View Full Version : Weekend Warriors (Oregon Field)

04-23-2002, 08:23 AM
hey...was anyone at weekend warriors april 21? i saw not alot but a few mag owners there and some had warps. just wondering if anyone lives around where i play because i dont know anyone in these forums. the warp/rt mag really rips with some good paint (i can prove it with the welts it left on my friend) respond if u play and or have played here


04-23-2002, 09:31 AM
One of them was probably Matt, he has a MiniMag with a Z-Grip and smoke Warp. The other is Blaine. He has a Retro MiniMag with Z-Grip and Red Warp Feed. They were out there for team practice. I played with them quite a bit this last summer and will start practicing again with them again this summer. I'll be out at WW as often as I can.

04-23-2002, 09:37 AM
I've been to WW a bunch of times. Gene, the owner is a hella nice guy. The only problem I've had is that I play rec-ball, and there never is very many walk-on's there. So, I've been playing at Splat Action down the road.

Also, there is a Big Game in Salem this weekend at Warpaint International. I've been to it twice and it's a lot of fun. You should try that out.

Feel free to PM me if you want more info.

Take care,

04-24-2002, 12:33 AM
Gene is a really chill guy and i love the courses they offer but i just cant seem to shoot diablo paint through my small bore boomstick (i refuse to get a freak due to my pure stupidity) i want one but i just got a new boomer and yeah...

good field good people Anthony and I played many 10x10 speedball scrims against the people there and we learned a few new things...


04-24-2002, 12:36 AM
tubby ninja...who are you? i mean do i know you? i have to cause ive been playin for years in oregon. i am a ref at oregon paintball in sandy and i work at the proshop in gresham. PM me if u have been to oregon paintball and/or might know me


04-24-2002, 12:55 AM
The last two times I made it to WW last summer the Blaze was wayyyyy too small. I think it was just barely dragging in a .684 Freak insert. I'll be bringing Anarchy from now on and paying the extra for BYOP.

04-24-2002, 07:46 PM
Hey, I've been thinking about trying weekend warriors... is it any good? What are your opinions? Another question... where in oregon is it?

PS... would that be Matt of Paintball Online?

04-24-2002, 10:26 PM
weekend warriors is a really good field and my fav course is the 10x10 speedball

there were several paintballonline guys there...


04-24-2002, 10:48 PM
Yes, I was referring to Matt from PBOnline.

04-24-2002, 11:15 PM
Hey sCaN-

I haven't been out to Oregon Paintball. We keep meaning to go, but haven't gotten around to it yet. If you play much rec-ball at Splat, you might know me, but otherwise probably not. I don't play any tourneys, and I'm too old to hang around with the kids who are usually playing at Splat, so we just kind of show up and then wander off when we are done. We'll be the 30 something year olds wearing either all black, or shirts with the Tubby Ninja logo on em'. E-mags and Black Magic's.

You thinking of coming out to the Supergame in Salem Sunday? How bout' you BlackVCG?

Trevy38- WW is a great place to play speedball. Woods field is a little small, but lots of fun. Highly recommended. You can check out their web site at www.weekendwarriorsnw.com.

Take care guys, hope to meet up with you sometime.

04-24-2002, 11:48 PM
come down to the shop in gresham called Gamepad/Oregon Paintball and ask for mike


04-25-2002, 12:46 AM
I'm in spring term of college right now, so I can't exactly make it back home just to play paintball for the weekend. Once summer roles around (June 15th), you'll be able to find me at WW frequently.

04-25-2002, 10:24 PM
sounds good i will be shootin a gx-3 cocker, or a electro lp 98. i might even be playin with my kp-3. too many guns too many options. sold the mag i want another. come up and play at oregon paintball one weekend atleast.


04-25-2002, 10:39 PM
Are they cool with walk-ons? Is it BYOP? If not... what does the paint cost? I'd like to play there sometime, it looks really nice. Good opportunity for me to get better... I freakin suck when I play on public fields!!!

04-26-2002, 02:24 AM
Wow! I didn't know there were so many Oregon/Weekend WarriorsNW players on this forum - very cool. When I first started posting on AO, there weren't any other Oregon members except for Black, now look at everybody! It sure is a small paintball world. Anyway, since everyone is mentioning my name, I figured a response was in order :)


Indeed, I was one of the Automag + Z-Grip + Warp players you saw at Weekend Warriors practicing last Sunday with some of the members of 24/7's Rookie and Am team. My name is Matt, and I'm the Sales Manager over at Paintball Online. The other RetroMag + Z-Grip + Warp player was my friend, fellow PBOL employee and teammate, Blaine. He runs our expanded showroom so if you've ever been to our shop, you've probably met him. Our team is Trigger Happy and we often practice at Weekend Warriors - definitely the best local field for tournament play, and Gene runs a nice, clean operation.

