View Full Version : Question for the CPSA guys

04-24-2002, 07:52 AM
Well, I went to look at the scores, and I think my team may have gotten (insert sexual verb here). We reffed the event, and we show no reffing points, and we also had a mark next to our names saying we no longer have the cup entry paid for.

Who should I talk to about this? Would e-mailing Forest and explaining our situation help any? Needless to say, Im not too happy about this. Spending 12 hours working an event sucked, but not even getting points just makes my blood boil.

Any advise would be appreciated.. btw, out team name is ExGen

04-24-2002, 08:04 AM
Of course, if you legitimately did what you were supposed to, give them a call. They are known for silly mistakes.

04-24-2002, 08:07 AM
Thanks, and who or where should I call? Challenge Park? email forest thru his CPX account? there isnt a link on the CPSA website for email (at least not that I could see).

04-24-2002, 11:58 AM
Call him and speak to him directly! Do not rely on email.

04-24-2002, 12:42 PM
These are off the CPSA website. Give 'em a try.

To contact us:
815-729-1332 phone
815-726-2803 fax

04-24-2002, 12:49 PM
Thanks guys, I called Challenge games, and they forwarded me to CPX... They gave took down the info, and my number. If he doesnt return my call, I will try again tommrow..

Thanks guys.

And thanks again to all of the good sportsmen that attended the event. You made it a pleasure to get lit up while checking for hits ;)

04-24-2002, 03:52 PM
I have a question about the CPSA. What is the level of play there? Because I have a team that might enter next year, but I think that we won't be able to compete. It would be our second year of tournaments, if we play next year.

04-24-2002, 05:06 PM
The CPSA is good for about anyone. There is great competition at the top, and 1st year teams at the bottom. Usually they mix everyone up so you get a good variety of competition.

04-24-2002, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by the123
The CPSA is good for about anyone. There is great competition at the top, and 1st year teams at the bottom. Usually they mix everyone up so you get a good variety of competition.

LOL....great competition, who Picasso's Riot and Groundfire??? The cpsa is a waste of time, i absolutley hate it. All the teams do is run their mouths and they are nothing in the paintball world i think maybe .5 percent of the teams in it go somewhere and this year only Farside kidz and maybe Pycho Circus will go anywhere..... There are no prizes and the fields are still pretty much all wooded or have spools unless you go to cpx and then you get to play on that awesome gravel and wait in line for half an hour to get an air fill of 2600! The teams are a joke, the fields are a joke, the prizes are a joke, and to top it off you have the awesome am a and am b divisions which really come down to rookie and sub par rookie.....dont waste your time with cpsa, play the badlandz series atleast they have good fields and better teams and prizes.....

04-24-2002, 11:09 PM
who the heck are you to say these lower teams in the cpsa are wasting their time, for the price you get seven tournaments and get to travel around.
i dont have a problem at all with the badlandz series, as a matter of fact i agree the competition is better but dont come on here and talk all your bullcrap.
you play for a good team but you are making yourself look like a fool by acting like that.
ill admit there is alot to be desired in the series but i believe you guys used to play it and teams like scorpions have played it. its a bragging rights event, if you dont want to participate then dont, but let the other teams be.
we plan on playing at least one or two of the badlandz events also.
not to mention, farside kidz and psycho circus have some awsome potential but to say that they are the only ones is dumb. your taking the sport the wrong way by being so negative, you should be suggesting that teams play at badlandz so they can play better teams and improve their game, not by badmouthing challenge park extreme and other fields in the area.

daniel "skirts" holms
[email protected]

AGD pride
butterscotch yo

email me if you think i am off base or being unreasonable

04-24-2002, 11:38 PM
Personally its a waste of time for me. Id even go as far to say that its a waste of time for your team also, along with any other team with potential. Lower end tourney teams do get the benefit of a decent amount of tournaments but there are teams that all they do is play cpsa and talk trash and its sick.Yeah some teams may go farther but in reality paintball teams come and go so fast.I have very strong opinions about paintball and the cpsa. I just feel that badlandz is superior to every feild around, once again my opinion, wether you agree on it or not is your choice, and im not badmouthing challenge park, it is the truth that they have gravel on their fields and i did stand in line at an event there last year for half an hour in the middle of the day not morning and only got 2600 psi. It would be bad mouthing if i said dont go to challenge park they are (don't try and bypass the curse filter please-cphilip) there with no just reason....

Also my actions and opinions do not represent team strixeforce or any of its sponsors....

in other words im just the punk 18 year old with a mouth

04-25-2002, 06:56 AM
im glad you responded.
you gained alot more respect in my eyes to say what you did,
i agree that we have had our troubles with forest but 7 tournaments for 350$ is really cheap and makes for decent practices. remember, paintball is an expensive sport.

i cant wait to go play at badlzndz this summer, that field is awsome.

if a team only plays cpsa events and talks trash then they are as mature as their 2 week old team is. hehe

whos the captain of you guys this year.
are you gonna be playing anything except badlandz or are you guys gonna try some more nppl stuff, just wondering?

later bro

04-27-2002, 09:24 PM
Josh is still my captain.....we dotn play the badlandz series were a strictly 10 man team..i was just saying i feel the badlandz series is a more superior series to the cpsa in the area.....we just got back from tennessee today and took 3rd in the wpf 10 man amateur event.....we will be doing wpf and nppl events along with the centerflag 7 man because they are a main sponsor of ours and we will be representing them as the only team in that tournament