View Full Version : A few upgrade questions

04-22-2002, 12:23 PM
Heya, I'm a proud owner of a 68 automag classic with power feed, and I was wondering what upgrades I should get? This is what I am thinking:

A gen-x pressure regulator (does anyone use that? does it screw into where my gas thru grip is? Never seen one before, and the internet pics don't show more then the side view)
Dye ironman boomstick 14" (currently have a TASO pro series 10")
and a dye 45 grip with stickies

Are there any other suggestions? Right now I have a gas thru grip, with steel braid cable running from the horizontal bottle adaptor (on a drop forward) and from the virtical bottle adaptor to the valve system. I am also having a problem with the guns velocity. The first shot is in the desired range, then it drops about 20 to 30 fps. Is this the seater?

Thanks much!

04-22-2002, 12:42 PM
you dont need the gen-x reg... mag valves are a regulator... you will just starve your mag

Krazy Ivan
04-22-2002, 12:54 PM
All you listed for upgrades are good, but no reg, like it says b4 the A.I.R. valve is a regulator.

You want to pick up a tight bore, medium and big bore barrel. The boomstick is awesome for a medium, but look for other barrels to match other paint too and judge whether or not you can afford the 3 barrels.

Also, are you running N2 or CO2? if it's CO2 your first real upgrade I would suggest is going nitro, u can get a real nice tank for between 100-200 used.

lastly, but most important after the rest, go retro!

04-22-2002, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Xen
you dont need the gen-x reg... mag valves are a regulator... you will just starve your mag

Thats good news :) I get to save 99 bucks. Any suggestions on a small and large bore barrel? I have about 700 to work with. One question I have (go fig) is what type of site mount should I buy? I have a gen 2 night vision scope (for scenario games) and have no idea how to mount it on my mag. Already have a 3000psi nitroduc tank. About how many shots should I get from it? I probably get 700 to 800 shots..

Also, should I stick with the steel cable, or go with macro line?

04-22-2002, 06:29 PM
you need a sight rail for the scope to mount

04-22-2002, 11:11 PM
uh....scope? Do you wanna watch the game or be involved?Scopes are a waste of money. By the time you have someone lined up in your sight, you'll be walking off the field with your gun up in the air because you didn't see the guy in your blindspot. Then you'll be watching everyone else enjoying themselves while you sit on the sidelines.

Spend your money on upgrades not flashy, useless parts that just add weight and get in the way of a good time.

04-22-2002, 11:51 PM
if you have 700 to use, I suggest, getting a retro valve($200 on here every now and then), warp(about $100 with donngie), and a revy with x-board or halo if you want the best(if you don't already have one). Plus you would still have enough to buy an Iframe. the scope would only be used at night and could break if it got hit(waste of money) with a retro valve, you can shoot everything in the dark with no problems, lol. just my 2 cents

edit: now that I think about it, with 700 you can buy a Emag, and sell your current gun to buy a warp and halo that's the last set-up you'd need.

04-23-2002, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by Havoc_online
if you have 700 to use, I suggest, getting a retro valve($200 on here every now and then), warp(about $100 with donngie), and a revy with x-board or halo if you want the best(if you don't already have one). Plus you would still have enough to buy an Iframe. the scope would only be used at night and could break if it got hit(waste of money) with a retro valve, you can shoot everything in the dark with no problems, lol. just my 2 cents

edit: now that I think about it, with 700 you can buy a Emag, and sell your current gun to buy a warp and halo that's the last set-up you'd need.

Granted I love mags, but I will NEVER use any form of electric gun. I'll go with the retro valve idea heh. As far as the night vision goes... I allready have it, so well, it's not a waste of money. Second, in scenario games at night, well night vision is a near must for a player doing missions. (I have a squad to lead, and night vision comes in very handy to point out targets to my squad members.) I just need to know of a site rail for Mags

Krazy Ivan
04-23-2002, 02:01 PM
For the sight rail, try and get one from a local shop. I wouldn't buy it online because u can't test it to see if it's snug. I bought a A/M tiger rail, and it would constantly unscrew the set screw and never stayed in place. It also did nothing but vibrate when I fired.
Here's a link so you can see what it is:

Stay away from it like the plague!

04-24-2002, 11:07 AM
Heya, thanks for the help ivan! Went to the local proshop and got a custom site rail made for me, snug, and adjustable. Granted I won't be using it for day play, but for night on those snipe missions this is gonna be great! I also picked up a used retro valve for 50 bucks, needed all the o rings replaced but now it works like a charm!