By the way, you are absolutely right about Blaine's RT and Warp ripping through the paint. After his GX-3 cocker died on him, he brought out the Mag for a test spin. Unfortunately, we only had half-dead batteries for his Warpfeed, oops. I told him to take it easy on his RT (which has been tuned to be highly reactive), but when he walked off the hyperball field with 3 empty pods and an empty hopper, I knew he was in for chop-city the next game. Sure enough... Still, I've never seen a non-electro gun shoot as fast as that. He can just tap the trigger and it spits out 3 rounds!


Have we met? Stop in the store and say hi!



04-26-2002, 10:16 AM
Yeah, Matt we met. I go into paintball online all the time. You were the one who sold me the delrin superbolt and first told me about the warp feed. If I'm not mistaken, you have a minimag with a warp and a flatline? I'll stop in.

04-26-2002, 12:27 PM
I've been reading these forums for about a year and did not realize there were so many people from Oregon. I've probably met several of you but we just don't know it. As you can see by my post numbers I rarely post, but have been around for quite sometime. I see some of you play tourney's and are on teams, anyone going to ballahpalooza? Although I have never played in a tounament, I am currently trying to put together a team for ballahpalooza. Anyone interested?

04-26-2002, 11:01 PM
I was thinking about ballahpalooza at one point, but then I realized that I have very little income... I can't support my crack habit if I go to the tourney. I even had a team together and everything. Lousy democrats...

04-28-2002, 10:49 PM
heard that weekend warriors was gunna play this weekend but i had to work at the proshop and ref at the field...u guys should really come up to oregon paintball and if u introduce yourself and whatnot, ill get u some bank off of paint, entry, and air. im not sure when my teamate and i are going back up to ww but soon i hope.

Yipe, i dont know if it was you or your friend but we were playing the sup air course and you or your friend started on the far side. well i was in the back right and you or your friend was to the other side to me and i got the person on the right and either you or your friend got 3 bounces off of my leg (one on top of the other really fast due to warp feed and im guessin rt) and i got taken out of the game by a hit to my barrel. i had to try out so many barrels of mine that day because the diablo was too big for my extremely small bore boomstick and my ss back for the freak is on the way. so anyways who was that, was it you or your friend?

lets keep in touch and maybe get a hold of eachother to play a little ball at WW or oregon paintball or portland paintball...ill play anywhere but lets keep in touch and keep this thread going to see how many pb players there are on this forum from oregon.


04-29-2002, 01:57 AM
Wow, I don't think any of us knew how many people on AO are from oregon. I'm just getting back into the scene after a 4 year hiatus, so any info you guys could provide on good fields and RT mag-friendly(hell yeah!) shops would be appreciated. Also, have any of you guys dealt with Adrenaline Sportz? What do you think of them? My current sentiment is that they're a bunch of mag-haters.

Also, anybody here from University of Portland?
Pilots Represent!

04-29-2002, 11:35 PM

So how is Oregon Paintball? Do you get many people there on weekends? We really want to come out in a couple weeks, but get nervous about trying a new place. Which is the best day to go? Open every weekend? Are you there every weekend? I'll be sure to introduce myself.


Welcome back to paintball. I've been to Adrenaline Sportz, and they seemed ok. The big turn off was the 15 or 16 year old kid behind the counter working on a cocker and yelling the f-word like he just learned it. As much as I use that word among friends, you don't see me at my job yelling it at everyone in the area. I'll stick to Paintball-Online around here. They've got a new shop and seemed to really have up'd the level of service they provide, especially since Yipe started working there. They are supporters of paintball in general; I've never heard them rag on someone for the marker they choose to shoot.

Anyway, hope to see you guys around this summer.

05-01-2002, 06:56 PM
thanks for the welcome, bro. I look forward to meeting everyone on this thread, but unfortunately I will be summering in Boise.:mad: If anybody will be there over the summer, drop me a line!

05-02-2002, 05:28 PM
oregon paintball is one of the best fields in oregon as far as outdoor-woodsball. we have a kind of speedball course we play and its nic is the "fast and the furious". we get a fair amount every weekend if we are playing that weekend. we are playint this saturday the 4th and its an open play for everyone. walk ons welcome just sign a waiver and if u introduce yourself to me, i can hook up paint for a few bucks off. i work at the field everytime we are playing because im a full-time referee. lets all keep in touch...


