View Full Version : Impulse question

04-21-2002, 02:42 PM
if you have an impulse tell me what you think.
things like pros and cons about performance and stuff.
i'm thinking of getting one, but i don't know anyone who has one, and i've never seen one shot.

04-21-2002, 05:38 PM
There are some pretty Imps out there. Some cons are: Imps aren't Mags ;) and I heard that SP doesn't have that great of customer service.

04-21-2002, 06:55 PM
Smart parts has great customer service. I own a regular imp with a verticle max flow, voodoo bolt, NewDesinz double trigger and Tapeworm. Imps are blazing fast. I bought one for my backup after using a buddies when my E-Mag was down. I just wanted another marker to play around with. Anyway I prefer my E-Mag to the Imp. I would also take a RT PRO over an Imp any day.

04-21-2002, 07:00 PM
Imps are very nice guns, SP has okay CS not the best but better then most. They work pretty god but they are kind of ugly stock. But if you get say a rat, eclipse or demonic they look nice.

04-21-2002, 10:52 PM
mt buddy has an eclipse impulse. it has the first shot low problem, the trigger kinda sucks, its TALL and has lots of kick. I was EXTREMELY disapointed with it. Guns id rather have for the 500 dollar price tag

used intimidator
new bushmaster
new autococker
i think somee people would like rt pros, i personally do not.

04-21-2002, 11:06 PM

Impulses are a amazing marker. I recently bought one and i can tell you pros and cons.

1. Very accurate
2. very upgradeable
3. very good range
nice low opr soo you wont brake paint and u can use the good stuff
4. Maxflow the best regulator in paintball
5. if you get a trigger job after narket trigger or i frame impulses are a speed machine and i mean just as fast as any angel or matrix no joke.
6. if your a cheapo u can run it off antisyphon co2
7. very air efficient
8. wont chop paint if u have revy
9. many other things im forgeting
1. has first shot drop ( this is easily fixed with one of the many after market parts avalible for this problem)
2. If you buy without a local store too help u out and your not very skilled at marker fixing u will have an imp that runs but not very nicely.(otherwise they are awsome)
3. u can shoot so fast u just chop even with revy and vision eye amazingly very very rare( ive done it)
im sure you have heard many things but if u buy one with a proffesional to tune it and servie it you will never ever get a new marker (first hand experience)

04-22-2002, 04:49 AM
"Impulses are ugly."

What about 'Mags?

Their customer service is very good as well.

04-22-2002, 08:44 AM
I just traded a E-mag for a Impulse. They are both great markers. The imp is a littel nicer to paint but the mag is a bit faster and has a nicer trigger. The only reason I traded was there is very little dealer support in the SoCal area for mag. If that changes I will buy another mag.
You can't go wrong with the Impulse for the money it's a great marker.