View Full Version : Intelliframe

04-27-2002, 03:46 PM
I recently picked up an Intelliframe. Love it! One thing, though: there is a little over a 1/16" space between the back of the trigger & the tip of the sear pin when the 'Mag is gassed up. I'd like to snug it up a bit. I know that it's a big-bad to mess with the sear pin length, but it seems like the only way to get rid of the space. Any help would be great...

04-27-2002, 05:36 PM
i have the same problem on my micromag, i'm also not sure if that would throw things off

04-27-2002, 05:39 PM
the space is supposed to be there... if you put a stock frame or even the Zgrip this space will be there also....

remember the trigger on the mag is nothing more then a hooked piece hanging from a pivot point.... in one really wanted to you could take the trigger out completely and operate the sear rod that way.... but your finger will tire and have a nice indentation on it to boot.....

the only thing i would recomend if you really cant stand it that much would be to fashion a triger stop that would limit the forward travel of the trigger..... but remember to leave a small gap anyway... or the whole thing will be that much eaiser to short stroke ending up in more chopping and cleanin on the side instead of playin....

04-28-2002, 06:22 PM
Uhhh well you forgot something, or didnt know. Teh plastic frames have a smaller gap, they are made differently from an aluminum frame. Therefore "measure from the back of the sear fulcrum to the tip of the trigger rod. The length for carbon fiber frames should be 1.980” and 1.990” for an aluminum frame." So as you can see the intelliframe should require you to pull out the trigger rod some. Dont worry about it, its ok, just make sure the measurements are about 1/16" of a gap.