View Full Version : Jon's short trip to New York/New Jersey

04-25-2002, 05:48 PM
Well, here it is again. Basically, I went to New York and New Jersey to visit my aunt who is in from the Philippines. I may later include pics of my family here that we took but we will see what happens. The trip was good (for anyone asking). I even had a chance to play paintball with Mel's team PBX RED (aka (no pun intended as they are sponsored by them) Fatal Five). Needless to say, we took 8th out of 42. I must say I am quite impressed because this was my first time to play with this team (no practices heheh) Unfortuantely, we were not able to get pics due to weather problems. Paintballistix was a lot of fun too. Only 9 people showed up for the party (most of them on a PBX team) but we still had a blast. Lots of laughs and some good talking. Next time, I will try to give a months notice next time I go back to try and get more people. Now on to the pics. This is Bear (one of the workers)

04-25-2002, 05:49 PM
and more people
Mel and I are in front
in the back are Chris and his boys

04-25-2002, 05:50 PM
another shot of Mel trying to shoot my head off

04-25-2002, 05:51 PM
and another pic

04-25-2002, 05:53 PM
I just wanted to toss this in there. First time my car said it can go 400+ miles (it actally red 410 in the beginning) on one tank (i am estimating a 15-17 gallon tank but not sure). This was on my 2000 cougar.

04-25-2002, 06:47 PM
I take it you're all devoted Mag fans eh?