View Full Version : Why make fun of somebodys marker?

04-21-2002, 07:44 AM
Why do people make fun of others marker?
I have seen this at fields, forums, and stores and can not understand why people do it.
Does it make them feel better about there marker, or they wish they had a marker just like the one they are making fun of?
My 2 cents, WHO CARES! just use a marker that you like and are comfy with on the field, so what if someone has a cheap marker, maybe thats all they can aford for now, at least they are playing a great sport.
Well sorry for the rant but I'm just tired of it and when It goes on at our field the person doing the teasing gets one warning, two times see ya!

04-21-2002, 07:48 AM
When people make fun of my mag. I dish out the cure. In 68 caliber pellets.
Seems to work fairly quickly.

I think they do it to make up for certain *ahem* short-comings they may have:D

04-21-2002, 07:57 AM
Same here, say something about my mag and I'll follow you the next game and when I get the person out I'll yell, YOU GOT SHOT BY A MAG! lol ( they get mad but...)

04-21-2002, 08:06 AM
The only markers I've made fun of were the old Brass Eagle ones because I thought they looked ugly. :D

The Mag Man
04-21-2002, 08:47 AM
I would never make fun of anybodys marker just because of how it performed. Maybe the person is low on cash and can't afford a better one. But I would definatly rag on a marker with a extremely dumb looking color scheme. Like Tequlia E-mags, those Superman Cockers, Tom's "Rainbow" Extreme E-mag (quierest looking gun ever), and other ugly creations. Those color schemes are the owners choice, and deserved to be poked at just because I think they are horrificly ugly. :D

04-21-2002, 08:55 AM
dumb looking color scheme. Like Tequlia E-mags i thought you said tequila matrix's for a second! if you did you would be in big trouble...

04-21-2002, 09:41 AM
Perhaps they are afraid of mags, so they have to make fun of them in order to feel better.

04-21-2002, 02:20 PM
But I would definatly rag on a marker with a extremely dumb looking color scheme. Like Tequlia E-mags, those Superman Cockers, Tom's "Rainbow" Extreme E-mag (quierest looking gun ever)[/B]

1. tequila sunrise fades are some of the best around
2. people can like different things for differnt people
3.homophobic slurs really dont help you make your point
4. you spelled yer slur wrong too

04-21-2002, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by liigod

1. tequila sunrise fades are some of the best around
2. people can like different things for differnt people
3.homophobic slurs really dont help you make your point
4. you spelled yer slur wrong too

1. tequila sunrise fades <i>are</i> stupid looking.
2. people can like ugly things if they want, but they shouldn't
3. <i>quere</i> means weird
4. you spelled "different" wrong, and "don't" needs an apostrophe

04-21-2002, 03:08 PM
the word "*****" is just another word like "gay" or "***" that the certain peoples have taken to mean different things.

***** - wierd or unnatural
gay - happy :D
*** - cigarette in English.

EDIT: It appears the filters don't like those words, i won't try to circumvent the filter, but you can probably guess what they are.

but I digress, and to stay on topic, I only make fun of peoples markers when they talk big about them and then get shot out really quick because of their lack of skills.

my phantom got some really nice comments yesterday... :)

04-21-2002, 03:35 PM
lol,those fades are dumb looking...

people make fun of others markers for imtimidation

04-21-2002, 03:42 PM
i feel it is my duty to mankind to make fun of the Nova, which looks too much like a phallus to let go.

04-21-2002, 06:27 PM
But it shoots so nice.

04-21-2002, 06:29 PM
i dont want to flame so im not going to respond.

04-21-2002, 07:09 PM
I make fun of my friend's, just because we pick on each other cuz both of us are usually tryin to fix our guns:D

04-21-2002, 07:17 PM
I like the Nova...

04-21-2002, 07:18 PM
well my gun is better than yours, so its natural that i need to trash on your gun to prove that my gun is much better.
though for reals, they probably arn't good enough to prove it on the feild, so they have to despense insults off the field.

try agreeing with them, see if that throws them off.


04-21-2002, 07:19 PM
I agree the nova looks wierd but its does perform nicely.

04-21-2002, 07:21 PM
I often purposefully bring my "outdated" Tippmann .68 Carbine to the field to draw snickers and comments. Then when I wup them up on the field, I give them a sly smile. There was one tourney wannabe with a 900 dollar tricked cocker I eliminated 3 games in a row with my little $100 tippmann. It was quite fun! :-)


04-21-2002, 08:06 PM
well, i make fun of my friends tippy w/ rt and flatline, because his shots curve like crazy, and he breaks every other ball (exaggeration, but it is really bad).

04-21-2002, 08:41 PM
i like when people make fun of my gun. that shows that they notice me and my gun. my next marker is going to be purple, or maybe yellow, hmmm. i show all those people on the field.

04-22-2002, 11:56 AM
you guys this post started out with people saying its stupid bashing markers
and how it should stop

now you guys are bashing them

04-22-2002, 02:12 PM
I laugh with people, not at them;)

Like a guy i knew once who we called "designated decoy". He had a wonderfully craptactular Talon that he shot a guy in the chest at point blank range with. The ball didn't break. Although, he was always the first guy to lead a charge in a big woods game.