View Full Version : Emag Conversions

Wayland Fong
04-21-2002, 11:11 PM
I'm wondering if AGD still does the Emag conversions that they offered way back when. Can you do it on a Mag with a ReTro Valve? What exactly is meant by adjusting "tolerances" on the valve?

04-21-2002, 11:24 PM
I believe they still do it, if im not mistaken, they'll do it on mags with a ReTro Valve, or an A.I.R. valve, as they basically just take your valve out and pop it in a E-Mag, so they dont have to worry about the tolerences, except for tuning the valve to work properly in the emag body.

Basically what tolerences mean is the measured distances that each marker has, can vary slightly, when you for example, when you say, put on a new aftermarket bolt, and need to adjust your power tube spacer length, thats partially adjusting tolerences. Due to the fact that your new bolt may not be to the same tolerences as your old bolt, which is causing a leak, adjusting the spacer is changing slight specifications in the valve so everything works together, because in production circumstances, not every part comes out exactly the same, theres usually some very slight size differences and whatnot. AGD is known for having very precice tolerences, meaning their parts come out pretty close to the same between all their parts that they make.

Wayland Fong
04-22-2002, 12:06 AM
hey, thanks a lot...

04-22-2002, 01:13 AM
No problem. :)