05-06-2002, 10:00 PM
i was at weekend warriors yesterday (cinco de mayo) and i saw a guy with a warp feed rt mag with a z-grip. was it anyone off of this forum?

my teamate and i were there playing and not too many people showed...respond if u were there


05-06-2002, 10:29 PM
Did the guy with the Retro-Z Mag w/ Warp have a red Flex-7 mask and red Warp Feed? If so, I know who it was.

05-07-2002, 09:40 AM
yessir he did...he seemed like a really chill guy...paintball-online i believe

btw...this is what i was shootin that day


05-07-2002, 08:20 PM

Four of the players on Sunday were from paintball-online. The guy with the Z-Grip+RT+Warpfeed is my friend, teammate and fellow PBOL co-worker Blaine, and you will usually find him in our showroom. He's a great guy both on and off the field.

The other PBOL players that went out were Corey, our newest addition who also works in our showroom, Christian, the captain of 24/7 AM and Fed, a player on the 24/7 rookie team. I'm not sure what Christian was playing with, probably a cocker, but Fed was using a Black Magic with hinge frame and Corey plays with a Mag.

I wanted to play on Sunday but couldn't make it out :( Maybe next weekend.



05-07-2002, 08:41 PM
Wow, lots of people from oregon, kool.

First off, where exactly is Weekend Warriors? I'll be moving to beaverton in the Middle of June to start employment at Intel. Anyone from around that area?

Also was anyone at warpaint on April 28th? I was on the yellow team. I gotta say that was one of the best big games i've been to in the past 6 years. Although Scapouse (sp) used to have some awsome ones long time ago as well. Shot 2 and a half cases. Just wish the air fills woulda gone up to 4500, think most i got any one fill was 3500 psi.

05-07-2002, 09:55 PM
I live just about 15 min. West of Beaverton.

05-07-2002, 10:12 PM
yeah i met fed and he seemed like a pretty chill guy and i also met corey (i think he was the one with a pretty stock minimag) good day to practice and perfect moves and communtication with my teamate...


05-08-2002, 09:40 AM
Hey Oregon_pb,

I live in Beaverton, in the Murrayhill area. I was also at the big game on the 28th. I was on the yellow team too. I was using an E-mag and my buddy had a Black Magic Cocker. I love that game. It's the third time I've played it, and this time was the best. Perfect weather, great day. I gotta admit, I was pretty tired, so I spent some of my time just laying there looking at the sky.

We should keep this thread alive, and hook up to play at WW or Splat or Oregon Paintball this summer.

See ya.

05-08-2002, 10:09 AM

What site/fab are you going to. I work at Fab15, and there are about 20 or so of us (from the RA and Aloha sites) that get together and play all the time. Let me know if your interested.

05-08-2002, 10:48 AM
Weekend Warriors is located in Marquam, Oregon, about 1 hour south of Portland. For those of you who are scratching your head and wondering where the heck is Marquam, it's east of the Silverton/Salem area on HWY 213. For more info about the field set-up, pricing and directions, go to:


I believe they just redesigned their site and it looks pretty nice.



P.S. sCaN - did you pick up your GenX Cocker from PBOL?

05-08-2002, 11:31 AM
Hola! Nice meeting you guys out there. We (24/7) are out At Weekend Warriors pretty much every Sunday for practice. This week we will be out there Saturday though. Drop on by, Infectious groove will also be comming out to play.

05-08-2002, 12:43 PM
Thanks for the info everyone.

Ronler Acres, Shift 6.

all i know atm

05-08-2002, 06:25 PM
Hey everybody, do you think we should start an "official" oregon paintball thread, or is this it?:p

05-08-2002, 11:35 PM
i would have gotten my cocker from PBOL but i got it through my boss because he is my boss and i got it close to wholesale...

fed-ex...i am asssumin this is fed and u were shootin a black magic with a wgp hinge. this is the person with the gx-3. i was with my teamate and i had PINKY on the back of my jersey. i got my pinky shattered by a paintball and my fellow refs and my boss picked up the nic for me i guess.

yeah WW is definately a chill place to go and play due to it being such a smoothly-ran operation and the fact when its pact, there IS competition which is a nice change from reffing once or twice a week.

lets all keep this thread alive baby!


05-09-2002, 03:27 PM
Yep this is Fed with the magic. Nice meeting yall. we should have a little get together at WW. It would be fun to sling some paint with yall.

05-09-2002, 07:34 PM
Y'all? Do what now? Fed, we've got to talk about that accent of yours...

