View Full Version : whats good air for the retrovalve?

micro rt
04-24-2002, 01:50 AM
I have a micro rt and would like some opinions on some of the best nitro set ups for a rt out there?

Im thinking about going nitro duck maybe mega reg but im wondering if that would be like having a regulator on the gun. Which means it would interfere with the reg already in the valve correct or not correct?

Your help greatly appreciated.

micro rt
04-24-2002, 02:39 AM
Just wanted to clarify

Im looking for a 4500 psi 68cu adjustable tank for a micromag with retrovalve. the air tank has to have good flow and be light. angel air is a bit to pricy, so im looking under $400 for the best possible set up for this marker. i need some help from those knowledgable in this sort of thing to make a recomendation and to be able to back it up with thier reasoning.

will a nitro duck mega reg fit this bill?

Load SM5
04-24-2002, 06:20 AM
It's ok to have an adjustable tank on a mag without starving the valve.

I highly recommend the Centerflag adjustable tanks. I have a Dynaflow 68/4500 and it's the best tank I have ever used. It's light, recharges great and Centerflag has great customer service.

I've owned a few nitroduck tanks and they've been pretty good but lately I've seen a number of them at my field going down and laying around in peices. Im sure the newer ones a are better but I have'nt seen one personally.

04-24-2002, 06:22 AM
Plug here for the 68/4500 Flatline....

Load SM5
04-24-2002, 06:28 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
Plug here for the 68/4500 Flatline....

Sure, Flatlines are great, but are'nt the 4500's currently over $400? If I'm wrong definately look at one.

Krazy Ivan
04-24-2002, 06:58 AM
I have to plug raptor's. A friend of mine runs a raptor on his mag, and he's never had a problem with it.

I also have a nitro duck tank...Old school tank, and it runs awesome, wicked fast recharge and great consistency. Never broke on me. But alas I have to sell it to get my shiny new Armagheddon tank. :D

04-24-2002, 07:22 AM
The 45k Flatline is $350 from Donggie aka Modified Paintball. He has the best deals.

04-24-2002, 10:18 AM
3.5oz co2 most definatly;)

micro rt
04-24-2002, 05:56 PM
I really have two questions here

1.) Im thinking about going nitro duck maybe mega reg but im wondering if that would be like having a regulator on the gun. Which means it would interfere with the reg already in the valve and there for starve it, correct or not correct?

2.) Im looking for a 4500 psi 68cu adjustable tank for a micromag with retrovalve. the air tank has to have good flow, be light and I need it to be able to tune the reactive trigger so, imput has got to be up to 950. Angel air is a bit to pricy, so im looking under $400 for the best possible set up for this marker. i need some help from those knowledgable in this sort of thing to make a recomendation and to be able to back it up with thier reasoning.

thanks for the imput thus far,from what ive heard so far these are the best of the bunch.

1.) Nitro Duck MegaReg 0-1000 imput
2.) Centerflag Dynaflow ?imput
3.) 45k Flatline
4.) Raptor < i know very little about this tank

04-24-2002, 06:03 PM
As long as the output pressure isn't too low you won't starve your RT valve. I'll give the Flatline a plug along with cphillip. I haven't used one but hey, it's AGD. I just dealt with Donggie at modifiedpaintball.com and he's great to deal with, good prices and fast.

04-24-2002, 06:04 PM
no, an adjustable tank will be fine, because thats double regging. the tank reg is one, and the gun itself is #2. the only problem is with triple regging w/ a ergo or vigilante or something like that.

micro rt
04-26-2002, 05:33 PM
ok thanks for your posts fellow paintballers

ive narrowed it down to two. the agd 4500 flatline and the nitro duck mega reg. i believe one of these two are the best for a micromag with retrovalve.

both are light, though i think the nitro duck is lighter. both have good flow. imput is 0-1000 in the duck, so later on i can go low pressure (for a matrix). Does anybody know the imput range for the flatline?

If anyone has experience with either of these two tanks it could be of great help to me in my final decision.