View Full Version : attn: Dingo Paintball, warning to all others

04-23-2002, 08:26 AM
This is a final attempt to contact Carlos "Dingo" Monninigo of Dingo Paintball and a stout warning for the rest of you.

February 21 I placed an order for a 15 degree custom mag foregrip. I sent the check out and it was subsequently cashed by Carlos of Dingo Paintball. I was given two different deadlines that he failed to meet. Carlos has not replied to any of my emails since March 16. I noticed a post of his on this forum dated April 2, which tells me that he has internet service and is choosing to ignore my emails. After several attempts, I contacted him via telephone Wednesday April 10 expressing my concerns about this tardiness in producing the product. He told me he'd make one up over the weekend and ship it Monday. Well, it's 13 days later now and I still have no product.

For Carlos "Dingo" Monningo, I suggest that you contact me immediately before I decided that you've ripped me off. I understand that things happen, but the least you could do is make an attempt to tell me that you are not ripping me off.

For everyone else-save your check stubs and all emails when dealing with Dingo paintball, if you choose to deal with them at all.

Also, anyone that knows the best way to pursue mail fraud charges, please post here.

[email protected]
651 774-0021

04-23-2002, 08:37 AM
eek. i have work with him that's overdue, but... i haven't made any attempt to contact him.

04-23-2002, 08:37 AM
I would try to contact the Better Business Bureau.. not sure if he's a member or not..but the may be able to direct you to someone who could help. I'm sorry to hear how you've been treated, here's a link to the online BBB:

Better Business Bureau Online (www.bbbonline.org/ )

Swing by there and send them an email. Who knows... but I appreciate your warning and I will tell everyone I know to stay away. We can wreck this guys business if he's not careful. NEVER MESS WITH A MAG OWNERS GROUP! :mad:

04-23-2002, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by FrAuStY
Swing by there and send them an email. Who knows... but I appreciate your warning and I will tell everyone I know to stay away. We can wreck this guys business if he's not careful. NEVER MESS WITH A MAG OWNERS GROUP! :mad:

Couple things: BBB is a private group, not government, they can't do anything but not recommend a business.

I know Panzerr is having a bit of trouble with more than one customizer (if this is the same Panzerr), and if I was in his position I would be mighty POed too, and probably would have already sought legal action.

But, if I was him, i'd find someone local to do work instead of sending my gear all over the country, seeing as he seems to be having a lot of bad luck with customizers.

As for Dingo, I know he's a relatively new customizer, but I'm not going to defend him (I usually do side with the guys doing the work), in this case it does seem that he's the one not holding up his end.


04-23-2002, 12:51 PM
That bastard ripped me off also! I too sent him money for the same thing and cannot get a response, or money back from him. Let me know if you have luck finding him or any recourse.

04-23-2002, 01:32 PM
That's wierd, I got a 15* foregrip from him a while ago and he was very prompt and answered my emails quickly.

04-23-2002, 03:20 PM
Do you want to sell me yours then??

04-23-2002, 03:32 PM
Same here! hes got my forgrip and hes making me another.
I have been waiting about a month and a half or so and he has not responded to my emails

04-23-2002, 09:15 PM
I ordered one from him too, took about 3 weeks to get it. I am also the reason that he has the disclaimer that says the gas-through isn't included. For those of you who did get you adapter have you had any problems?
The threads for the gas fitting were trashed, crossthreaded badly. The vertical adapter screw hole wasn't tapped far enough to get it to hold on to the rail.
I have been trying for over a month to contact him via email with no responses.

04-23-2002, 09:21 PM
This is really getting rediculouse. He never answers his phone or returns my calls or answers my emails.

04-25-2002, 06:38 PM
For the rest of you, there's an explenation to why i have not shipped anything to anyone in over two months. For some, those of you that paid thru paypal, I have not received any purchase notifications from them in that time frame. Since i usualy get an e-mail from most people prior to ordering, and not much of my business come thru payupal payments, I don't check my paypal account to see if there's anything there, only when i get an e-mai from the service. Since having been bombarded with nasty grams from all over the place from people i did not even know had purchased anything, i did go in check and i am going to be back logged for a week or so. If anyone who's payed by paypal, and is waiting and can no longer wait, please e-mail me, do not post here, just e-mail me, and i will cut you a check. If you can wait still, drop me a line, and let me know that you still want the part and i'll get on it.

As a last note, and not directed to any one of you guys that posted here, unless you were the coward that called my house and had the balls to leave a message with nothing but profanity in it, with no name, and my kids heard it, or to the same guy who called and when my wife awnsered the phone, procedded to curse her out and threatened to also kick her *** as well as mine if i did not refund him his $10, just know that the police are going to pay you a vist.
Again, my appoligies to anyone that's been left waiting for something, to those of you that i contacted already, also sorry. But there's no need to make threats.

