View Full Version : Charging rechargable 9V batteries for first time?

04-25-2002, 03:19 PM
Kind of stupid question but maybe not and if I had my Volt Meter with me I would not have to expose myself to ridicule by asking but I wanna start some cooking if they are not ready to go now. Also in a way technical but in a way not and maybe something others may be able to use later so I will put it here.

So the question is....When you buy NiMH regargables are they already charged the first time or are they "empty" when you get them?

Reason I ask is I want to let some sit here in the office overnight (10-12 hour charge time for each pair) but if they were precharged I wouldn't want to do that. And my Volt Meter is at home so I can't check.

I bought a Nice charger that will hold 2 at a time and I need all eight of them charged by Saturday Morning for the Kids team Three Man tourney. So I need to start them if they need charging. I got 8 to do. I would have to wait and put the Volt Meter to them to be sure. I guess I can take em home and do it by why not use the works electricity if I can get an answer? ;)

04-25-2002, 03:32 PM
Fire them suckers up. You can charge them thousands of times(if you got the good ones) with out hurting them. The chargers have a circuit in them to prevent overcharging.

04-25-2002, 03:33 PM
Up high... down low... too slow...

I'll answer it myself with the Voltmeter then to be safe. Let you know.

04-25-2002, 03:35 PM
OK didn't wanna burn the work down! Hmmmmmm well....now wait just a darn minute! ;)

I'll take a couple of em and measure them just for the sake of knowing for sure.

04-25-2002, 03:37 PM
Well, any rechargable NiMH I've ever purchased needed to be charged before use.

Either way, NiMH's don't have a memory so throw them in, it won't hurt them.

04-25-2002, 03:38 PM
Also, any NiMH chargers I know are inteligent enought to shut down when they're finnished charging...

04-25-2002, 04:26 PM
NiMH batteries DO suffer from a 'memory effect,' but it's nowhere near as severe as NiCD or Lead-Acid batteries. Lithium Ion batteries do not suffer from the memory effect.

I'd personally go ahead and slap those puppies on the charger. If you fear messing with them (and I sensed fear in your typing), throw'em in your warpfeed and let it rip!

04-25-2002, 04:42 PM
What kind of Batteries (Brand) did you get Phil?:confused:

04-25-2002, 04:44 PM
I will give you a shure fire way to test um. Take one of the batterys, touch the connectors to your tounge, and I think that you will know if it is charged. :D

04-25-2002, 04:55 PM
Paintballer86 I will give you a shure fire way to test um. Take one of the batterys, touch the connectors to your tounge, and I think that you will know if it is charged.

Now thats always fun :D

04-25-2002, 06:43 PM
I was stupid and touched a brand new Engergizer E2 to my tongue to compare to a parially dead one.:) and :eek: those things are strong.:p

I just ordered a couple NiMH for my warp too. I hope they work well.

04-25-2002, 06:54 PM
FYI - The 9.6V Plainview battery charges (1 battery version) do not have auto shutdown.

04-25-2002, 07:58 PM
me and yao (paintballjunkie13)
are having a lickin 9v competition next time we see eachother

04-25-2002, 08:45 PM
The charger that they list on Thomas Distributing with the Plainviews is NOT the one you want to get. Get the Tri-Charger. It meets the specs of the batteries, unlike the one they list with the batteries, it charges two at a time and has auto-shut off. Get the Tri-Charger.

04-26-2002, 06:29 AM
Thats right Chris! You're on! Winner gets a pop!

Oh and I got my plainview 9.6V batteries yesterday, I just tossed them in my warp and they seemed to have been already charged (don't have a voltmeter, my bro has it for now).

04-26-2002, 07:21 AM
OK,I tested a few of them and they all had a full charge already. Now from some of you guys other experiences with some of them not having a charge I guess we can say..."It depends"...not exactly the answer we hoped to get.

What did I get? I bought Gold Peak. These are 150 MAH 8.4V NiMH Batteries

The Charger is also Gold Peak 7Hr Faxst cHarger (although not on the 9V) This one is a smart charger but it seems its smarter on all batteries but the 9V where it does trickle down but not all the way.

I got the GPXB03UL charger for $19.97 and the (8) batteries are GP15F8H at $10.50 each.

All from Zbattery.com

Total with shipping was $108.64 for the charger and 8 9V batteries.

04-26-2002, 07:52 AM
Funny, I was just going to post on this subject.
I just picked a Radio Shack set-up. NiMH 8.4 volt and charger. The charger doesn't have auto shut-off for the 9v. (bummer) Other than that seems a nice package. All for less than $20.
I been feeling kinda freaky but has anyone else done this? If you check the backs of a 9 volt packages, did you notice a note stating the actual voltage will measure at 7?
After I finished charging the new battery, I put it in my warp. Very nice. I noticed a considerable speed increase. (that extra 1.4 volts?) I looked at the Planview batteries for a long time, then I ran across the radio shack set-up. Anyway, I'm not too worried about the extra voltage to much, 9 volt batteries are just so damn expensive. Plus I'm your average American, I don't like to wait for things. (the reason for speedball?)

04-26-2002, 08:02 AM
Yes when I was shopping around I found that all smart chargers (that I found anyway) have a disclaimer about 9V and auto shut off. The one I bought does indicate it will not harm them for quite some time as it does trickle charge but says not to leave them in for a real long time.

Yep they are expensive but pay back should be after 6 uses. I am numbering mine so I can keep up with them as to which are charged and wich are not if they get mixed up in the tool box.

04-26-2002, 11:03 AM
Phil! Why didn't you get Plainviews!?! Those Gold Peaks are more expensive and not even rated as high as the Plainviews. The Plainviews are 9.6V and 170mAh. Oh well, you've already dumped $100 on the other batteries. :eek:

04-26-2002, 11:04 AM
Well I did look at them but was that the site that only took Pay Pal as payment? Seems I ran into that if I can remember...

I'll probably pick up some of those later too. My charger should handle them. It says it will anyway.

04-26-2002, 11:07 AM

That's where I got mine from.

04-26-2002, 11:11 AM
Dang it! I should have asked. Seems to me the place I found them online was a pay pal only site. I found that quite odd realy. So I went this other way and just got a few extra of these but I made sure the charger was capable of the higher ones too. I'll go ahead and get a few of these as well now. Thanks Black for the link.


04-26-2002, 11:15 AM
Oh now it comes back to me...I didn't like the charger at Thomas. I wanted one that had a cord and was bench top. But in hind site I should have made two seperate orders realy. One to thomas for the batteris and one to this other place for the charger. In fact the pay pal place I liked the charger even more than the one I got but...This one I got was second in features.

04-26-2002, 12:30 PM
My question is, is there a 12v battery of reasonable size that we can use on a warp?
I did find one that Duracell makes. I don't know how long it will last.