05-09-2002, 09:49 PM
fed, u remember me right bro...the last game of the day for my teamate and i whehn we played hyperball, u came out of the lay down and i shot u in the stomach (the only reason i got that shot off is because we had u double teamed but none the less made me feel good) and my teamate and i both were shootin out gx-3's

its my birthday may 11th and ill be up at ww this sunday but my cocker is at ans to see if they can fix my faulty (from the factory) gx-3 so ill be the one shootin a lp rt 98c with a conquest out there and a big PINKY on the back of my jersey.

hey fed ill see ya out there bro...


05-10-2002, 12:46 PM
Yeah I remeber you guys still got the welts on my belly to remind me =) Yall had me dead to rights. It was a good move, you whould have tagged me eaither way. Happy early birthday. Will see ya out there.

05-11-2002, 12:25 PM
yeah bro...we are gunna be out there tomorrow and i got my conquest on my lp rt 98c and its not my cocker but it sure as hel puts out some paint...

ull see it tomorrow fed


05-12-2002, 09:16 PM
fed...where were ya bro, my teamate and i were there but i didnt see ya.

my 98 sucked...the rt kept backing itself out (due to no set screw or lockdown mechanism) other than that it was a good day.


06-04-2002, 01:52 PM
Been running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Got tons of crap going on. Sorry I missed you guys. I prob wont be able to make it out to the field till July. Ill be out of town. Hopfully ill see yall out there again. Drop me a line at [email protected] Check ya later


06-04-2002, 08:19 PM
thought the thread was dead...i havent been too good about goin there because i have homework cause finals are next week (i stop slackin the last month of school) and friends (got my liscense so i can drive my own *** up to Weekend Warriors. Fed, i hope to see ya up there bro ive been workin a hel of alot at the pro-shop and im gettin a new boxer soon. [email protected]


06-17-2002, 01:58 AM
yup...summer is officially here and that means that im gunna be at WW almost every weekend they are open. only obligation i have is working which is irrelevant (income) but other than that Weekend Warriors is going to be my new home. o yeah i got a new cocker. emag with level 10 and all bugs worked out down the road.


06-17-2002, 02:19 AM
hmm... better keep this thread alive. Im a new paint baller, maybe ill drop by WW sometime with a couple friends... hopefully someone will have a z-grip-ed gun i can try out :D

Maybe i can catch some of you guys on AIM (DSBKoko)


06-17-2002, 03:05 AM
Well this is the first time I've posted here, since I just got my minimag last month. It's nice to see so many paintballers in the SW washington and Portland area, I live in Longview,WA 45 minutes north of Portland. Are any of you going to the scenario game at splat action? I and hopefully several others from my area are going, it would be nice to meet some of you. I haven't stopped in at paintballonline but I order on the phone quite a bit, we buy all our paint from there. I'm purely a rec ball player since I'm old(30), slow and slightly chubby:) and I make a great target, hahah. Anyway, I would enjoy meeting some of you and maybe you can show me around since this is my first time at splat action. Hope to see you there!!

06-17-2002, 04:06 PM

I have a Z-Grip Minimag. Let me know when you plan on coming out to WW and I'll see if I can make it out that weekend and bring the Minimag with me.

06-17-2002, 04:46 PM
Wow! The Oregon Paintball thread lives on! We should all definately get together.

06-18-2002, 12:00 PM
yeah john (splat action) came to my shop and put up a display for his game. im taking my teamate and i to the big game and whoever else i want cause john is cool like that. all u can eat. JUST GOT A MAG YESTERDAY. im back in the family guys. powerfeed mag booyah eclipse kit (i know i know but i got a good *** price on it.


06-18-2002, 12:01 PM
*arse (forgot bout no cursing)


06-18-2002, 12:02 PM
will get pics up soon of my new mag new cockers (got 2 new ones) and of weekend warriors. i have some video footage of me rippin on an emag at WW ill bring the tape and add on next time.

06-19-2002, 03:04 PM
Hopefully I'll see you there Scan, this will be my first scenario game and I'm looking forward to it. I'll have a minimag with S.P. splash kit and AGD Intelliframe(nickel).

06-20-2002, 04:08 AM
yeah, its final that my teamate and i are going but to the last part of it because we gotta work at our field.


06-20-2002, 09:36 AM
So all you guys are up North.
Anyone around Salem, I'm in Eugene but the field here sucks, they really don't care about there players and the fields show it. So I usually head up to Salem.
Anyways I'll have to head up to WW sometime soon

06-20-2002, 11:15 AM
sold my gx-3 a while ago and bought a new booyaah mag few days ago. ill get pics. i want to sell the booyaah because id rather have an intelli. well, i know booyaah are hard to find anymore. i have a big "PINKY" on the back of my jersey because i was playing and i got shot in the pinky and it shattered my bone and ripped my flexor and extendor tendons. i went to the er and the doctor couldnt tell what was bone and what wasnt. it was hyperextended also he said. it didnt really hurt but when i ref, everyone knows me as pinky. even when im running the proshop, i need a new nick.