04-25-2002, 07:26 PM
I'll post here if my part EVER arives......

05-02-2002, 10:29 AM
Well, it's been a week since Carlos, aka "Dingo" said he would refund my money and I still haven't got it.

05-02-2002, 11:30 AM
My team was going to order some custom jewels for our team. I am going to wait and see what happens here. If he straightens everything up we may still order. If not I am going to start browsing for someone else that makes them.

05-04-2002, 07:19 PM

05-09-2002, 08:46 AM
Hey Dingo, you should reply to your emails and PMs. I still haven't got my money back.

05-09-2002, 04:25 PM
If you sent money in the mail you can fill out this form.
Maybe even if you just sent money by internet (you might have to check into that one).

05-09-2002, 08:43 PM
I haven't heard from him or recieved anything yet either.....

05-21-2002, 09:07 AM
Dingo = thief. He got me, don't let him get you.

05-29-2002, 01:47 PM
I would just like to add my name to the growing list of people who have been defrauded by Mr. Moringo. He stole about 210 dollars in parts and a money order from me. Does anyone know how to get in touch with him? His email address is no longer functioning. I believe we need to press charges soon.

05-29-2002, 04:05 PM
I'm telling you guys to fill out that form i posted and they will investigate it, it is the government you can't hide for to long from them. if enough people complain then something will definitly happen

05-29-2002, 05:04 PM
I filled it out when you first posted it. I agree. Everyone that's been screwed over by Carlos should do it immediately. He's pissed me off so bad that I put him on my sig, and I hate sigs.

05-31-2002, 01:41 PM
send out a call to all who have be defrauded by Dingo to register with the USPS fraud department. Include the link in the thread. We need everyone to make a complaint. On another note, have you tried calling him recently? I did, but I got an answering machine message, and the person did not identify themselves as Dingo. Is he still taking calls?

05-31-2002, 03:48 PM
I had an experience with Dingo last summer, but just felt he was unnaturally slow and decided not to offer him my business anymore. I spoke with my wife, an attorney at law for a company that specifically handles real estate, property and intellectual property fraud. She wanted me to make it clear, after reading his letter, that any of you who may have threatened him with any sort of bodily harm are in far deeper doo doo than he is for him not providing goods or services. He's got some unnaturally long time to respond like 7 months, legally. Be careful what you say, especially on answering machines. You could easily be charged with 5th degree assault, possibly even 4th. Many states consider this a felony misdemeanor. He's not worth it. Pursue it legally, and above all, keep your cool. I believe that he is a poor business operator, and it is his pocket book that will suffer worst.

06-01-2002, 03:01 PM
OK. Dingo, with the bad influence you have given me and all AOers informed with your problem, all I want is my angeled foregrip/asa/foregrip extender. Believe me, it has been hell trying to play with out a foregrip for 5 months, but know I just don't care. Either make my foregrip, extender and asa, or give me back my old foregrip, extender and asa. SCREW the $15 I payed you. I do feel sorry for the lowlives that called your house and cussed you out about $15. Is the cops comming to your house because of threats worth a lousy $15?!?!?!?! Well just get me my tihs please!

Sincerely, you pissed customer, Jordan Coffey

06-14-2002, 09:29 AM
Still nothing. Not a return phone call, not a reply to an email. Nothing. No refund by the 7th as his website promised.

06-14-2002, 07:20 PM
He sent me a whole page E-mail saying how he is not a crook, he'd have a refund or parts delivered by the 7th guaranteed....... Apparently he's a crook

06-14-2002, 08:07 PM
To be a branded as a fair and honest trader and seller in this business, one must follow 1 basic rule. That rule says that "the customer ALWAYS comes first". Take a good lesson from AGD. They KNOW how to do it. There can be NO excuses to this rule!

06-15-2002, 10:58 PM
uh oh..thats not good..

06-18-2002, 04:34 PM
wow this is rediculous...
How dare he say that he's innocent and not replay to any of his costomers? And he plays victim with 'threats'
How can he argue against over a dozen people who have paid and simply not recieved thier stuff OR even been contacted!?!

06-20-2002, 12:32 AM
go here http://www.ftc.gov/ the Federal Trade Commision, i think there is a complaint form you can fill out, but i would only recommend doing this after you have contacted your lawyer (if it a mattter lof large sums) and/or repeatedly day after day emailed, called, pm'ed him about your problem...try that for a week and if that doesnt work then try the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT

03-29-2003, 09:09 PM
Even more reason why no one should do business with dingo pb
this guy is my good friend and i was there to see it from begining
to end and the whole thing is true


03-30-2003, 03:25 AM
From that PBNation thread
Goldie, you should run for Jesus.
I nearly choked on my orange I laughed so hard!