View Full Version : What is more important: Looks or Performance

04-23-2002, 12:38 PM
I personally think that this may be one of the reasons AGD is having a hard time to be more popular than the competition. A Mag, when seen in a magazine is pretty plain looking, even an E-Mag. I know it seems a little unorthodox, but it might help sales to cater to the newer flashier crowd of paintballers.

But my real question is:

Are cosmetics as important as performance? It seems like so many people are doing all they can to make their marker pretty gaudy. I think it is pretty humorous to see people ask where they can get there gun powdercoated or anodized instead or trying to buy a nicer more efficient barrel, or an RT valve or Warp or something. This is just my humble opinion, let me know what you think

04-23-2002, 01:11 PM
There is nothing that bothers me more than someone having an awsome looking gun that makes you drool and then when you ask them what's inside either A) have no idea or B) have not upgraded anyhing to peformance level. Don't get me wrong cosmetics are cool and all but it's much better to be shooting a plain looking gun with deadly accuracy and performance rather than walking off the field matching the paint job on your gun.:p

04-23-2002, 01:14 PM
lets all be real about this, everyone wants a gun that looks cool and shoots good, find the happy medium between cosmetics and performance and you have an angel

why are they so popular? they shoot well and come in about a million different kinds and colors


same reason that impulses are gaining popularity, they shoot well, come its lots of colors and options, and are cheaper than an angel

04-23-2002, 01:41 PM
Paintball's worse than the auto industry.

RiceGuns are everywhere!!

04-23-2002, 01:56 PM
There are many people who have already acieved the performance they want from their marker. Once that is done there is nothing left but to make it look the way you want it to.

I fully agree that performance is most important but most of your higher end guns already work great out of the box.

04-23-2002, 02:04 PM
I say get your marker to the performance level you want, then work on cosmetics. Though, I'd sacrifice looks over performance/functionality. For example, I use to have a sight rail on my 'mag, but took it off because it botherd me when I was sighting down the side. Sure, my mag doesnt look quite as nice with it off, but with it off, I can sight better. :)

04-23-2002, 02:18 PM
lol, you all should have seen my first mag, boy was it ugly but watch out on the field!

04-23-2002, 02:23 PM
looks last
function second

i dunno its pretty stupid for example i will go to my field withg my buddy, people will see ym mag, but then they will see my cocker and marvel at it

his is stillll stock

performance over looks ANYDAY

04-23-2002, 02:43 PM
i go for looks,then i make it look nice...for performance get a nice ReTro valve,then Powdercoat it to look nice....

04-23-2002, 03:41 PM
i have to say... cosmetics does help with sales but ive seen cosmeticly advanced guns not preform well...but then there is AGD..and i have to say i like my RT

04-23-2002, 04:55 PM
Performance first!
Flashy junk will not make it work any better, like crome on a ford, it may look nice but it's still a ford.

04-23-2002, 05:12 PM
well most of you will agree that most people cant pull the trigger much more then 15 bps and that accuracy is limited by paint and volume so like was mentioned many people and companies already make a gun that does that. so what we have is a practical limit to having a good performance gun. now people have in thier nature a desire to stick out or be different to turn heads. people enjoy impressing people. There are many ways this can be achieved one is to by something expensive another is to do something original, and to have something superior to brag about, or make something look good, also allow for options. all these things can be achieved or bought in cosmetic enhancements and features on a gun. So in reality assume that you can pretty easily achieve a gun that performs well, then the item that separates you from the rest and generates sales is looks and options. so angels and cockers have rightfully based on human nature been big sellers.

04-23-2002, 05:40 PM
Performance is better then looks. But its always nice to have a good looking gun.

04-23-2002, 06:20 PM
For company sales I would have to say looks are the main thing that drives the sale. Sure they have to be good guns, but what pushes the buyer to purchase one or the other is more than likely looks.

For me, I would go with performance. My gun used to look like CRAP! but now I'm getting around the the looks *snickers* and now I'm almost ready to reveil(sp?) my minimag!!!