
Boy those angels are sweet

See, we're not that bad:D

04-21-2002, 06:59 AM
The best part about the angel players was how everyone else trashed em and ragged on em, yet the angel players won more than they lost.

04-21-2002, 08:41 AM
I have noticed that with older tanks the consistancy isnt that great for some unknown reason, i have 2 tanks, a ACI bulldog 68 3000 with a 1-00 hydro date consitancy is just about the same as what he is saying his is +-10 at least, i also have a new nitro duck 90-4500 tuffskin and im +-3 at the chrono.
i run a expansion on my mag aswell so if i ever have to use co2 (gasp) i can (kinda) LOL
but im replacting that with a tornado reg :/
Glad you love your mag and welcome to the family :)

04-21-2002, 09:16 AM
u use an x chamb with nitro? i heard that makes gas take longer to get to the valve which causes shoot down etc

Load SM5
04-21-2002, 09:37 AM
It would'nt take any longer than a gas through grip. Expansion chambers work fine with N2. They just don't do anything.

04-21-2002, 09:53 AM
could it be your regulator seat thats causing velocity problems?