06-20-2002, 02:55 PM
Black- I'll PM you when i can head out! Thanks!

Hee hee, so many posts! Oreeegon pride, lol

06-20-2002, 05:41 PM
Hey ninja do you have a black E-mag, I think I saw you at the warpaint big game
I to was on the yellow team and I remember asking someone about how they liked there mag.
Anyways just wanderin' if that was you, I was shootin' the booya'd chrome retro mini (say that 10x fast)

06-20-2002, 07:57 PM
i dont want my booyaah anymore so is anyone interested? (i know this isnt a for sale forum but i wanted to hook a fellow AO'er up if interested) honestly used a few times due to soooo many guns. need money at this piont due to new rig! thanks a bunch and we (teamate and i) should be goin up to WW soon so keep in touch with me if ur going up soon. we should play together. [email protected]


06-21-2002, 02:14 PM

Yeah, that was me at the Big Game in Salem. I was on the yellow team with you. Had a great time. Shot a ton of paint. How bout' you?

06-21-2002, 02:20 PM
Yeah, I shot more than I did the last super game, I took a case and a half with me then bought a case there during there little auction then bought another during the sale at around lunch time.
I brought 600 home, so I shot nearly 6000 that day.
Next time I won't spend so much time in the speed ball area!
It was a blast though, I'm going to the 13hr. game at Splat Action next weekend So that will probably be another 2 cases atleast!

06-25-2002, 11:29 PM
I talked to the owner of splataction and they are expecting 300 to 400 people there. :cool: It looks like I might need to buy another case, HEHE!! That is by far the most I've ever played with up to this point, should be fun and chaotic. See some of you there.:D

06-26-2002, 02:26 PM
Geez, There are a lot of people from oregon...I don't really like Adrenaline Sportz, mainly cause of that annoying brat of a teenager. I found that they have a nice selection of expensive stuff though. I haven't ever heard them rip on mags, though it is pretty clear they like cockers. Speaking of which, do any of you own a Bonebrake Cocker? God, those guns are sweet... I want one, badly. I doubt that will happen though, since I bought my minimag about three months ago, so I am fairly new to the nice gun crowd (previous gun was a 98c, not to bad). Do any of you folks live on the east side of the cascades? I live in bend, which kinda sucks since the only two paintball stores refuse to carry nitro or hpa. So I bought a SCUBA fill station. I know the Sage Rats play, but it is hopper ball (no paintdumping, my favorite thing to do. Any way, I might be going to Warpaints next biggame...maybe I'll see you people there. Rock on and Up the Oregon Paintballers! IB
PS If you haven't been to bend, it's not as bad as it sounds, its just kinda small in the nonoutdoors activites.

06-29-2002, 01:17 PM
I can't wait to get back to oregon where they play real paintball... The owner of my field here in Boise said I was going to have to go easy on everybody else. True, I did bunker two kids accidentaly, but it was their fault for not moving the entire game and I literally landed on top of them! I asked if he would give me a pump gun to play with to even the odds, and he said only if I was gonna pay for it. Screw that. I didn't drop 800 on a warp fed RT so I could pay to play with a pump. As far as adrenaline sports goes, screw them, too. Bunch of mag haters up in there, anyways. I can't wait to bunker that fat guy who told me to get an autococker...

07-01-2002, 08:31 AM
Hehehehehe...that "fat guy" is the captain of team Exile. I hope you bunker him BAD. Rock on IB.

07-02-2002, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by einhander619
I can't wait to bunker that fat guy who told me to get an autococker...

Got to be the quote of the century

07-09-2002, 11:01 AM
Hey boys!

A couple of us are going to play some rec-ball this Sunday. Thinking of going to Splat Action. Anyone got any better ideas, or want to join us?

07-09-2002, 11:56 AM
I'll post it on the paintball oregon forums and see if you can get any responses.
Thats what I designed the forums part for , to let Oregon players know where the action is It's only about 2 weeks old so not a lot of people know about it yet.

10-22-2002, 11:03 PM
is this thread dead? i thought this would be the one to live forever because of all of us hardcore AO oregon players. anyone going to the big game up at splat the 26th?


10-23-2002, 07:10 AM
Some of us from Paintball Oregon will be there on the 26th.

If any of you are wanting to attend the Splat Action big game then email me and I can send you a coupon for $5 off admission.

Fox 49 will be there Saturday as well filming for their new T.V. show. So if you want to be on T.V. be sure and attend!

If you need any more info let me know, C-ya out there.