View Full Version : Emag firing issues

04-24-2002, 07:20 AM
I noticed a slight problem with my emag over the weekend that has seemed to only get worse over the last few days.

In "E" mode sometimes the marker won't fire, but once i switch the manual and pull the trigger fully to the back stop the marker will cycle.

When the gun doesn't fire, the board still tells the warp to spin, but the sear isn't moved. The battery is freshly charged (under 1000 cycles on it since a full charge), I have 2500psi in the tank running 850-875 to the valve. Neither my superbolt nor sear show any signs of wear, so I am a bit confused as to what is going on.

Any help would be appreciated.

04-24-2002, 08:09 AM
Sure sounds like could be a magnet to HES adjustment distance problem. And Black has been telling us about a lose top magnet as well causing a inconsistent firing problem as well.

04-24-2002, 08:23 AM
My top magnet looks to be in good shape and the pull against the HES is a bit over 2mm. This seems like a safe distance to me, but i'll try backing it out a bit and see how it works.

04-24-2002, 08:34 AM
Too far or too close I think can affect this. I do not know the proper distance. I am kind of a newbie to this myself. Also try chacking all the soldering points of the HES and the Sear/Solenoid to the board for pinching or lose connection. Also check and make sure no paint is in the area of the HES. Just some ideas is all.

04-24-2002, 09:24 AM
It would seem that it's reading the trigger movement if the warp is getting the spin signal. I'd see if there were any loose connections to the solonoid.

04-24-2002, 09:35 AM
Well, you're obviously getting a signal to the HES with each pull if the Warp is spinning. First check the wires going to the solenoid. Make sure everything is fully tightened down. Also, take out the valve and check your on/off top o-ring. It should be the black quad o-ring. If it isn't, that's your problem.

04-24-2002, 09:59 AM
Will do, if it's any assistance, it looks like the trigger rod is moving slightly with every pull (even those that do not fire rounds)

04-27-2002, 03:45 PM
You might have a bent solenoid rod. Pull out the sear and look to see that the threaded rod the solenoid plunger goes on and the solenoid plunger are all in line. When you take apart the gun do you make sure to pull out the sear axle pin BEFORE you pull off the rail? If not, that will bend the solenoid plunger and cause it to stick and not function properly.