View Full Version : Air problems..

04-23-2002, 10:47 AM
I was at a tourney the other day and in the middle of fireing my mag made a loud hissing sound and then click, after that the thing would not re gas up. I had too hit the back reg and it regassed up. When this happened i choped a ball , this happened 4 to 5 times. What could be the problem.I'm on Compressed it's going through an expansion chamber cause i don't have a gass through grip.At the time i was using a Tornato reg.

I put my Stock Reg back on and took a strole to the fireing range and shot a few ball over the chrony, my read out was 398 260 267 265 263.. My teamate who is also shooting a Mag with a ANS reg on it was getting 425 270 275 274... That first shot is always hot. The moment i take my finger off the trigger for more then 5 seconds i get that 400 fps shot again.

Whats wrong with it?

04-23-2002, 11:03 AM
Come on! How come you're not using stock?!?! ;-)
Check this thread out, http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7291

I'm thinking reg. seat.