View Full Version : More Powdercoating ?'s (HELP!)

04-27-2002, 01:34 PM
OK, here's the deal. I just got a used Classic RT. Opened her up, everything looks great, can't wait to go play! However, the exterior is rather beat up. I would like to powdercoat the body and sight rails as well as the foregrip extender green, and the body tube gloss black.
Now I've heard two big names for powdercoating on this site: kpcustoms.com and RedRider. I need your help here! Who's better, and why? How much would they charge for this kind of work? Please include pics if you've had work done by either of these guys! Also, if someone could give me redriders email, I would appreciate it.

04-27-2002, 02:40 PM
From what I've seen on the boards, both are real busy. They both do excellent work. I'd suggest checking to see what their time frames currently are and get a quote for the work you'd like done. Here are their e-mail addresses

[email protected] [email protected]

I'd just hate to see this thread turn into whose better post. :( They both excellent work and have good reputations here.

04-27-2002, 02:51 PM
Thanks, I'll give em both a ring. I don't want a who's better flame fest either, I just want my baby lookin' sexy!

04-27-2002, 03:06 PM
Ken isn't taking new orders until June 1, because his son is graduating from HS.

check it out here: http://www.kpcustoms.net/index3.htm

green and black should make for a nifty RT though... post pics when you've got it finished!

04-27-2002, 05:56 PM
Redrider does amazing work, do a search on the forum to find more pics of his work, Ive uploaded a bunch over time, so you should be able to find lots. For the time being, heres a pic of a black to red Anodize powdercoat fade he did for me. the pic doesnt do it justice in the least, and actually does look like anodize when in direct light.

I believe Redrider charges $20.00 USD for a mag mainbody, plus $5.00 for each additional part. I could be mistaken mind you, and he is very busy as of recently, so if he takes awhile to reply, bear with him, hes a great guy :)

04-27-2002, 06:17 PM
That looks quite nice. Now, does his price of $20 include stripping of the current finish?

04-27-2002, 06:29 PM
Unless you want a translucent effect, you don't need to strip/polish anything. Some of the effects (I think the "ano" is one of these)need shiny metal underneath the coating to have the right look.

If the type of coating you want needs the stripping/polishing then that is normaly extra.

04-27-2002, 06:33 PM
im about to get mine done black by redrider. i'd go with him. he has excellent prices and i have heard he is really fast

04-27-2002, 07:21 PM
I suggest people do a search... seems they have MISSED all the latest on our friendly neighborhood powder coaters.....

I'd just hate to see this thread turn into whose better post. They both excellent work and have good reputations here.(as well as other statements made by other members) It is good to get the latest information, and that is NOT what is being told in this thread... sorry.

Unless you want a translucent effect, you don't need to strip/polish anything. Some of the effects (I think the "ano" is one of these)need shiny metal underneath the coating to have the right look.
That is also not quite accurate. It is NOT good to Powder Coat over an existing paint job. It has to do with the electrostatic process of Powder Coating. Also with quality.... :rolleyes: At least that is what the companies that MAKE the equipment say... and I tend to believe them.

I suggest people read up a bit more on this, or they will end up with crappy results. But that is just a suggestion...