View Full Version : Computer wizzards. LOOK

04-28-2002, 04:29 PM
what the ELL is this? these 3 dudes were hanging out next to my C drive. what are they?!?

04-28-2002, 04:33 PM
ok i cant get a pic, but they say New_c on 63...(bunch of #'s) its a icon that i can click on, they have the same pic as the one on my C drive. its under my computer

does anyone know what i mean?

04-28-2002, 05:54 PM
need a pic or exact text. to get a pic you can post, hit the print screen button. open paint and click edit/paste.
trim out the excess. save it as a lower quality format and post the pic. sounds like you have extra icons pointing to the same drive. put them in the recycle bin and see what happens.you can get em back if you have to. if you have ME just do a system restore to a point when you know they werent there.

04-28-2002, 06:55 PM
I'm having troubble posting the pic, it may work now

04-28-2002, 07:05 PM
Those are mapped drives to network shares, check who else uses that computer, they may have added them.

Or if you possibly logged into a work computer from home.

Also, what software has been installed lately?

04-28-2002, 07:32 PM
1) Open a DOS prompt
2) Type format c:\
3) Install your favorite flavor of *nix ... Unix, Open(Free,Net)Bsd, Solaris ... :)


Like was said earlier those look like shared drives.


04-28-2002, 07:32 PM
yep, potatoboy nailed it, they are mapped network drives. to whos computer i dont know. do you have a network at home? or like potatoboy sez, maybe someones mapped into work or something. have a brother or sister that fancies themself a hacker?
does anyone know if the subnet 63.202.xxx.xxx is internet or private? ive pinged some ips in that range and time out or get destination net unreachable messages.

04-28-2002, 07:38 PM
thats public range

here aree the private

class a: 10.xxx.xxx.xxx -
class b: -
class c: -


04-28-2002, 07:52 PM
thanx, i have that info here somewhere, i was just looking for it but you were quicker!
would you happen to know the smallest *nix distribution that supports USB and wireless network adapters. i want to upgrade my redhat 6.1 box. i wont be running X.

04-28-2002, 07:56 PM
Well taking out X alone will reduce the size a good amount. The problem with most distro's today is they are fricking huge by default. Red Hat and Mandrake are almost 1 gig with their "default" install. The smallest I have fits onto one 1.44meg floppy. Has network support also :) heeheh but is used mostly to rescue my machines or break into friends Linux boxes.

I would recommend that you look into Slackware and check out their Zipslack ... which is a distor that will fit onto a zipdisk (100 meg), and can include networking and USB. You can install it to a hard disk and not just a Zip Disk.

What kind of machine are you looking at installing onto???


04-28-2002, 07:58 PM
thats the wired thing, I nor my dad is smart enugh computer wise to do any of that stuff. We really think someones hacking into my computer. anyone got any ideas?

04-28-2002, 08:13 PM
yay. I restarted them and their gone...hopefully. muahahaa

04-28-2002, 08:27 PM
p2 266 64megs 3 gig partition for linux 2gig for win98 using lilo
iomega zip 100
matsu****a(matsushiznita, dang cus filter) DVD drive
soundblaster awe64 v
mpact2 dvd 2d 3d graphics processor(no x support for this chipset)
linksys wsb11 v2.5 usb wireless network adapter
sohoware 10/100 pci network adapter

i was looking at suse but thats huge too!, and i tried installing peanut(which is only 150 mb) but it constantly crashed my machine when installing from the disk.
ive had previous success with debian and of course redhat, i cant figure out why this peanut wont install. maybe my iso image is corrupt.

ill go to slackware's site and check out the zipslack you mentioned
thanks again

04-28-2002, 08:46 PM
do you have a network at home? if so do you have a firewall?
next time you think something funny is going on try bringing up a dos box and typing
netstat -a
at the prompt.
take a screenshot and post it here, one of us(lopxtc, myself
miscue or one of us geeks) will be able to see if there are any unusual connections to your machine. you may want to blank out your machine name or ip address if they are visible first before you post though.

04-28-2002, 08:50 PM
I have no idea what ur talking about (sorry)
think its bad?

04-28-2002, 09:08 PM
its probably nothing. i would invest in a firewall though if you have an always on connection.
go to www.zonelabs.com