View Full Version : i need a good gun

04-23-2002, 08:52 PM
uuuuuhhhhhh i found a minimag in 888 paintball for 300 bucks with center feed and a jj ceramic barrel and bottomline i was wondering if that was a good deal

also i was wondering if i should buy new or used i want to spend as little money as possible cause i dont know if i have to pay alot for school yet cause i get my school payed for with ups so yeah i might need to wait on the gun so yeah new or used which should i get?

04-23-2002, 09:04 PM
new is better but sometimes you can get a good deal on something used. just make sure it's from somebody with a good rep. if you're new you don't want the headaches assosciated with a gun that doesn't work quite right. $300 is pretty good. i think www.paintballgear.com has a price that's a little lower but without the barrel. i have that barrel and happen to like it. but i also like powerfeed so it's up to you. just remember you're going to need a hopper and a CO2 or air tank. elbow for the hopper too i think. maybe a drop forward. hehe. getting everything setup for the first time sucks. stupid paintball taking all my money.

04-23-2002, 09:20 PM
I think thats a good deal. Because its already a black body comes with a good barrel and a bottom line setup. My friend might get that set up to.

04-23-2002, 09:54 PM
Like everyone else has said, It's a pretty good deal. Perhaps you might want to check e-bay, you might be able to get more bang for your buck. ie. n2, hopper, etc. included.

04-23-2002, 10:04 PM
yeah ah ive been playing now for about 2 years? i cant even remember but yeah ive had a spyder and its worked for me but my shtuff is gettin all stripped and its starting to piss me off and i wanted to go to something that might have a little better quality and i happen to like that its made in the usa and all n e ways enough jibba jabba yeah i have a 9v revvy um exp chamber wow thatl do me good bah not really but yeah um i cant think of what else i got my friends all play with mags my "team" bah we havent even played in n e tournys yeah two mags and one rt wow i think i should be the next to get a mag muahahahaha im just so worried about gettin crap cause people probably wont know how to take care of there gun i know i sure as heck diudnt know diddly and still need to learn alot

04-23-2002, 10:17 PM
oh and also i was reading and i learned that the straight 68 mag classic has more ball breakage cause it blows back and with the powerfeed the blowback causes little or no breaks cause of that but yeah i was thinking that a center feed would be not good cause the blowback from that something would break it more as well