View Full Version : Now this is what it's all about....

04-24-2002, 12:23 AM
Ok, maybe not ALL about, but certainly one of the main reasons we put so much effort into college paintball. This is the online version of an article in the Clarion Ledger, the largest newspaper in Mississippi.


- Chris

04-24-2002, 08:22 AM
Sounds like a good article to me! Paintball needs to represented like that, not like the punks who shoot at animals and pedestrians and such!

I am always explaining how safe the sport is, how fun it is to play. One minute you are "tagging" someone, the next you are shaking his/her hand, And sharing a beer with him/her!

EDIT: was not PC in my article =)

04-24-2002, 10:15 AM
i think part of it seemed kind of mocking. i just skimmed over it but there was one part that stood out to me.

"The paintball competitors do not use a "gun." They fire a paint "marker."

They do not "shoot" opponents. They "tag" them.

And, statistically, the game is safer than golf, says Shaw"

and then

"In addition to tournament entry fees (as high as $1,750) and travel costs, the equipment does not come cheap.

Markers cost from $300 to $2,000"

does anyone else find this mocking?

04-24-2002, 10:25 AM
Well, mocking who? Us? I guess I can see that interpretation, butnot sure how else you'd go about explaining our efforts to differentiate ourselves from wierd militia people.

- Chris

04-24-2002, 12:15 PM
BT- No.

they're just repeating what the players told them. Every tourney player i know uses the "marker" and "tag" PC jargon now, we have to use the activists terminology against them.

I thought the article was very well written, and is very positive to the sport. I wish my University wasn't so lame and would allow a team to start up.


04-24-2002, 01:04 PM
You don't really need you university to LET you start up a club, although being officially recognized can have it's benefits. Many of hte first college clubs, and even some current ones, arn't officially recognized by the school. A club is a group of people who do something together - you don't need universit approval for that.

- Chris

04-24-2002, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by BTAutoMag
i think part of it seemed kind of mocking. i just skimmed over it but there was one part that stood out to me.

"The paintball competitors do not use a "gun." They fire a paint "marker."

They do not "shoot" opponents. They "tag" them.

And, statistically, the game is safer than golf, says Shaw"

Taken out of context, sure. However, the line above those comments explains it, IMO.

"Now, so conscious are the Rebel paintballers of their bad-boy image that the players avoid using any references that might be considered violent or negative..."

04-24-2002, 07:28 PM
ok i get the point... notice the part where i said i just skimmed over it.