View Full Version : super bolt

04-26-2002, 10:07 AM
exactly how much does the super bolt improve the performance of a mag?

04-26-2002, 01:18 PM
The Superbolt is half the weight and aids greatly in felt recoil and marker recycle time. Its light weight permits the marker to get ready for the next shot faster (Recycle) and the recoil is reduce since there is less moving mass. The Superbolt is currently unavailible until this summer. If you do a search on the forum you can find out much more about the superbolt.

04-26-2002, 01:26 PM
Yes, in theory the Superbolt, because it is lighter helps reduce marker movement, and speeds up the cycling time…

As was indicated, a quick search will tell you the status and reasons WHY the Superbolt is not available any more (for the time being)…. When it BREAKS you get NO performance at all….. ;)

04-26-2002, 01:49 PM
I understand the the SB has had its problems, but I have been blessed with a foamie SB that seems to be destined for greatness. After 10,000 or so rounds, it has done nothing but blow a foamie once (even when the foamie was missing, it didn't break that many paintballs).

When I installed my new ReTro Valve and fired it with the standard long-nose SS bolt, I really noticed a difference with the marker. The recoil was prominent and the cycle time was much slower. When I inserted my SB, it was as if the whole complexion of the marker had changed; smooth firing, very little recoil jar and much faster ROF.

I will be very happy when the SB is a reliable product on the whole, but I am currently content that mine is working.